Duna the Explorer of Indol |

I play a summoner in my current game. At level's 10 and 18 I get abilities called Aspect(10) and Greater Aspect(18). Basically what they do is I could take points from my eidolon's evolution pool to add evolutions to myself. At 10th it is 2 points and at 18th it's 6 points(not 6 added to the 2, 6 in total). I am not allowed to take Ability Increase with this ability. Dragons kinda don't exist in this game so my eidolon is actually a Wyvern. I was thinking of taking something to look cool for example I was thinking of wings(2), horns(2), a tail(1) and scales(1). If there is anything cooler than that or anything that you wanna provide as an example, just post it. All the evolutions are in the
Advanced Player's Guide
and Ultimate Magic
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/spellcastingClassOptions/s ummoner.html

Leisner |

The wings at level 10 is often the choice advised. It is supremely useful, and can be very thematic, especially as they can look like anything.
If your eidolon is looking like a wyvern, why not go with a sting, perhaps even with poison (wings 2; tail 1; sting 1; poison 2).
Or you could go with the Shadow Blend/Shadow Form (Advanced Race Guide, both cost 2). Each alone gives you concealment, and if you have both, you get total concealment. You could go with Wing, Tail, Sting, Shadow Form or Blend, and be your wyvern's shadow ;) .
Or you could go with the complete angel lookalike, with Wings (2) and Celestial Appearance (3). You have to be good aligned to that the latter though.
Or you could effectively become an undead, by spending all 6 points on Undead Appearance, you become immune to disease, exhaustion, fatigue, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. However, you might have some problem explaining why you sudden take damage from those cure spells.

Duna the Explorer of Indol |

Leisner, thank you for your examples I do however have a few comments and questions.
1)I won't need poison on my sting because I would get a penalty to my great weapon. The gore was just to look cool with horns:P
Shadow Blend/Shadow Form (Advanced Race Guide, both cost 2)
Where in the Advanced Race Guide is the shadow evolutions? I would like to look at them.
3)As for the angel look-alike yes I am Lawful Good but I don't want my enemies targeting me specifically because I look holy.
4)As for the undead appearance that sounds AWESOME but we fight tough monsters so I like the use of my cleric in the party for healing so that wouldn't work.
So if you could just answer my question(#2) that would be GREAT! Thanks a bunch;)
Also if anyone else has any other suggestions, let me know;)

Leisner |

Page 111. Under the Fetchling, but they are for all summoners.
BTW, why would poison give your great weapon a penalty? AFAIK, when you use a manufactured weapon together with a natural weapon, the natural weapon counts as a secondary weapon (thus a -5 to hit and only ½ strength bonus to damamge), but there are no penalties to the manufactured weapon.

David knott 242 |

I would consider taking Improved Natural Armor twice at levels 10-17. That combination gives you a natural armor bonus of +4 -- something that is tough to get for yourself if you filled the neck slot with an amulet of mighty fists for your eidolon. You can fly for 10+ hours per day with the Overland Flight spell, and natural attacks just don't buy you much in the way of combat ability.