Reign of Winter...As an Evil Campaign

Reign of Winter

So my RL group just got together and started creating characters. We are going to start Snows of Summer in a week or two.

They want to do it as an evil campaign.

I have a couple ideas (they are trying to free Baba Yaga so THEY can take her captive/get her power/etc.)

Any general (or specific) advice anyone can think of to help running this AP as an Evil campaign?

I'm really scratching my head on just starting it...what would make sense for a group of evil pc's to be in Heldren to begin with???

Liberty's Edge

They could be [evil] bounty hunters after someone.

And I don't think you'll need to do that much tinkering with this one, as evil characters, just have them imagine the power they could get from Baba Yaga. Either as their emissaries or as the ones who destroy her.

Thanks Zahariel...I think that's the way I'm leaving in terms of their overall motivation...gaining her power.

Hadn't thought about the [evil] bounty hunter aspect...maybe they'll be contracted to abduct Lady Argentea...and now they have competition from the other bandits. Hmmm.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Remember, Evil is not Stupid. Especially starting out, Evil adventurers need all the same things non-Evil adventurers do. Considering Heldren's location, maybe they planned on taking advantage of the proximity to a long antagonistic semi-militarized border? If all of the PC's are obviously not Taldan or Quadiran & they all spoke both Taldane/Common & Kelish... Dude, the opportunities for an Evil party are LARGE!

edit: Also, Evil adventurers want someplace to live just as much as non-Evil's do. All they really need is a desire not to have All of Golarion turned into an ice-cube & they're golden. This is mitigated somewhat in mid-Campaign by the fact that they may think the Hut can just take them somewhere Elvanna can't find them, but by that point they also have the Black Mantle goading them on...

Move the location of the adventure from Taldan to Chellix and have the adventurers be associated with the Hellknights. They could be investigating the area because it's a threat to the nation itself (and could have been sent by a priest who did an augury or the like and learned of the threat).

They could then be interested in rescuing Baba Yaga in order to gain from it. They won't care about what Baba Yaga does... they just want to profit and gain in power as a result.

Lantern Lodge

Honestly it makes sense as an evil campaign as written. They could have a rivalry with the bandit group in the forest and you could make the missing aristocrat their pay day, like Taldan Mafia style.

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