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I have been a loyal pathfinder for over four years, and have been also a loyal citizen and representative of Andoran.
There have occasionally been conflicts between the will of the society and my affiliation, but these have been minor, and have generally been resolved to our mutual benefit.
I have been completing tasks assigned by the Society's Venture Captains, while managing to spread freedom and democracy around the Inner Sea. For this, the citizens of Andoran appreciate my services, and my influence and contacts within my faction have grown.
Imagine my surprise to learn that, starting last month, my faction must obey the Society's wishes and bend over backwards to serve the Society's desires, without the ability to further its own goals, yet still be required to give its members a reward for nothing.
This is an affront to the sense of fairness that every sentient being is entitled to.
It seems that over the past year, you have managed to chase away the Lantern Lodge, assimilate the Shadow Lodge, and demote the factions into a "silent observer" role.
Congratulations, Grand Lodge.
Congratulations, Ambrus Valsin.
Just be warned, that not all Pathfinders, political entities, and groups will appreciate these actions.
Have fun while it lasts, because I'll be having less.

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So you would rather clean up after your faction-head's messes than do the real work of the Society, while keeping an eye out for opportunities to advance your factions goals. I for one am glad to not have to be searching for the fourth Pharoah's sixth cousin, seven times removed's chamber pot.
I should note that the Lantern Lodge was not driven away. Speaking as a member of the Lantern Lodge I can say that Mistress Li completed the mission that brought her to the Inner Sea. Now she has returned to her home, but with the added support of the Society, where she will work towards the goals of the Pathfinder Society in Tian Xia.
I am doing no less work for the Sapphire Sage in this "new world" you see than I did for Mistress Li.
You seem to have failed to understand that your faction's existence has been tolerated simply because the faction as a whole has always placed the Pathfinder Society first. Hopefully Major Maldriss will take you in hand before you embarrass him and the rest of your faction further.

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-dips a piece of waffle in chocolatey creme goodness-
To much misplaced pride i think. If you two are the face of the Pathfinder Society, we might as well join the Consortium. Knowledge above all else, remember?
Not sure what I did wrong. I simply pointed out the flaws in this other persons complaints. I have been polite and reasonable.
As for pride, yes I am proud to have been a member of the Lantern Lodge and to have aided Mistress Li in her goal of expanding the Society's range to Tian Xia and securing the long term alliance with a highly influencial group in that region.
I am also proud to now serve the Sapphire Sage and his ideal of Knowledge before all else.
I see neither of these as flaws.

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An Aasimar priest of Pharasma, Archbishop Sigmar Ericson, if your memory serves, looks at you and begins to speak.
"I find that your lack of loyalty is all that you've shown. You are under the impression that you serve a political party that serves a foreign power first and the Decemvirate second."
"Allow me to disabuse you of this misconception. Here in Absalom is where your toast is buttered. It is the Ten who provide you protection from prosecution for most crimes you may commit on behalf of your Sapphire Sage. I grow weary of the Sczarni smuggling narcotics under the guise of the Pathfinder Society, enjoying its protection and then complaining about the cost of such service. I certainly don't appreciate an Andoran freedom fighter moaning about serving the Ten, when he frees slaves in Cheliax or Taldor and the only reason his face doesn't show up on a wanted poster with Hell Knights hunting him down, is because of the Decemvirate's influence. And Osirion's agents enjoy these same protections."
"To me your complaints are those of a disloyal dog, who wants to eat from one Master's bowl but guard another Master's house. So, may I recommend you think long and hard, where your first loyalties lie. Because you can always go and serve the Pharaoh, just remember, once you strike out on your own, you leave the protective wing of the Ten and the people on whose toes you've stepped on, will no longer feel the need to be weary about exacting their vengeance against you."
"Or do you honestly think the Cheliaxians forgave so easily or that the Taldanes forgot so quickly? Especially when your misdeeds crossed the line and they would have every right to hunt you down and put you on trial, for some of your actions."
(To himself: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, such is the foolishness and lack of gratitude of the young.")

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An Aasimar priest of Pharasma, Archbishop Sigmar Ericson, if your memory serves, looks at you and begins to speak.
"I find that your lack of loyalty is all that you've shown. You are under the impression that you serve a political party that serves a foreign power first and the Decemvirate second."
"Allow me to disabuse you of this misconception. Here in Absalom is where your toast is buttered. It is the Ten who provide you protection from prosecution for most crimes you may commit on behalf of your Sapphire Sage. I grow weary of the Sczarni smuggling narcotics under the guise of the Pathfinder Society, enjoying its protection and then complaining about the cost of such service. I certainly don't appreciate an Andoran freedom fighter moaning about serving the Ten, when he frees slaves in Cheliax or Taldor and the only reason his face doesn't show up on a wanted poster with Hell Knights hunting him down, is because of the Decemvirate's influence. And Osirion's agents enjoy these same protections."
"To me your complaints are those of a disloyal dog, who wants to eat from one Master's bowl but guard another Master's house. So, may I recommend you think long and hard, where your first loyalties lie. Because you can always go and serve the Pharaoh, just remember, once you strike out on your own, you leave the protective wing of the Ten and the people on whose toes you've stepped on, will no longer feel the need to be weary about exacting their vengeance against you."
"Or do you honestly think the Cheliaxians forgave so easily or that the Taldanes forgot so quickly? Especially when your misdeeds crossed the line and they would have every right to hunt you down and put you on trial, for some of your actions."
(To himself: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, such is the foolishness and lack of gratitude of the young.")
"I believe you are mistaken. The fool is a member of the Andoran faction, I was attempting to make him aware of much of what you have said. Please pay attention before you berate someone. I am quite aware that the Society receives my first and strongest loyalty."