Rahnum's page

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Cevah wrote:

Quick search found this link. I did a quick test and it made a PDF with blank hexes quick quickly. Send to the printer and you are ready.


I hate you. I logged in just to tell you this. I was so excited because I thought you found an actual hex sheet. You hurt me this way.

KahnyaGnorc wrote:

Kineticist is always a good pairing, for more and better nuking options. I think Seer can also be a good fit, thematically, with a Telepath (and a Psion who has a paranoia issue!).

I like Telepathic Link for a Telepath.

Oh interesting I will look into those options, and yeah I was looking at Seer myself : )

Thank you for your input and hopefully the first of many posts!

Doppelganger. (Dm will be writing up the race) Lvl 1
Telepath with plans of going into Thrallherd.
3.5 sources also accepted pending DM approval so feel free to mention stuff like Mindsight Feat from Lords of Madness.

I have also debated going dual disciple to expand my power list. However I am unsure of what would compliment a Telepath. Psionics is a bit hard to sink your teeth into at first!
My Doppelganger will be trying to garner an information network while assisting my party. I don't exactly want to be followed around by a horde of believers, and it fits the character.

The name of the game is hide my identity as long as possible. (The character is terrified of how his long time friends might react.)

Currently rereading Psionics Unleashed to get a better understanding of what I can do.

Jeraa wrote:
Rahnum wrote:
Any idea how you write it up? I have a Grey Render and a create undead spell. Ghoul Grey Render. What the heck transfers? Do any of the stats get boosted? Probably doesn't keep feats. Any advice?

Ghoul is a specific creature, it isn't a template. They aren't ghoul humans, ghoul elves, or ghoul grey renders. There are just ghouls.

Though there maybe a third party ghoul template out there somewhere.

Edit: d20PFSRD has this, from Classic Horrors Revisited. That could give you an idea.

Also gray renders are magical beasts, not humanoids. They wouldn't be able to rise as ghouls anyway.

Fair point. My dm offhand mentioned they were a giant type and giant is a humanoid race. I will verify with him whether he finds issue with this.

And yes that is actually where I am drawing my question from since it doesn't seem to give me all that much to go on.

Milo v3 wrote:
I'd put either put the ghoul template from Horror Adventures on it, or put the giant template on a ghoul.

Ooooooh that is very helpful actually. Thanks

Any idea how you write it up? I have a Grey Render and a create undead spell. Ghoul Grey Render. What the heck transfers? Do any of the stats get boosted? Probably doesn't keep feats. Any advice?

That's a damn creative idea.

Gherrick wrote:
It's a bit tragic that reality has shown heavy armor isn't as inflexible as codified in PF. I agree the ACP on heavy armor is way too high, and is not a good balancing point (as is max Dex bonus). The fact that Dex is SO much more powerful of an ability compared to strength is still the primary reason, IMO, for the popularity of Dex-focused builds.

While the ACP's are high, I've never thought they were unfairly so. You are wearing enough metal on you, that depending on your race, could very much weigh just as much as you.

How would you expect to move in that? For any kind of activity that required fine manipulation. (aka. dex) I mean it sucks, but it makes complete sense to me and I honestly wouldn't have them change it.

I'm fond of wisdom (monks, clerics, etc) myself but dex just does so much I thought I'd ask about it.

I tried looking around the threads but nothing to be found. Which really surprised me!

I'm looking for all sources of stack-able Dex increase possible. Belts, Tomes, Grafts, anything you've got.

Lets aim for 30 Dex and above!

That's pretty cool

In death, the graveknight's life force lingers on in its armor, not its corpse, in much the same way that a lich's essence is bound within a phylactery.

If a lich was to make his full plate armor into a phylactery would he become a graveknight as well?

As for how he's got fullplate armor as a spell caster. Dwarven Cleric with Heavy armor proficiency. Thoughts?

Awesome : ) I thought it might but didn't want to assume. Thank you for the quick response!

I was wondering if Mythic Adventures would ever be added to the paizo prd.
Wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't, but I was just wondering if anyone knew.

See now this is what I'm talking about thank you for contributing gentlemen. I believe there's a bone arrow that shatters cutting everyone. I'll definitely look at that Fat Goblin Call to Arms. Looks interesting thanks.

Only one person has had a single Arrow idea to contribute?

Ah that one, its not quite the same, its meant to hold several different types of damaging liquids.

And AGAIN, I don't give a dire rat about balance problems, that can be hashed out after. I'm only asking for arrow ideas. I can figure out balance issues and then have my DM yay or nay them. I just want a variety of arrow ideas.

Well you could give a minus to hit. I'm just coming up with ideas, and asking for them. Whether or not they are fair or should be allowed is for everyone's respective DM to decide, whom could also say it was destroyed in the attack, or do any number of things to discourage its use if it is too powerful.

So enough with the, should this be done, and cross analyzing this.

This is just for coming up with possible mundane arrows. That's it.
The DM's can decide if you get to.

Also tried looking for Raining Arrows, if I've found it...it doesn't do what Alchemical Nightmare does at ALL O.o Could you link?

Hahaha you're a madman!

Just because there are already special arrows available doesn't mean you can't attempt to research and make your own.

And actually I would allow the greatsword fighter to do so within reason as long as he had the resources. Forge and all that.

There's no reason for me to say no, however he would need the background and knowledge to actually know about the modifications, and how to implement them or have a member of the party with the knowledge and know about it.

Cool :) Any other ideas? Hope we get some more posts.

Well you could give it a high DC. Just because an archetype has the ability doesn't mean they have a monopoly on it. DC 30-40 would keep it from being a low level use, and lets be honest you do NOT want to fail that craft check. Wrong move and you've just wasted expensive materials and dropped them all over yourself. OUCH

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was thinking what keeps a Fletcher from inventing new arrows like a wizard with spells. What are your ideas for mundane arrows?

Rope Cutter
This intricate arrow head allows you to cut rope at distance.

Heavy Hitter
Hits as a size category bigger, only has half range though.

Wall Piercer
Adamantine Tip and Thin Body allows it to go through certain walls.

Alchemical Nightmare
Segmented glass arrow that upon shattering releases all contents on the subject

Lets hear your ideas!

Many people also make the shopkeepers level 20 wizards, who happened to have just set up shop and sell items they made. And god help your pc's if they piss off that shopkeeper.

After all what did you think adventurers did after their journeys?

He could have a Maximize Rod

Really its a 3rd edition? Oh well I apologize then. No point in looking at that then. I thought it was a really cool idea literally becoming one with your weapon but 3rd ed...that's just pushing conversion trying to do 3rd edition with Pathfinder.

Is there anything like that in pathfinder?

I'm not 100% sure to be honest. I read about it in a few posts, and have been trying to get specifics since. I think Absorb Familiar is from a 3.5 book for Drow. Plot and Poison Races of Renown.

Item Familiar is something from 3.5 something like a paladins bonded weapon but for other people.

Huh...how exactly would that work with an item familiar? What bonuses would that incur, and what would happen with something like a Bow?

Oh sorry I also wanted to make a discussion on the combination. Whether Item Familiar and Absorb Familiar was a good combination? I've got a Ranger Dedicated to the art of archery and the hunt, so I could see him doing this if I understand how the combo would go.

I've heard this is a good combination. Unfortunately I can't find the Absorb Familiar feat, so I can't figure it out. Any thoughts?

Crash_00 wrote:

Lead Blades does not go away, but it is not affecting the weapon when the weapon is not on you. Remember, Lead Blades is not cast on the weapon, it is cast on the character. Lead Blades has a range of personal. This means that it only affects "you". It is not cast on the weapon, it is cast on the person.

You can try to claim that it keeps the bonus when dropped (despite the personal range), but we know from the text that it does not keep the bonus if you give it to a friend. Worst case scenario, you give it to a friend and take it back.

See but now you're getting up to all kinds of shenanigans, and taking a stinky deuce on the spirit of the gameplay and roleplay. And quite frankly looking for the DM to pop you one.

Bump. I think he actually makes a good point.

Alright. Thanks for your help everyone! It's good to have these things settled.

But is there any ruling?

I've managed to wield a Huge Compound Longbow. What does this do for range? I recall reading something on how the range increases 1/4th or something for each size category increase? Am I crazy? Does anyone know what the actual ruling is and can give source?

I think they do it because regardless of the size of the ammo, you still need the mechanism to fire it. Namingly a bow of appropriate size. Its innately tied to what you're using to fire it.

And thanks :) I've been doing a lot of research into my Archery Ranger. Gets kinda scary when I realize I've made it to Colossus. Makes me wonder if I can take it even further.

Least to my knowledge I've gone as far as Pathfinder science can take me up the sizing scale!

Longbow damage does increase with size.

The only reason enlarge person doesn't increase ranged and projectile damage is because the projectiles return to normal.

However if I take a gargantuan ammo from my companion, it will not increase in size,(otherwise you're telling me everything I touch grows too), because it wasn't on my person when the spell was cast as well. Not to mention its not even in my possession, its just within easy reach.

The bow is the correct size to fire the ammo, and the ammo will not shrink when leaving the bow because it wasn't affected by the spell enlarge person. Therefore, there's no reason it shouldn't work if you have someone else carrying the ammo.

The spell doesn't start affecting other items just because you pick them up, or else that'd just open up all sorts of shenanigans.

In short, there is every reason to believe the damage increases as long as you have someone else carry the next size up ammo for you.

Its a Custom Goliath Race of the DM's making. Its a world of his own design. The Goliath's have a racial feat called Big Grip which they can hold a size category bigger weapon, then there's a second feat chain, Wield Oversized Weapon, so we're up to a Huge Longbow now, Gravity Bow spell, now Gargantuan, have your animal companion hold Gargantuan Ammo, Enlarge Person, Fire your Gargantuan Compound Bow with the Gravity Bow spell, and you've reached Colossus.

Honestly I'm literally buying Javelins for my Huge Bow, adding fletchings and pinning goblins to walls with them. My DM jokes about me eventually shooting Redwoods at people, and another player jokes that I'm an Urban Renewal Project. I'm basically carrying a Ballista on my back, and its only going to get worse! Mwahahah!

I've a character which is able to wield a Huge Bow. Don't worry about how, I've already worked out the specifics with my DM. My character is a ranger....so I've got a Huge Compound Longbow 3d6+4 -> Gravity Bow 4d6+4

What is the size of the ammo I need? For a normally huge bow are we talking about firing spears and javelins through the air as arrows?

And I can actually use enlarge person to increase the damage further if my animal companion has ammo sized for a gargantuan bow. So what am I firing at that point? 300yr old oak trees?

Basically what are the ammo sizes for each size of possible bow?

Why I'm going through all this trouble. I had the idea of making a ranger that was a complete terrain master wherever he might be. Balanced Urban ranger combined with Horizon Walker AND Ranger favored terrains? He'd be lord of the terrains both of those in the urban setting and the wilds, possibly planes too.

Rynjin that's genius!

Any other ideas on Balancing it then? What about my animal companion? Should I give him up? Or any ideas on how I can earn it though some serious effort?

How important is Magic to a ranger? I mean I'd like to keep the spell gravity bow but beyond that I'd be ok with losing magic, but I've never played a ranger with magic before so I don't know how important it is.

Adding them to the ranger, but I plan on going Desert, Swamp, Plane of Water, and forest for mastery

Desert Swamp Plane of water for dominance, so no dimension door, especially when i can just get cape of monteblanc.

I was hoping for a few ways to balance this more for an archetype. And you lost me after "ranger is powerful enough"

My ideas were such that I could create a series of books in the world. Chronicles of Horizon Walker. In total the entire set would cost 110k and it takes an entire level to learn a book. Also these aren't exactly easy to find books. The cost, and waiting time as well as level restrictions, (lvl 2,4,6,8 etc) balance the power I'd be getting a bit more I thought.

I'm not looking to break the game, but I just want to be able to keep progressing Ranger since I could start at lvl 10 ranger, do the full Horizon Walker progression but i'd never be able to use the synergy of camouflage and In Plain Sight with all those new terrains. And that's something I really want to experiment with.

No one has any ideas?

I see what you mean. Clever!

Wow gonna admit that got above my head there. No wait I sorta see what you did there. I appreciate all this help.

Thanks! what's the source you've got for that?

So continuing off of that
2d10 4d8
2d12 4d6
3d4 3d6
3d6 4d8 ?

I'm not sure how it goes if I use gravity bow which would make the longbow another category bigger in terms of damage.

1d8-large->2d6-huge->3d6-gravity bow spell=gargantuan->?
3d6 goes to?

Oh thank you very much for your speedy and informed response. Looking at it now I see what you did.

I would but I can't see him in person for another week. And I'm not scheming. I text him that I was planning to do something like this, though i haven't received a text back and I just want to be able to make my case for it, which is what I'm asking help on.

How does the size of the longbow affect the damage. The size table only went up to Large.

My character is able to wield a Huge Longbow (giant) and he's a ranger so when i use gravity bow things are going to get even crazier. So what the heck are the damages for this thing?

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