Berzerkersloth |
Hi. I am making a character for PFS Society. I am still pretty new to pathfinder. I want to make a halfling sling weapon master and was hoping for some advice on the build.
Race: Halfling
Class: Fighter (Weapon master: Sling)
Str 16
Dex 14
con 12
Wis 10
Int 10
Chr 11
Racial traits:
I am taking warslinger instead of sure-footed which makes reloading a sling a free action(so I should be able to make 2 attacks if I use a full round action right?)
Observant (Perception +1/class trait)
Reactionary(+2 initiative)
1) Sling Flail and Weapon focus (sling)
2) Point Blank Shot
3) Precise Shot
4) Weapon specialization (sling)
5) Deadly Aim
6) Rapid shot
7) Halfling Slinger
8) Greater Weapon Focus
I also have a question. It takes two hands to load a sling but could I use a light shield and still use my sling since it only takes one hand to fire it?

Borthos Brewhammer |

You can't full attack with a Slingstaff. To answer your question, I believe you could reload while using a buckler, but am not sure about this. You probably want to focus on adding as much +x after all the d3s you will be rolling. Good luck with this character.
Why not? He has warslinger, it's a sling, I don't see the problem

IQuarent |

Several different points:
-Answer to you question: Yes. since it is a light shield you can use the other hand for things like reloading and holding items.
-What level order are you taking those feats?
-Ranged weapons rely on DEX to hit. Slings use STR to add to damage. You should focus on DEX. I would settle for 12-14 STR. Remember, PSF uses the point buy system and you get 20 points. In order to get 16 STR you would need to spend 17 points to get an 18 that would be adjusted to 16 because of your race. Not really worth it.
-Halflings of Golarion has some great material that would be very helpful for this build. I have that source book and I love it.
Use a halfling sling, You automatically get proficiency in it and it's one of your best options.
I have a rogue halfling that uses a halfling sling. He has a wand of 'magic stone' that he uses on his sling bullets, giving them 1D6+1 additional damage and +1 to hit. Double that vs. zombies. It's scary effective. It's taking a great sword to the face with a ranged weapon at level 1! Highly recommended.

redward |

ArmouredMonk13 wrote:You can't full attack with a Slingstaff. To answer your question, I believe you could reload while using a buckler, but am not sure about this. You probably want to focus on adding as much +x after all the d3s you will be rolling. Good luck with this character.Why not? He has warslinger, it's a sling, I don't see the problem
Because Warslinger only works with slings, not other sling-based weapons.

IQuarent |

Borthos Brewhammer wrote:Because Warslinger only works with slings, not other sling-based weapons.ArmouredMonk13 wrote:You can't full attack with a Slingstaff. To answer your question, I believe you could reload while using a buckler, but am not sure about this. You probably want to focus on adding as much +x after all the d3s you will be rolling. Good luck with this character.Why not? He has warslinger, it's a sling, I don't see the problem
Bummer. Stinkdiver, get Ammo Drop instead. It's a feat that does what war slinger does for all slings. It also opens up a feat tree for all kinds of cool sling based abilities.

Borthos Brewhammer |

Borthos Brewhammer wrote:Because Warslinger only works with slings, not other sling-based weapons.ArmouredMonk13 wrote:You can't full attack with a Slingstaff. To answer your question, I believe you could reload while using a buckler, but am not sure about this. You probably want to focus on adding as much +x after all the d3s you will be rolling. Good luck with this character.Why not? He has warslinger, it's a sling, I don't see the problem
That's a ruling that won't see play in my home game. Thanks for the link

Berzerkersloth |
Thanks for all the advice. i asked about full round attacks because I'm going to take rapid shot but without war slinger I don't know if I would have to use my move action to reload. I am going to PFS tonight and will try this character out at lvl 1. I might switch strength and dex around a bit but I like the damage that strength gives. This should be a fun character either way.

Gio |

I didn't have time to look at traits or archetypes, but here is a sample build I came up with (up to Lv9).
Halfling Fighter Lv9 (PTB 20)
Str 14 (10 points = 16 - 2 Racial)
Dex 18 (10 points = 16 + 2 Racial)
Con 12 (2 Points)
Int 10 (0 Points)
Wis 12 (2 Points)
Cha 09 (-4 Points = 7 + 2 Racial).
Feats Ammo Drop, Juggle Load, Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus(Double Sling), Weapon Specialization (Double Sling), Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Deadly Aim
Assuming a +2 Str and Dex Belt, and a +2 Weapon, a full attack at this level would look like
Ranged: +2 Double Sling +14/+14/+14/+9/+9 (1d3+15/x2)
The big problem lies at low levels, since at lv1 all you are looking at is a +6 To Hit, 1d3+2 Damage. +6/+6 with a Masterwork Weapon at Lv2, and from there damage and to-hit bonuses start to increase slowly, until you hit lv6 where numbers start looking noticeably better.
An obvious issue is DR, which can pretty much cripple the damage output of this character... You need a good variety of ammunition and perhaps help from your party's casters if DR starts being an issue.