Finally, after 14 years

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Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

He shot me with an arrow and had just leveled from 2 to 3 while I was still 1st, so I had no means of reciprocity that did not involve getting my butt handed to means save genocide, that is! >:-)

Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

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It should also be mentioned that he was attempting to double-cross the rest of the party when I out-double-crossed him...and the rest of the party. All for three wishes, baby!

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
He shot me with an arrow and had just leveled from 2 to 3 while I was still 1st, so I had no means of reciprocity that did not involve getting my butt handed to means save genocide, that is! >:-)

so did you coup de grace him/them in his/their sleep?

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
It should also be mentioned that he was attempting to double-cross the rest of the party when I out-double-crossed him...and the rest of the party. All for three wishes, baby!

love this post! Good to have you back on the boards Greg!

Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks Laric, I'm really just dropping in between boards study sessions, but it's good to check in.

Coup de grace in their unimaginatively Philistine. ;-) No, I turned one of Bill's patented super-complex, party-killer traps against all of them in such a way that it left only me alive. Good times. [snicker]

Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

He then ruled that I drowned though when I swam down the wrong tunnel afterward and the that the rest had never happened.(buzz-killer)

Laric wrote:
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
He shot me with an arrow and had just leveled from 2 to 3 while I was still 1st, so I had no means of reciprocity that did not involve getting my butt handed to means save genocide, that is! >:-)
so did you coup de grace him/them in his/their sleep?

They had made some super secret pact to set off the trap in the cavern to fry the rest of us while they "shared" the wish-granting treasure. Unfortunately for Skeeter, Greg double-crossed him. I had suspected foul play and had already retreated out of the cavern and down the tunnel a bit. It might not have been far enough to escape the resultant explosion. Bill puts nasty traps in his dungeons! (As if that's news...)

~ninja'd by Greg!

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Just the first example in that year of why I'll never be able to game with Greg again. At the every next Con, the next month, I sat in a "company only" game with a few people.

Me dead, first encounter, less than 20 minutes in, by a black dragon(?). Was not fun.


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Greg, I wrote the 2002 D&D Open at GenCon, and the original version of the final encounter with the Gargantuan Red Dragon was so deadly, the guy running the tournament leveled the whole encounter down and took out the surprise attack from the Dragon.

I think you and the other FGG guys would've been proud of the design.

And, on another note, Bill mentioned a FGG kickstarter starting next week on the City State of the Invincible Overlord Kickstarter comments. I wonder what...

"we are running one starting next week for our next hardcover--JG and DF can post on it--I have no burn about that. I fact--I'll probably endorse both. Its a small community. We need to support each other!" le-overlord/comments?cursor=6298782#comment-6298781

Bill stole the top reward on that KS ~ now adding Dwarf Lord to his many titles! :p

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

mach1.9pants wrote:

Bill stole the top reward on that KS ~ now adding Dwarf Lord to his many titles! :p

Which is going to be awesome when he gets the book, so I can call him the "Dwarf King" at cons lol

Now, if I could only get him to grow a beard, but Momma Frog might kill me

Yeah I've previously had the beard removal ultimatum too!

I'm quite partial to The God~King of the Dwarf~Frogs :D

Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

justmebd wrote:

Greg, I wrote the 2002 D&D Open at GenCon, and the original version of the final encounter with the Gargantuan Red Dragon was so deadly, the guy running the tournament leveled the whole encounter down and took out the surprise attack from the Dragon.

I think you and the other FGG guys would've been proud of the design.

A man after my own heart.

And it was a dragonnel that ate Skeeter, not a black dragon. Sheesh!

Publisher, Frog God Games

Lol. I am thinking no beard. Wait, frogs dont have beards!

Yes, but us dwarves do!

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

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Funny the way this discussion has turned; in my TT game last night, the party wizard got turned into a frog by stealing the eyes from the statue in the courtyard of the Cloister of the Frog God. Failed his save, poof, turned into a frog.

Still kept his intellect, so he thought about it a bit, then decided to touch the gem again to see if it would reverse the transmutation. Poof, different type of frog, and this time he lost his mind, too.

Wizard gone....but now there is a frog in the Cloister with buff-as-Hell legs (he was a dwarf wizard), and a little green goatee.

I think thats going to make it into a book somewhere lol

Publisher, Frog God Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.

that is parking, "violators will be toad!"

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

They're going off to the main road to see if they can find a caravan with a couple of merc guards that want to seek their fame and fortune! :-)


I love that effect, reminds me of the original Talisman game. Fun times! Looking forward to seeing this get used on a future game group...

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

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Im thinking he'll show up as a familiar to someone, quite powerful, maybe in the Tunnels of Terror????

Publisher, Frog God Games

Working on the Wizard's area right now--definitely a few cool new monsters and items.

Wilderness done, Tsen section done, Hel's Temple dungeon done, region map done. By done I mean turned in to editors, cartographers and artists.

Still have 200 or so hours of writing to do, but the whole is coming together nicely.

I decided to write this one a little differently. You can just treat the whole as a sandbox if you like--else you can follow the adventure path as written. Either way works. The storyline is incredibly old school--think sages, hirelings, missions for wizards and saving the world. Gathering information and finding clues is essential. This is not a straight forward dungeon crawl at all.

I am scaling the level difficulty back for the beginning to levels 2-5 or so as well. It just works better that way. It also makes sense to break the adventure path portion into sections--that gives a few breaks in the flow to do other stuff. They can solve puzzle A, go do something else for a bit, clue in and solve puzzle B, rinse and repeat.

Your players are going to kill you when you run this for them.

Bill Webb wrote:
Your players are going to kill you when you run this for them.

Coming from you Bill, that is scary!!!

brvheart wrote:
Bill Webb wrote:
Your players are going to kill you when you run this for them.
Coming from you Bill, that is scary!!!

Or Bill is going to kill your players. Take your pick.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nah, its worse. I got my players to pay for Sword of Air!

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