Ulshrzhma |
Soo the idea is to make next character focus mainly on fighting with javelins and thrown missiles; as such I figures to make her a barbarian in lieu of choosing Ranger or such. That would allow a fair amount of backup when it comes to health and melee ability. And then I had a silly idea -- why not make her go into being an arcane Archer. To do so she would have one level as an orc blooded sorcerer towards the start. Failing this they could go pure bard or rather than barbarian take fighter for more feats. Thoughts? How would you all go about this?

pipedreamsam |

The arcane archer's abilities only work on arrows so unfortunately you would not be able to do anything with javelins there. There is a barbarian archetype called hurler that trades fast movement for increased range on your thrown weapons though. I do not think that a bard would be able to keep up damage wise as the levels scale.

JKalts |

Bards, even the Arcane Duelist, are going to be hard pressed to keep up as far as damage and to-hit goes. Barbarian gets a number of rage powers and even a dedicated archetype toward throwing weapons, so in lieu of trying to force the "one true way", you should compare anything else to that first. (Or see if any of the Barbarian levels are lackluster and worth multiclassing).
On a related note, a Blinkback Belt might be worth looking into, in addition to things such as an Efficient Quiver for your ammunition storing needs.

punkassjoe |

Back in 3.5, I had some effectiveness with a Barbarian/Ranger with the Archery Feat Track. While I haven't run the numbers in PF, I'd figure this would be relatively easy to replicate (and you could still use a bow! recommending an Adaptable (variable strength bonus to damage) Composite Longbow).
Throwing axes are fairly cheap and effective slashing weapons in melee, add Quick Draw as the feat and there you go. (ranged feats being: Point Blank shot for sure, rapid shot for an extra attack, Far shot for reducing range penalties and Manyshot. Precise Shot includes thrown weapons explicitly and doesn't hurt.).
Javelins aren't bad, and pilums can take an opponent's shield bonus away, it just made more sense to me to use throwing axes since they could also be used in melee. Light Hammers are also an option.
Consider the Returning weapon property if you consider my idea fun.
I would recommend the Hurler archetype as well, in spirit. I haven't looked at it yet. (I rather liked having fast movement with MY barbarian ranger.
My character (8th level) had an epic win moment against a low flying opponent when he unleashed a flurry of axes at him while raging.