Claxon |

While in the magic jar, you can sense and attack any life force within 10 feet per caster level (and on the same plane of existence). You do need line of effect from the jar to the creatures. You cannot determine the exact creature types or positions of these creatures. In a group of life forces, you can sense a difference of 4 or more HD between one creature and another and can determine whether a life force is powered by positive or negative energy. (Undead creatures are powered by negative energy. Only sentient undead creatures have, or are, souls.)
This section of the spell seems to imply yes

HaraldKlak |

"You can't choose to activate the body's extraordinary or supernatural abilities. The creature's spells and spell-like abilities do not stay with the body."
It's all in the description...
This was my initial reply as well.
BUT, automatic and natural abilities (so ex and su abilities not requiring activation) still apply. And the energy drain seem to be an automatic ability on their slam attack.
Based on that, I'd say yes, you can make yourself a vampire.
However, you are going to have some problems:
- The vampire normally choose whether to create a spawn or fully-fledged vampire? You don't get to choose (the active abilities portion above), so I'm not sure what you become.
- It takes 1-4 days for you to rise as a vampire. Longer than your magic jar works. When that time ends your are going to be under control of the vampire that created you. Best solution to that problem, is to destroy it while you ride its body. However that might be complicated, since you need to stay within range of the gem and your own body, while being sure that your body can survive alone for up to three days, without exposure to vampire-unfriendly enviroment, when you wake up.

HaraldKlak |

We can argue semantics (I'd say Create Spawn is not an automatic ability, unlike in 3.5 description block), but when the spell ends, your original body is effectively 'slain', your soul thus falling in the "nowhere to go" category.
The "nowhere to go" result in your character dying. Being dead is usually one of the prerequisites of becoming a vampire.

Bizbag |
Avenger wrote:We can argue semantics (I'd say Create Spawn is not an automatic ability, unlike in 3.5 description block), but when the spell ends, your original body is effectively 'slain', your soul thus falling in the "nowhere to go" category.The "nowhere to go" result in your character dying. Being dead is usually one of the prerequisites of becoming a vampire.
It is, but the Vampire didn't kill you with Blood Drain or Energy Drain; you died to the Magic jar spell. He has to kill you with one of those abilities for it to work.