Feegle |

I picked up the Base Set a week or so ago, and happily went about dividing all the cards into their appropriate locations with the diagram in the rulebook. But there's a LOT of space left - I'm specifically thinking about the henchmen space, for example.
Is the intent for me to break out the adventure packs and sort the cards into their respective sections? And if that's the case, then why on earth would I want to have space within the box to hold the adventure deck/character deck add-on boxes, if all their contents are going to be spread throughout the rest of the thing?
If that's not the intent, then where are all the cards that will fill this baby up going to come from?

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The Adventure Card game is designed for supplemental releases of card decks to fill out the game.
In addition to the Boxed set you will need to purchase at least 6 other decks.
To quote the blurb directly at the top of the page for the Pathfinder Adventure Game
"Your adventure begins with a Base Set containing nearly 500 cards, including the first chapter of an Adventure Path that offers your characters interesting locations to explore, monsters to fight, and villains to hunt down, as well as piles of weapons, spells, armor, loot, and everything you need to build you own unique character deck.
Expand your party with the Expansion Deck, which offers additional character classes along with more equipment and other options for customizing your character, and lets you bring up to 6 players to the gaming table!
The adventure continues in bimonthly Adventure Decks containing 110 cards that extend the Adventure Path begun in the Base Set, adding new scenarios, monsters, villains, weapons, spells, allies, loot, and more! Subscribe to the line to have each new release delivered directly to you. Subscribers receive a 20% discount off MSRP on each new release."
Tells you up front that you need additional decks to be released later.

Feegle |

Right. But are these cards going to come out of the Adventure Decks? If I pull all the cards out of the Skinsaw Murders deck when I buy it next month and distribute all of them through their respective card locations, why do I need a huge space for an empty Skinsaw Murders box? If I buy the Character Expansion pack, and put all the cards through their spaces, why do I need space for that box inside the Base set?
It just seems to me that they've given me two spaces for every card that's to come, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something.

h4ppy |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The only justification I've seen for having the space for the boxes is that you have to completely banish some cards (back to their boxes, so they're not in the game at all any more) as you move through the AP. E.g. once you get to Scenario #3 you completly banish (out of the game) any basic cards that are banished by a game effect.
Having said that, I'd much rather just have bigger spaces for the card types and some dividers to separate out 'in game' and 'out of game' cards!

Madquest |

I threw away the character add on box LOL (Tore it open) so that's one 'slot' that will never be used.
I can't see any reason for so much space, the box could have been half the size!
Edit: No wait! If I take out the insert and make my own one it'll be big enough so I can sleeve the cards PLUS throw in my own designs :)

h4ppy |

Well, the space for the boxes is useful for storing extra dice and some awesome standees too :)

StarSlayer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
If you do keep the add on boxes, it gives you a place to keep cards that go out of play later in the game. about the 3rd expansion you are supposed to remove cards that have the BASIC trait on them (not just cards that have B in upper right corner). That is to give the feeling that you are getting better so you don't keep finding things that are not useful any longer. When you are mid level games, basic thieves tools will not be as useful as masterwork tools, basic weapons will not be as useful as magic weapons and so on. So like mentioned. short of making a divider for each section, back into the box to keep them "out of play".

hfm |
I was contemplating this myself.
It seems like if you're on an adventure, from what I can tell, you only have the cards for that adventure out?
Let me throw out a scenario, so a little bit down the road I am playing Fortress of the Stone Giants (deck 4).. StarSlayer has said at that point you remove Basic trait cards.
Are you also supposed to leave in non-basic cards from adventure decks 1-3? Or are you only supposed to have cards from adventure deck 4? The more I think about it you're probably supposed to leave in cards from previous adventures. When you get to deck 6 are some of the deck 1 and 2 cards under-powered?
I've only been playing a very short time so I haven't even broken out the Burnt Offerings yet. I've only played the Perils of the Lost Coast scenarios on my own (my wife wants to play tomorrow.. :P). So I would imagine when I get ready to play burnt offerings, I have to mix all those cards in with the rest and play with everything together.
I saw somewhere in the rule book that they suggested keeping all the cards in alphabetical order. I had to laugh at that after I shuffled every stack to create my first character and scenario run. I don't even see how that's possible if you're supposed to be randomly picking cards to build the location decks.
And I also agree on the topic of what's up with the size of the henchman slot in the box, that seems like one of the smaller stacks..
So loving this game!

Feegle |

That's fair, I suppose, but I can't help but feel it would have been much more space-efficient to just give us one row for "removed" cards, rather than space for boxes.
Not opening the adventure deck box until you play that adventure isn't really necessary. Hell, with the cardboard and space you save from eliminating the box holders, give us thick cardboard dividers to use to split "in-use" cards from "upcoming" cards. I made my own for precisely that purpose.

Firedale2002 |

So what will you do when you're done with the game for a few months after the last adventure pack is released and then decide to start fresh?
If they made a section specifically for 'not in use cards' it'd have to be space for 660 cards. And then they'd have had to print dividers to be able to separate them between not in use yet, not in use now, and then dividers for each individual adventure pack so you could see where one ends and the next begins, which increases costs.
Add on that as it stands now, the game is highly collectible and resellable in the long run since the adventure packs easily fit within the box, so if you go to sell it, you can say "Oh, and it has all the original packaging, even for the adventures!"
How many games can say that? Most collectors that want to do something like that end up with a stack of boxes that get separated easilly and lost/stolen.
Having everything fit in one box all nice and tidy is a plus in my book, even if a lot of people think the space could have been better used.

R S 516 |
You will have noticed that with the base set that less than half are Basic cards. That's not many to remove after adding deck 1, 2 and 3.
Also notice the size of the spaces in the box. There's going to be a lot more henchmen yet.
I just want to check, quickly - is there any reason not to break all the henchmen, villains and locations out of their adventure decks ASAP? There aren't any "draw a random H/V/L" effects, right?
I ask because that giant empty henchmen space is bugging me, and I'd rather keep it filled even if I'm not playing the new adventure from a new deck immediately.

PunkrawkBbob |
I think you're right (from the cards currently available) - there are no 'random H/V/L effects'
No, but it is stated in the book if you want to build your own scenarios to go nuts and have at it. Would love to see a section of player made scenarios in the event my friends and I catch up to the end of the adventure. Right now we play through about 2 scenarios a week - Assuming we don't lose, we'll be ahead of the release curve by about a month every adventure.

PunkrawkBbob |
I'm confused - The way you guys keep talking about banishing cards you're saying they should be permanently removed from the game (adventure path) outright? The rulebook states that they should return to their decks inside the box.
Then once we start Adventure 3, all basic cards should be removed from all decks within the box (at which point I plan on returning them to their respected adventure boxes, and core game cards will go in the adventurer add-on box).
Am I wrong in either of those two thoughts?

Firedale2002 |

I'm confused - The way you guys keep talking about banishing cards you're saying they should be permanently removed from the game (adventure path) outright? The rulebook states that they should return to their decks inside the box.
Then once we start Adventure 3, all basic cards should be removed from all decks within the box (at which point I plan on returning them to their respected adventure boxes, and core game cards will go in the adventurer add-on box).
Am I wrong in either of those two thoughts?
Yep, you're wrong on your second thought.
When you start Adventure 3, a special effect kicks in, but you DO NOT immediately go through and remove all the basic cards from the box. You only remove them after you encounter them over the course of a scenario. Please read the adventure path card.

hfm |
I'm still confused as to how exactly it works. If I was on AD3, would I have AP1 and AP2 cards out of their packages and also mixed into the "box"?
I know the scenarios, villian, henchmen, locations etc.. won't get used.. but there's monsters, items, etc.. that could potentially get used..
I mean if we're on AD6 when that's finally released do we have all the cards from AD1 through AD5 in play for when building location decks and the blessings stack?

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I notice the slot in the box for Henchmen is bigger than the slot for Monsters.
Is that right? Should they be reversed?
I have twice as many Monsters than Henchmen, and that is just from the Basic, Character Add On and Burnt Offering decks.

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I would expect that in every adventure deck. There are 5 scenarios per deck, and each one needs to have enough villains and henchmen for 8 locations, if you're playing with 6 players. So that's 5 villains and 35 henchmen in each deck, assuming they don't repeat. Or there could be more villains in special circumstances, such as an adventure with more than one, or The Sandpoint Devil.

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Well, you'll be removing monsters from the game as you go, but you won't be removing henchmen, so...
Actually, you will probably be removing henchmen as well. Other than closing out a location or something that summons them, I don't think they are used much anymore. Looking at The Skinshaw Murder, it has its own henchmen and don't use any of the old Henchmen.