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Up Taldor!
By the grace of Her Serene Highness, Princess Eutropia, and His Imperial and Royal Majesty, Grand Prince Stavian III, and in honor of Her Royal Majesty, Arazni the Red Crusader, I am pleased to announce the formation of the Taldan–Gebite Joint Expeditionary Regiment to assist the much-battered forces of the Fifth Mendevian Crusade!
Born in reaction to partisan attacks in Geb first thought to be the harassing work of Knights of Ozem or misguided Pharasmites, but later proven without a doubt to have been caused by demoniac agents provocateur, the Regiment was at first scoffed at by nearly all who heard of it. (You Only Die Twice)
It was, in fact, only through the wise and generous Pathfinder Venture Captain Drandle Dreng that I learned of this unconventional fighting force's existance and desire to assist us all in the containment of the fiends of the Worldwound. I immediately set out to bend all of my resources to ensuring its success. (Shadows Fall on Absalom)
After many letters back and forth between Bordell-on-Jalrune and The Guilded City, I was given command of an elite force of mixed raiders to test the effectiveness of the military venture I was staking my reputation on. Under the banner of Geb, my troops and I showed that not only could the forces of Garund and Avistan work together, but they could do so even with the traditional Crusader soldiers too busy to join us for our delicious victory waffles! (The Wardstone Patrol)
With numerous affidavits of the regiment's prowess in hand, the time was upon me to ensure proper outfitting and unimpeded transport of the Taldan–Gebite Joint Expeditionary Regiment to the battlefront. The standard troops of His Imperial and Royal Majesty continue to guard the borders of the Empire, as the lands of the allied Jalrune estates have begun collecting volunteers from the unbearded masses of thier rural holdings.
Full of forethought and mercantile cunning, the servants of the Red Crusader, myself, and even Scion Lord Kerkis of House Damaq have all ensured that the Mechitar-Absalom-Golsifar trade routes created to smooth the way for the Regiment will not only pay for transport, but leave plenty left over to reward all those who do their part to ensure our success! (The Hellknight's Feast)
So, join me in a cheer and a toast to the success of the newly formed Taldan–Gebite Joint Expeditionary Regiment, and remember: “Sick the wolf on the tiger and the hunter’s work is done!”
The Right Honorable Lady Lillebryst MacFaileas, Visbaronetess of Bordell-on-Jalrune, Corvette Captain of His Majesty's Zimar Corsairs, Colonel of the Taldan–Gebite Joint Expeditionary Regiment, Gythia of the Sacred Sting, Dragonslayer, Husmær of the Ulfen Guard, Member of the Lion Blades, Companion of House Avenstar

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"Greetings. I am Xandir P. Wifflebottom. And this is my companion, Ling-Ling." The young halfling points to the Wolf that he is riding.
"By perhance, are there any openings in this Taldan–Gebite Joint Expeditionary Regiment? I'm a strong (well, for a halfling) mounted warrior, originally from Lastwall, who has recently joined the Pathfinders, and allied himself with Taldor. And I have yet been assigned to any company, much to my chagrin."
And remember: I'm on a never-ending quest to save my girlfriend!

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My dear Lieutenant Wifflebottom, I am proud to induct you into service as one of the Regiment's first cavalry Troop Leaders. May your service be a credit to your people and Taldor both!
The Right Honorable Lady Lillebryst MacFaileas, Visbaronetess of Bordell-on-Jalrune, Corvette Captain of His Majesty's Zimar Corsairs, Colonel of the Taldan–Gebite Joint Expeditionary Regiment, Gythia of the Sacred Sting, Dragonslayer, Husmær of the Ulfen Guard, Member of the Lion Blades, Companion of House Avenstar

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With a graceful curtsy and sly wink:
But, of course! And if you should know personally any other worthies who have sworn service to the Empire, why send them along here to me, and rank with the Regiment can be theirs as well.
The Right Honorable Lady Lillebryst MacFaileas, Visbaronetess of Bordell-on-Jalrune, Corvette Captain of His Majesty's Zimar Corsairs, Colonel of the Taldan–Gebite Joint Expeditionary Regiment, Gythia of the Sacred Sting, Dragonslayer, Husmær of the Ulfen Guard, Member of the Lion Blades, Companion of House Avenstar

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Ducking behind a barrel as some running ruffians rush rapidly a route. A white clad figure turns oddly towards you. He looks slightly infernal and obviously Taldan by the crown on his lapel.
Um, I see you're crusading. I too share that Mendevian spirit to be far from here. Pray is there gunpowerder about? I've run low this weekend shooting...rats....and you can never be too careful at night.
Is this Tabbard free? Looks nice and fits comfortably. Not too many cuts in the fabric.