He's not crazy, a ballista is basically a huge fix-mount heavy crossbow, but it has the same range increments as a heavy crossbow. It probably ought to have longer range, but it doesn't. Unless you fix the perception system problem though it doesn't really matter much. You're in an area where almost anyone who has thought about it seriously houserules it.

BigP4nda |
He's not crazy, a ballista is basically a huge fix-mount heavy crossbow, but it has the same range increments as a heavy crossbow. It probably ought to have longer range, but it doesn't. Unless you fix the perception system problem though it doesn't really matter much. You're in an area where almost anyone who has thought about it seriously houserules it.
Actually because the string is increased the same proportion as the bow itself the tension within the string is still the same, thus still providing the same distance, given that you are using proportional ammunition...however if you were to use a longer arrow, with still a similar weight to a regular arrow then it should then go farther. the whole idea for larger bows/crossbows is to shoot larger arrows/bolts thus do more damage. simple kinetics

Kudaku |

Flight Arrows do increase range, but they do so by reducing the damage of the arrow (presumably the design of the arrow emphasizes aerodynamics over physical trauma) by one size category.
That's the closest I could think of.