Queen Ileosa Arabasti

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63 posts. Alias of JASON RODARTE.


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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I liked the Elemental Lords from the 1st Edition Fiend Folio, especially the yeti headed one

The options will be ve3ry nice I assume.

There was a Master Specailist in one of hte 3.5 books, I believe Complete Mage.

It would be nice to see the sculpt for the witch since the one in the ROW was so horrendous.

Has there been any developments in the Albuquerque area?

Did the elf give up worship of Labelas Enoreth?

Lol. I love that movie!!

Maybe their brooms?


I for one like psionics. Any idea when the play test will be up?

Ah, so that might be a way to get around them knowing about him in Order 66.

It is like Palpatine having levels in Jedi even though he was never trained as a jedi.

I had hoped that they would have kept the mechanics for 4E. I really like the Star Wars saga system.

How much of a balance issue would it create if everyone got a free feat and a free talent?

Are there any free character generators? I used to have one but I dont thinkit updated to MS Excel 2013.

Ok. Thanks to the previous two posts.

Spaz, how would your character, as a jedi padawan be familiar with the tradition of the Jensaarai?

Thanks Ren! I like the sheet. I didnt see a destiny though.

All I have read is very little on the group that is in the core book.

That is fine.

So far character submissions
Mahath Kishion, a human Jedi
Quen Pah, a human Jedi
A7-XV, droid scoundral

Thank you, that is very helpful.

I think that the AP hits all of them so I dont think it matters. It is probably best that the background reflect it.

Markofbane, what is your destiny?

I will say go ahead and make your character and their concept and we will make any adjustments if and when necessary.

Remy, things didnt go all that well. So I ended it. Why dont you play with us in this one?

Spaz, the only one who has commented has been James. I am going to take a look at it this afternoon.

Takato, I am unclear as to what you are asking. Can you repeat the question so that I know what you needing from me?

Do droids get Force points in Saga?

Would you guys take a look at the .pdf that Gem submitted and let me know what you think about the rules?

Thank you! That is too bad! :(

I would be interested in seeing your document.

Are the jenassi around in this time period?

I think once or twice daily if not more, except for weekends.

We would play here.

Does this help Jemstone?

I have been doing some research on a SRD and it looks like Lucas or WOTC did not allow one since from what I am reading SRD was made for 3rd parties.

That would be fine.

Sure, James

LOL, we could do an all jedi padawan party.

So far:
Redbeard (from old thread)

By when do you think you might be able to have a concept down and ready for review?

Any Jedi? This would be my only chance to play one so maybe if there were others we could figure out a background?

I really want to do this so think of maybe 2 characters to play?

I started a new thread.

Sorry if this is a repeat but I did not know how to edit the previous thread I had started.

Would there be any interest in Star Wars saga edition set in the Dawn of Defiance campaign?

If so I would be looking for 4-6 characters (though I might add a DM pc since this seems the only way I would be able to play in such as game).

25pt buy
Races need to be justified except for CORE
Use CORE, Clone Wars, KoTOR, Jedi Training initally for Jedi (talents and powers) though I have no problems with later working other things in.
Other classes would have access to anything in the Saga rules system.

1st level
DOD is written as a set up for the Rebellion Era, it is in between the two movie series.

This is basically a few months or even weeks after Order 66 and the establishment of of the 1st Galactic Empire

If the person wants to play a jedi the powers and talents from the mentioned books are the only ones that they can begin with. A non Jedi force user would depend on the Force tradition. You can start off with those powers but with training and leveling you can get access to different powers.

Does this help?

I have been doing some research on a SRD and it looks like Lucas or WOTC did not allow one since from what I am reading SRD was made for 3rd parties.


This might help, Red.

How do I edit it?

Red, I don't know. Let me go and check?

Only Spaz?

Dawn of Defiance is the name given to a series of 10 linked adventures that Gamemasters can use to create an entire campaign for their players. Set in the months after the events of Revenge of the Sith, the adventures in the Dawn of Defiance campaign are designed to provide players and GMs with the iconic Star Wars Roleplaying Game experience, set against the backdrop of the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. The Dawn of Defiance campaign takes the heroes all the way from 1st level up to 20th level and features an ongoing storyline that progresses over the course of the campaign. Each adventure can also be played individually and should provide the heroes with ample challenges to gain two levels per adventure. Gamemasters should feel free to use the Dawn of Defiance adventures either as an entire campaign or as fillers for their own home campaigns.

I like the system.

1st level
DOD is written as a set up for the Rebellion Era, it is in between the two movie series.

Funds same as above

This is basically a few months or even weeks after Order 66 and the establishment of of the 1st Galactic Empire

If the person wants to play a jedi the powers and talents from the mentioned books are the only ones that they can begin with. A non Jedi force user would depend on the Force tradition. You can start off with those powers but with training and leveling you can get access to different powers.

Does this help?

Spaz, go ahead and start working on a character.

I like backgrounds.

Would there be any interest in Star Wars saga edition set in the Dawn of Defiance campaign?

If so I would be looking for 4-6 characters (though I might add a DM pc since this seems the only way I would be able to play in such as game).

25pt buy
Races need to be justified except for CORE
Use CORE, Clone Wars, KoTOR, Jedi Training initally for Jedi (talents and powers) though I have no problems with later working other things in.
Other classes would have access to anything

It wont let me.

Has anyone tried to convert him to a Pathfinder character. I am thinking of a more acrobatic brawler?

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