Crew of the Realms Master, from the 1980s Forgotten Realms comic


There was a Forgotten Realms comic in the late 1980s. It followed the crew of the Realms Master in its quest to keep powerful artifacts out of the wrong hands (wrong hands includes any adventurers, the artifacts were thrown into a demiplane where they could never be recovered. Here is the first of my conversion to PF of the crew.

Priam Agrivar
LG Illuskan Human Male Paladin 10 of Torm
Str 20
Dex 12
Con 19
Int 12
Wis 14
Cha 22
Feats-Power Attack, Ex.Weapon Prof. Bastard Sword, Lightning Reflexes, Extra Lay on Hands, Lunge, Imp. Crit-Bastard Sword
Diplomacy 10 ranks +19
Knowledge(Religion) 5 ranks +9
Knowledge(Nobility) 5 ranks +9
Handle Animal 5 ranks +14
Heal 10 ranks +15
Ride 10 ranks +13
Sense Motive 9 ranks +14
Spellcraft 1 rank +5
Magic Items:
+1 cold iron arcane spellcasting humanoid bane bastard sword, darkwood shield, +1 mithral full plate, +1 might composite (+5 str bonus) longbow, 2 aberration slaying arrows, belt of physical perfection +2, headband of alluring cha +4

hp 84
F +18
R +11
W +15

Vartan Hai Sylvar
CG Blood of the Shining People (Sun) Elf Cleric of Labolas Enoreth 12
Domains- Time, Healing
Str 15
Dex 15
Con 16
Int 16
Wis 26
Cha 15
Feats- Selective Channeling, Combat Casting, Extra Channeling, Scribe Scroll, Extend Spell, Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Diplomacy 7 ranks +12
Heal 12 ranks +23
Knowledge(Religion) 12 ranks +18
Knowledge(Arcana) 5 ranks +11
Knowledge(History) 6 ranks +11
Knowledge(The Planes) 6 ranks +12
Linguistics 1 ranks +12
Sense Motive 6 ranks +17
Spellcraft 12 ranks +18
Magic Items:
celestial armor, darkwood shield, lesser mace of smiting, headband of wis +6, cloak of resistance +3

hp 84
F +14
R +9
W +19

The Exchange

Minder's the tricky one. (Also, classic Neolithic Minder, or later Art-Deco Minder?)

"Oh, fear. Oh, panic. Oh, drop the woman and hie away to the hills."

(And now we even have the Awakened Demilich to represent that guy!)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Agrivar had his arms crippled and then restored by wearing Gauntlets of Ogre Power.

So, he's got at least Gauntlets +4 on his hands.


ParagonDireRaccoon wrote:

Priam Agrivar
LG Illuskan Human Male Paladin 10 of Torm
Str 20
Dex 12
Con 19
Int 12
Wis 14
Cha 22
Feats-Power Attack, Ex.Weapon Prof. Bastard Sword, Lightning Reflexes, Extra Lay on Hands, Lunge, Imp. Crit-Bastard Sword
Diplomacy 10 ranks +19
Knowledge(Religion) 5 ranks +9
Knowledge(Nobility) 5 ranks +9
Handle Animal 5 ranks +14
Heal 10 ranks +15
Ride 10 ranks +13
Sense Motive 9 ranks +14
Spellcraft 1 rank +5
Magic Items:
+1 cold iron arcane spellcasting humanoid bane bastard sword, darkwood shield, +1 mithral full plate, +1 might composite (+5 str bonus) longbow, 2 aberration slaying arrows, belt of physical perfection +2, headband of alluring cha +4

hp 84
F +18
R +11
W +15

I've only read the first eight issues (first trade), but these attributes seem high to me. Personally, I'd drop them all by 2 points. He should also have a few points in swimming, as you see him diving & swimming at the beginning of the first issue. Just my two bits. ;)

Good points everyone. I started with the stats presented in Dragon Magazine #247, and added for increase at levels four and eight and equipment. If I remember he threw away the gauntlets of ogre power (back then they gave str 18/99, I agree with +4) once his arms were restored.

I'm going with art deco Minder, she's up next. These are just a stab at converting them. I guess I should move four ranks from Ride to Swim for Priam Agrivar.

NG Female Dwarven Tactician Fighter 11 (Iron Golem)

Str 20
Dex 7
Con 24
Int 14
Wis 16
Cha 14
Feats- Power Attack, Weapon Focus-unarmed strike, Imp. Initiate, Weapon Spec.-unarmed strike, Iron Will, Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Greater Weapon Focus-unarmed strike, Cleave, Great Cleave, Imp. Vital Strike
Craft(armorsmith) 11 ranks +16
Craft(blacksmith) 11 ranks +16
Diplomacy 11 ranks +16
Knowledge(dungeoneering) 6 ranks +11
Knowledge(engineering) 5 ranks +10
Linguistics 3 ranks +8
Profession(sailor) 8 ranks +14
Sense Motive 11 ranks +17

hp 87
F +14
R +3
W +8

Special Defenses: Minder’s golem-like body is immune to
non-magical weaponry, although any magic and enchanted
weapons can cause injury. Poison gases do not affect her.
Magic Resistance: Like a true golem, Minder is healed by magical flame. Her first golem body was melted down in a large
forge, so she can be injured by great heat of a mundane nature.
Magical electrical attacks slow her. Since she does not breathe,
many magical gas cloud attacks have no effect.
Equipment: Minder has little in the way of worldly goods. She
Appearance: Minder’s spirit inhabits a magically-crafted 8’-tall longs for little and requires even less.
iron golem that resembles an attractive warrior woman with
eyes and hair of gold and a body plated with bronze. She wears Magical items: None. Though she has some knowledge of the
a bit of fabric around her chest and loins, with a helmet, girdle, workings of magic from her long association with Omen, Minand steel sandals to complete the look of a warrior. der has the usual dwarven distrust of things magical.
Background: As a golden-haired dwarven maid, Minder left
her people to seek glory and honor in foreign lands. She
befriended Dwalimar Omen and accompanied him on his
quest to obtain the Astrolabe of Nimbral. In the battle against
the crystalgriff which guarded the prize, Minder’s body fell
deeply into death’s shadow. Omen found a way to transfer his
friend’s spirit into the body of a golem before she joined her
dwarven gods in the afterlife. Since then, Minder’s golem body
was reforged by a dwarven artisan into a shapelier, more feminine form. Minder is reasonably pleased by the comfort and
sturdiness of her new body, so much so that when offered a
wish by the elven god Labelas Enoreth, she chose to decline the
chance to regain a dwarven form (mainly to spite Labelas). She
has followed Omen loyally for years and is his main confidant
and best friend.
Roleplaying notes: Minder experiences no discomfort from
the weather, nor does she require food, water or air to survive.
She can no longer eat, drink, taste or smell. In her dreams she
misses the sharp tangy scent of juniper and pine in the icy air of
her homeland and the taste of ale. She can still see, hear, and
feel as well as any dwarf. She is a wise warrior, and her calm
consideration and steely resolve have served her and her companions well. Since inhabiting the form of a golem, Minder has
taken to fighting without a weapon, relying on her size and
great strength in most battles. Minder has discovered her true
soulmate, the dwarf Onyx the Invincible, and when Minder is
in Tethyr, their courtship proceeds apace despite her golem
form. Minder is never far from Omen, unless she is acting as his
ambassador. If she is unwillingly separated from him, she will
find a way to rejoin him

I also gave Agrivar a +2 to Cha for a human attribute bonus, and didn't adjust Vartan or Minder. I did move an 18 in Con and 15 in Wis for Vartan, and used a +1 at level 12 to increase Vartan's Con. And I haven't factored age into any write-up, Agrivar is middle-aged and Omen is venerable.

Dwalimor Omen
N Halruuan Wizard 15
Str 12
Dex 10
Con 8
Int 29
Wis 14
Cha 13
Feats- Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Extend Spell, Spell Penetration, Craft Wondrous Items, Greater Spell Penetration, Quicken Spell, Spell Focus(Conjuration), Augment Summons, Defensive Combat Training, Forge Ring, Spell Mastery
Appraise 10 ranks +22
Craft(ship) 10 ranks +22
Fly 15 ranks +18
Heal 15 ranks +17
Knowledge (arcana) 15 ranks +27
Knowledge (dungeoneering) 10 ranks +22
Knowledge (engineering) 10 ranks +22
Knowledge (geography) 10 ranks +22
Knowledge (history) 10 ranks +22
Knowledge (local) 10 ranks +22
Knowledge (planes) 15 ranks +27
Knowledge (religion) 10 ranks +22
Linguistics 10 ranks +22
Profession(sailor) 15 ranks +20
Spellcraft 15 ranks +27
Magic Items: (see below for scrolls and potions) Ring of Protection and Resistance +5, Headband of Int +6, Halruuan Skyship (the Realms Master)

hp 57 (+15 for favored class bonus, +15 for hit die increase from d4 to d6)
F +9
R +10
W +16

Commonly memorized spells: detect magic, feather full, magic
missile, read magic, flaming sphere, improved phantasmal force,
knock, lightning bolt, dispel magic,fireball,fly, gust of wind, contact
other plane, dimension door, improved invisibility, shout, conjure elemental (summon monster VII), teleport, legend lore, stone to flesh, true seeing, banishment,
power word-stun, teleport without error.
Appearance: Dwalimar Omen was once a tall, handsome man
with pale skin, blue eyes and jet black hair. Great age, (and
dealings in dangerous magic) have turned his hair and beard
pure white. He still carries himself with a proud bearing, and
he wears his hair in a southern style which resembles a mane.
These serve to accentuate his height even more. His forehead is
tattooed with a triangle of three blue dots which in the south
indicate scholarship in reading, religion, and magic. He dresses
in simple robes of white trimmed with blue and black.
Background: Omen hails from Halruua, a southern nation
ruled by mages. As a young man he proved his cunning and
loyalty by “acquiring” the Astrolabe of Nimbral for his nation.
Years later, Omen was entrusted by Halruua’s leader, the Netyarch Zalathorm Kirkson, with the astrolabe in order to track
down dangerously powerful magical artifacts in the north and
dispose of them. (The astrolabe was capable of teleporting
Omen’s ship, the Realms Muster, anywhere in the Realms.) The
astrolabe was destroyed during the Time of Troubles.
Some time in his past, Omen was cursed with a disease
which is killing him painfully and slowly.
Equipment: Omen has an extensive library of books on a variety of subjects from artifacts to ziggurats.
Magical items: Ring of protection +5. Omen has accumulated
several magical scrolls and several useful potions. He is not the
sort to hoard such magics, and uses them liberally. He always
has on hand the following spell scrolls: improved phantasmal
force, stone to flesh, levitate, feign death, Leomund’s tiny hut, minor
creation, polymorph others, wall of ice, sending, and a gate into the
Demiplane of Fear, and the following potions: extra healing,
sweetwater, water breathing. There is a 10% chance Omen will be
cataloguing some powerful and dangerous artifact (DM’s
choice) before tossing it into the Demiplane of Fear.
Roleplaying notes: Omen can be pompous and stern when trying to impress. He can also be as charming as a summer’s day
when he wants something. He has a mercurial temper when
crossed. On days when his disease leaves him especially debilitated he can be very moody Fortunately, a challenging task can
help keep Omen’s mind from his pain, and at such times he
appears carefree and eager. While the mage continues to seek a
cure for his condition he recognizes that his primary responsibility is to use his great power to help and protect others from
those who would abuse power. Omen may occasionally hire a
party of less powerful characters to help him retrieve some artifact or other. The pay will be generous, but Omen might insist
on leading the party

Foxilon Cardluck
CG Halfling Rogue 10
Str 12
Dex 26
Con 16 (belt of physical perfection +4 factored in to stats)
Int 15
Wis 12
Cha 17
Feats- Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Rapid Reload, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus- light crossbow (from rogue talent weapon training)
Rogue Talents- Finesse Rogue, Weapon Training, Trap Spotter, Powerful Sneak, Crippling Strike, Opportunist
Acrobatics 10 ranks +23
Appraise 4 ranks +6
Bluff 5 ranksranks
Climb 5 ranks +11
Craft(tailor) 1 ranks +6
Diplomacy 2 ranks +8
Disable Device 10 ranks +21
Heal 5 ranks +10
Escape Artist 5ranks +16
Knowledge(local) 1 rank +6
Linguistics 10 ranks +15
Perception 10 ranks +16
Profession(sailor) 5 ranks +9
Sense Motive 1 rank +6
Sleight of Hand 1 rank +12
Spellcraft 5 ranks +7
Stealth 10 ranks +25
Swim 1 rank +5
Use Magic Device 10 ranks +16
Magic Items- Belt of Physical Perfection +4, Lt. Crossbow +3, scrolls (see below)
hp 62
F +7
R +16
W +6

Appearance: Foxilon is an attractive young halfling of thirty
some years with black hair and deep brown eyes. He favors
vests or short tunics over his shirt and pants, all of bright colorful fabrics. Like most halflings, he does not wear shoes but
prefers to go barefoot. He follows the peculiar southern practice of shaving the hair on his feet.
Background: Foxilon Cardluck, Foxy to his friends, left his
home in Luiren at a young age to earn his fortune adventuring
with a party of young, like-minded halflings. Unfortunately,
the party soon ran into a human called Joribel who duped
them, as he had many others, into becoming addicted to a narcotic substance known as cheeeese which affected only
halflings. The halflings became Joribel’s pawns, stealing, raiding, even killing at his command to earn their daily ration of
cheeeese. Foxy was forced to perform in Joribel’s combat arena,
and he might have ended his days there as a cheeeesed-out
wretch, but a larger halfling, a bully, stole Foxy’s share of
cheeeese, forcing Foxy to “dry out.” In a moment of lucidity,
Foxy, trying to save a halfling girl from Joribel’s advances,
attacked Joribel and fled with the girl. While evading pursuit
they ran into Omen and Minder. The girl kept running, but
Foxy told Omen something of Joribel’s doing. Omen destroyed
the human and took Foxy under his wing. The wizard taught
the halfling the finer points of stealing items of magical power.
By the time Omen had acquired the Realms Master he had
gained a great respect for the young man’s wit and skills, and
he made the halfling his first mate.
Equipment: If Foxy doesn‘t have it, he can acquire it within a
reasonable time. He prizes a collection of non-magical but
wondrous curios, including a magnetic compass, several magnifying glasses, a spyglass, a music box that plays the lover’s
duet from the opera The Tragedy of Cassana and Zrie Prakis, and a
shadow box with silhouettes of a variety of flying creatures.
Magical items: Foxy has hoarded a few magical scrolls against
the day when he finally learns to read them. These include:
feather fall, light, identify, knock, rope trick, infravision, and power
word-stun. Omen does not know about the latter.
Roleplaying notes: Foxy is a buoyant, charming halfling. He
feels a protective affection for all his crewmembers and does
his best to keep their spirits up. He’s a reasonably shrewd businessman, an able seaman, and a first-class thief. He’s generally
friendly and likes everyone. A person would have to be truly
mean to get on Foxy’s bad side, but the halfling is by no means
naive about human nature (or elven, dwarven, or halfling
nature). Foxy is still occasionally tempted by a desire for
cheeeese, but like Agrivar he has managed to keep from sliding
back into that gutter. When he has free time in a town, Foxy
seeks out the company of other halflings and news on Luiren.

It will be a few days before I try to convert Ishi Barasume. She is the character I am least familiar with, and the Samurai is a class I am also unfamiliar with.

For Agrivar and Vartan I equipped them as player characters, but the equipment isn't central to the conversion. That was more for my benefit, to see what they'd look like with partly optimized equipment. In the comics they didn't have a lot of magic items, so I'm trying to equip them with signature items (like Omen's Ring of Protection, which also gave a bonus to saving throws back then).

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

It would probably be a good idea to remember that these were all originally 1E characters, not 3.5.

Ishi, for example, is a multi-classed samurai/ninja from 1E, not a pure samurai.

In the later books they actually stat up some of the characters. Omen, for example, is only 12th level in the comics.


Aelryinth wrote:

It would probably be a good idea to remember that these were all originally 1E characters, not 3.5.

Ishi, for example, is a multi-classed samurai/ninja from 1E, not a pure samurai.

In the later books they actually stat up some of the characters. Omen, for example, is only 12th level in the comics.


Good point. I'm using the stats presented in Dragon 247 as a starting point. I've given the characters stat increases for every fourth level, and stat increasing items (I got carried away with Vartan and Agrivar). I think they all have ranks of Heal, Vartan rejected Labolas Enoreth for awhile. Omen is 15th level in the write up in Dragon magazine, it also has a short story about the crew.

I've tried posting a conversion of Ishi twice but it won't post. Would anyone else like to write up Ishi?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I had posted 3.5e stats here for the crew of the Realms Master. I used the Oriental Adventures to stat out Ishi as a samurai.

Pathfinder's version of a samurai is a cavalier variant, while Ishi is not shown having a mount. I would make her a fighter.

Very nice, Green Giant. I was playing around with making Ishi a samurai/ninja, but it's tough to estimate. Like Aravar observed, PF Samurais are mounted combat oriented. Fighter/ninja could work, all of her skills are covered by ninja.

Thanks for this!

Ishi's Samurai class levels could use the Sword Saint archetype (PF Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer). It's a "mount-free" archetype for the Samurai class.

Did the elf give up worship of Labelas Enoreth?

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