I'm designing a campaign I want to GM where the PCs will need to become the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. This is not going to be set in Golarion, but will use Pathfinder rules in a homebrew world that is fairly standard - my own gods, my own nations, but typical Fantasy RPG fare. If it could work on Golarion, it;s probably acceptable for my game.
Ultimately, the problem I have is that I have more than 4 players, and I want them all to have a Horseman they can be. I have a list of ideas for alternative Horsemen, some of which are just synonyms of the traditional Western Four Horsemen, but I'd like some better ideas.
I already have, for example, broken Pestilence into Pestilence (Disease/Plague) and Infestation (Plague of Locusts/insects) and Pollution.
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The traditional horsemen actually include Conquest, not Pestilence, so if you were so inclined you could just reintroduce him and variants of him.
Suffering(Pain/Dispair), Betrayal, Selfishness, the seven sins(though wrath comes close to strife), Desecration/Sacrilege, Decadence, Fear(Pain and panic, ala Aries), Darkness, Lies, Forgotten(loss and that which can't be remembered), Sorrow. Lots and lots and lots of bad things happen that are outside of man's control or as a part of humanity's being and fall and lots and lots of words for those things.
You can invert the horseman; so, for instance, War could be Peace and an era of peace ushers in complacency that causes catastrophe. Or life (health) brings overpopulation and collapse.
War (Primary)
Famine (Primary)
Death (Primary)
Pestilence (Primary)
Infestation (As you suggested)
Poison / Venom
Betrayal (As MrSin said)
Greed (As MrSin said)
mr sin's list is good, and probably plenty long. if (for any reason) you want to augment or refine it, and domain or sub-domain offered only (or primarily) by evil gods would probably suffice.
Ruin, Anguish, Decay, Madness, Corruption.
Go Prime Evils: Terror, Destruction, Hatred.
Any negative noun or adjective can be a horseman!
Make their cohort the Horseman on Stubbed Toes!
Yes. Good, good. Let the spite flow.
The horsemen of paper-cut, soda-through-the-nose, lip-bite, and d4-caltrop.
Ciaran Barnes wrote: The horsemen of paper-cut, soda-through-the-nose, lip-bite, and d4-caltrop. Lip-bite, especially inner lip bite is my mortal nemesis. Although, along this line of thinking, lego-on-the-floor!
Well pestilence retired due to penicillin and was replaced by pollution.