In Need of Creepy Music


I am looking for some creepy music if it is evocative of insects or small crawling horrors too all the better. So please let me know what music you use when you want to scare your players.

George Crumb comes to mind, especially Night of the Electric Insects from Black Angels. There were a couple of pieces in Eyes Wide Shut, a section of Musica Ricercata by Ligeti and something by Pook that were unsettling. I also like Rachmaninoff's The Isle of the Dead.

Grand Lodge

Nab the Bram Stoker's Dracula soundtrack.

usually I find that the music only works if you get the players caught up in the story, so the music needs to fit the situation or distort it. For me the most successful "scare" music I had was the soundtrack from Jurassic Park, but try to check to see which kind of music will fit the pacing of the story you are telling before selecting the track.

I would also suggest looking at Nox Arcana albums like Necronomicon or Darklore Manor.

Midnight syndicate, the pandorum sound track and nox arcana. For heroic stuff, I'd reccomend two steps from hell, they're my heroic go to :-) All of these are on spotify ;)

Thanks for the suggestions so far people. I hadn't heard of Midnight Syndicate but from what I have listened to so far I like. Electric Insects was a great suggestion too.

Try Turok 2 - Hive of the Mantids OST!

Make sure that whatever it is, it is instrumental. Lyrics are distracting.

That isn't the ambiance you're looking for, but Gustav Holst's The Planets has some pretty good stuff for gaming background music.

The Exchange

redliska wrote:
...if it is evocative of insects or small crawling horrors too all the better.

Track down the soundtracks for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, The Mummy, and Batman Begins. There are cuts from each soundtrack that will work well for... swarm scenes. (The cut I'm thinking of for the Indiana Jones movie is helpfully titled, "Ants!" which will save you some time.)

Musica Cthulhiana

Soundtracks are often good as long as the players don't recognize them, they lot when they do sadly. With a little filtering of the most recognizable ones it often works out well. Silent Hill, Twin Peaks the Myst series offer a lot of variation when it comes to creepy background music

Shadow Lodge

I've always wanted to use the pre-boss-fight soundtrack from Super Metroid on SNES; I have a soundtrack that loops it for 10 minutes (and the boss music, too).

I think it would be great for fights and tension, even if it were recognised from the game.

Soundtrack for Insidious.

Here is a link to the reanimator theme, i find it to be kinda creepy.

Second Midnight Syndicate

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