[PFS] Oracle of heavens build


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I looked at Orcale of heavens and while i find some of it´s abilities really boring and kinda underpowered/useless, awesome display really rocks. It´s great mechanically and makes for great flavor, because you also don´t need to kill everything like that.

Now i´m thinking how to make that oracle rock a lot in the best ways, meaning giving it other abilities beyong the obvious color spray.
Either oracle only or multiclassing, both would be fine for me.

My first idea was a gnome, take first level oracle and then go sorcerer.
Either something like undead or serpentine bloodline or something blasterlike with some elemental bloodline.
Gnomes either get +1 on illusion DC´s or +1 caster level for fire stuff with pyromaniac.

Any advice, suggestions, hints or experiences for me?
This character doesn´t need to be able to blast or controll everything and become übermaxed, but it should be viable to play from level 1-12 (although lvl 1 might be covered with gm credits) and be able to participate in different ways.


Perhaps first question would be if you wish to wage into melee with your oracle or keep your distance while trying to paralyze/manipulate/control your opponents from afar.

I am saying this because a melee oracle might wish to go for Strength slightly, using armor of it's own, such as breastplate or such and skip Coat of Many Stars revelation.

Ranged oracle might wish to go for Dexterity more and take Coat of Many Stars revelation to walk freely without armor and weight penalty.

Oracle of Heavens is also judging by Mystery and Revelations, a subtle class. Slightly controller, slightly diviner.

I would go with Extra Revelation at level 1 and 18 Charisma while investing rest into other scores.

From Revelations I would take Awesome Display since your Color Spray will be bread and butter for the rest of your life and either Coat of Many Stars (if you wear no armor) or Guiding Star to amplify some spells.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Although there are some quite nice melee touch attack spells around, i would like to keep it ranged and controly with maybe some blasty options.

The question is if to go pure oracle or only one or two levels oracle and then sorcerer. Or one level sorcerer undead bloodline and then oracle rest.


Oracle's list of spells is same cleric's. It's poor with blasty spells and you might get disappointed by it.

I don't see much profit in taking 1 or 2 level dips into either oracle or sorcerer. You will get 2nd level spells at 5th or 6th level then. Those classes already have slow spell progression as it is.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That´s true.

One level dip sorcerer with undead bloodline for example let´s you mind affect many undead and could give you another 4 uses of color spray though. Also that way you get access to blast spells and other stuff.

Possibly this could end up in a Mystic Theurge.


Lets put it this way.

You get on level 5. You got those 2nd level spells.

But the wizard is already fireballing every encounter to bits with 3rd level spells.

While Mystic Theurge isn't best, I would still prefer to take for example several levels of wizard and several levels of cleric. You can get those higher level spells faster and go Mystic Theurge as early as lv7. With oracle/sorcerer you can go as early as lv9. Do you see how long time that is?

PFS lasts until lv12. By the time you get to Mystic Theurge it's gonna be over for your character and that lv9 wizard is frying everything with 5th level spells.

I am playing a heavens oracle who went into the veiled illusionist prestige class. Very much caster-oriented, but the extra wizard illusion spells combo nicely with a heavens oracle, the class abilities are cool and useful, and the combination of clerical and wizard spells makes for a great controller/healer/buffer.

Dark Archive

Malag, you are wrong about the earliest he could enter mystic theurge, he could enter much earlier due to the recent FAQ. He could take 1 level dip into sorcerer along with the gnome pyrotechnic racial ability, and then go into mystic theurge at level 6. This changes the balance completely and could make it worth doing.


Gnome Pyromaniac alternate trait:
Gnomes with this racial trait are treated as one level higher when casting spells with the fire descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, using the bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline or the revelations of the oracle's flame mystery, and determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage (this ability does not give gnomes early access to level-based powers; it only affects the powers they could use without this ability). Gnomes with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame.The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level; the DCs are Charisma-based. This racial trait replaces gnome magic and illusion resistance.

Did you mean this trait gazinshe? Gnomes dont gain Pyrotehnics.

But you might be right. If some other race grants level 2 arcane spell as Spell-like, it might be doable.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Mh have to take a look into this and build it up all the levels.

I could see Heavens Orcacle rocking the table at early levels while Color Spray/Awesome Dispaly are king. Later you get Hypnotic Pattern, then Rainbow Pattern but they are both spread. That is not full of win.

Shadow Lodge

I suggest either a Straight Oracle focused on spells like Colorspray, be very casty buffy type character. You could afford a 20CHA with this along with dumpable strength because you don't melee. Taking the coat of many stars and possibly (depending on how many liquids or unstable surfaces you encounter) Lure of Heavens. Take Awesome Display of course, as eldritch heritage (undead) for the help with your mind-affecting.

Or a gish-type character multi-classed barbarian oracle that focuses on illusion spells with oracle levels and on smashing things with barbarian levels. You could be the Angelkin race for +2Str and +2Cha(its an aasimar heritage) and go with Rage Prophet presige class. You could take spirit totem instead of beast totem because now you can use your standard for other things, and just walk up to things, cast defensively (or use reach weapons) and then full attack. Charismatic Barbarians can be HILARIOUSLY fun to Roleplay and still be good at roll-play.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Actually, on level one, if i use a wand of color spray, does awesome display work then too?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Also Eldritch Heritage does not give you the bloodline arcana actually.

Shadow Lodge

Oh, never mind on undead then.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, actually i think it´s a good idea to have that oracle.
Your CHA will rise and you can have eagle´s splendor.
Spell focus necromancy and threnodic spell let you do color spray to undead i think.

If cross classing you of course loose something out, but sorcerer bloodlines serpentine and undead could make that threnodic spell feat unneccesary and you can now mind effect most stuff out there.
Also your spell list just vastly expanded.

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