How to use / acquire blessings cards and receiving help

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Here's the thing:

I know how to acquire cards except for the blessing type. So I draw a blessings card and stick it face up on the discard pile, right? I roll a check to acquire it and succeed, do I put it in my deck, my hand or leave it in the discard pile?

Also, supposing I'm in combat and a player (who is in the same location) wants to help out, he simply uses an item, spell or blessing card right? He can't use a weapon card since he's not in combat with me at the time, correct (nor can he use an armor card because that applies to himself only I'm assuming)? Can allies be used in combat and if so, can ANOTHER player use his ally?

Actually, on acquiring cards, do I put them in my hand or shuffle them into my deck?

Also, if I want to close a location that doesn't have the villain in it (but does have a henchman in it), does the henchman have to be defeated first? Do I banish all cards upon trying to close the location whilst leaving the henchman there (much like I'd do with a villain)?

Liberty's Edge

1. For the blessings, are asking about those from the Blessing deck? Because you not encounter those and you can't aquire them. It's just a counter of turns, and they can influence the BoG. Those uou encounter in the locations, you can encounter as the other boons and you put them in your hand.

2. Your second para graph is correct. Yes you can use an Ally if the says so, and other players can too.

3. When you acquire a card you put it in your hand ( unless you have played other cards that turn or have a card that let you explore, you will shortly discard it or another card from your hand in the reset phase).

4. You have to defeat the henchman to get a chance to close a location.

Myriade is correct all around. To expand upon closing of locations, you can close a location when the deck is empty *or* when something else tells you that you can. In these scenarios the Henchman tells you that you can. So if you encounter the henchman and defeat him then you can try to close the location.

Only way I have seen a location with a henchman still in it close is there was a Barrier that summoned a henchman that said to close the location when defeated. In that case the henchman would be discarded (but not the villain).

The closing of a location from summoned cards does NOT occur.
Pg 12 of the rules, first paragraph under summoning.

Thanks guys :)

Regarding the closing location when deck is empty, is it automatically closed, or do we have to attempt to close it (hence it may take a few turns to close if we don't pass the check)?

Silver Crusade

frostshoxx wrote:
Regarding the closing location when deck is empty, is it automatically closed, or do we have to attempt to close it (hence it may take a few turns to close if we don't pass the check)?

From page 13 of the rulebook:


Usually you get the opportunity to close a location after a defeating a henchman from that location deck (see Henchmen on page 17), or after that location deck runs out of cards (see Your Turn on page 9).

When you have the opportunity and want to close a location, do
whatever the location’s “When Closing” section says.

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