Zahmahkibo |

Playing in my first Pathfinder game. The DM has set it up as an evil campaign--I don't think we'll have to pillage towns or devour children, but Good alignment is banned, and we're all supposed to be [x]-neutral at the least. The other thing is that it's going to be run remotely on a forum, play-by-post, so each player will able to venture off on their own easily.
I'm looking to play some sort of (evil) social manipulator-type, using skills as well as Enchantment and Illusion spells to achieve whatever evil ends the character will seek. While Bard especially is tempting with Suggestion and the like, I want a full casting class to be able to use the good spells earlier and more often.
Short list of goals:
-Good score in Diplomacy or Bluff
-Full casting
-Good pool of Enchantment and Illusion skills
Everything Paizo is in play, except that Summoner is banned. Other than Druid, which doesn't seem to offer much in the way of desirable spells, I'm having a hard time narrowing it down.
Wizard: Enchantment school for Charm Person as spell-like ability, fastest spell progression, and Int to dump into social skills.
Sorcerer: Bloodlines like Infernal look pretty great, and Charisma to buff social skills, but will have a hard time affording skills.
Cleric: Devil and Trickery domains are promising. The Evangelist archetype spontaneous spells are great, but skills would be a problem no matter what.
Oracle: Deaf cursed for free silent spell has potential. Revelations don't seem to add as much Enchantment trickery as domains, but they at least have 4
Witch: Charm hex, Trickery patron, and gets some fun spells (Beguiling Gift, etc.)
I'm leaning towards wizard at the moment. Being able to stack Int for more skills without becoming MAD or sacrificing UMD/Perception/Spellcraft is probably worth losing out on the coolness factor from some other classes. I'm very much open to suggestions, however.

Zahmahkibo |

Thanks, I hadn't looked at that bloodline yet. Human would probably be a good combo with Eldritch Heritage, since I'd have to get Skill Focus anyway.
I'm realizing that Cleric won't make the final cut. This build would be split between Int, Wis, and Charisma. I think the final question will be whether Charisma or Intelligence dependence is more desirable, so I may just roll example builds for all four, and run off Wizard/Witch and Sorcerer/Oracle.

Vazt |

I think it will be hard to beat a kitsune witch with the enchantment patron for near certainty that the spells will stick. Between the racial dc bonus to enchantment and hexes obliterating saves, everyone will do what you want.
For pbp-friendly options, I think the dream weaver changeling witch archetype would be great as a subtle controller manipulating dreams. Would be fun to write all the dream rp.
Also, though it isn't the full caster you have in mind, an evil heresy inquisitor would be fun in this role. He knows everything about everyone, alternately threatens and cajoles people equally well and puts the screws to anyone who defies him. More skill-based than spell-based, but able to rough folks up if needed.

Zahmahkibo |

Kitsune does have some fantastic bonuses, but it probably wouldn't fly in the campaign setting. Changeling would be a maybe. If nothing else, that archetype provides some neat spells to look out for in other lists.
Heresy looks like it would definitely be the way to go if I were to roll an Inquisitor, and I'd actually prefer to have a more thematically restrictive class to help guide developing a character background. The last thing I need right now is more class options to fuel my indecision, but if I decide on a full caster I may go back and compare it to the Inquisitor before making the final choice.