Mysterious Stranger / Paladin


I know this is hardly a new idea fro multiclassing but my group and I are about to start the World Wound adventure set that is being released and I figured this would be both an effective way to fight demons and a fun way to get back into Gunslingers (I've missed playing em). A few questions before I start rolling this character out though.

1: Should I go Holy Gun or Divine Hunter? Reading the benefits I feel like Hunter is a better option as it never states that your ranged weapon must be a bow or corssbow and the Holy Gun's benefits are just muted version of what I'll already have as a Gunslinger.

2: Does anyone else think this could be an effective party face? While Lawful Good does have a way to put a damper on what I can do as far as Bluffing and Intimidating goes it doesn't mean I can't do them.

3: How much of a dip in Paladin should I be looking into? I'm thinking 2 should be fine early level and then return to the Paladin after getting Deadly shot to get the Weapon Bond by level 12.

Thanks for taking the time to read and I look forward to your responses.

holy gun is pretty much inferior in every way to a 1-level dip in gunslinger.

i'd say go gunslinger (mysterious stranger) 1-5 / paladin (vanilla or divine hunter, vanilla makes a surprisingly awesome archer) 19-15

Any charisma-based build is a good party face, so you should do just fine. You can intimidate, as long as you intimidate the right people. :) And with a maxed-out diplomacy, you can almost do without bluff and intimidate at all.

2 levels of Paladin is a given. I'd do 1 lvl. gunslinger, 2 levels paladin, and then continue gunslinger.

Be aware that as mysterious stranger you don't have acces to the quick-clear deed. This means that you run the very real danger of your gun blowing up in your face, so either have a back-up gun or be prepared to switch to melee. Untill your gun becomes magical, it's permanently lost if it blows up, which can be pretty expensive... not to mention that you'll be stuck without it, and if you're somewhere where downtime (to build your own) and shopping (to buy a new at full price) isn't readily available, you'll be operating a much less than full efficiency.

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