Philip Knowsley |
Not sure it counts as "restful", but it was certainly fun.
I got a couple of things done, but not as much as I wanted, and need to get back into the working groove (I just had another week off to do some much-needed DIY at home) before I really knuckle down on the sheet.
Please keep prodding me every now and then.
Does that count? ;-p

pezlerpolychromatic |

Chemlak wrote:Not sure it counts as "restful", but it was certainly fun.
I got a couple of things done, but not as much as I wanted, and need to get back into the working groove (I just had another week off to do some much-needed DIY at home) before I really knuckle down on the sheet.
Please keep prodding me every now and then.
Does that count? ;-p
Bring out the Stick of Mighty Poking.

Chemlak |

Fair question. One I'm not sure I have a good answer for. This week is pretty clear of social engagements (relatively speaking - I have some irregular games, as well as my weekly Pathfinder session), so if I can finish off the bits I'm currently working on I can probably have something done by next weekend. Next week and the week after I have a friend visiting from overseas, so I can guarantee not a lot is going to happen during that period.
So I'll try to get something out this coming week, but if I don't make it, there'll be a bit of a bigger gap.

Philip Knowsley |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
On the Urule sheet explain which ruler # is used for which position because that isnt clear, who is the ruler, high priest, hier, exc..?
Once you have typed in all of the PC & NPC names & stats, then go into the next tab 'Overall'.
In that sheet look in the middle under 'Leadership'. In the 'name' field you can select fromdrop-down boxes all of the leaders you typed into the previous sheet.
Whom you select is up to you, but most people look at the stats required to do each job &
select the most worthy individual. (Or you can completely freeform the RP experience & select
people who WANT to do the job...) :)

Philip Knowsley |
Hiya Chemlak,
It's that time again & I'm into a 5yr growth spurt with the PCs kingdom.
Just noticed something on my first run through at filling in the new sheet.
Holidays don't seem to have any option to use the UCam rules, but in the Rulers
page you can select multiple rules sources.
I realise that this is the new URule format, but is there any intent to have
different rule-sets selectable at a later stage, or is going to be a 'choose one
& run with it' deal? :)
Cheers bud. Hope you're having (had?) fun with your mate from overseas.

Chemlak |

Currently the Rules Source is only for which version of Leader modifiers are in play (which is why it's on the Ruler worksheet).
Long-term goal is for there to be checkboxes for different optional rules, allowing you to switch them on and off as you wish. But it is a long-term goal, so not something I'm going to be implementing in the immediate future.
Are they small to large town by the Ultimate Rulership rules? Anything of 17+ lots is at least a City.
This is another "in the future" thing, unfortunately, because I've also noticed that there's some weirdness in terms of settlement size under URule, so I've got plans to rework the settlement sizes to more closely reflect that the settlement type is based upon population - due to the fact that lot populations in URule are generally lower than in UCam, it's not just a case of reverting to the UCam method, particularly because under some circumstances a lot under URule can have more than population 250.
And yes, time with friend is awesome. ;)

Chemlak |

Why, thank you!
It's a pleasure working on the sheet, and since I've been such a lazy-bones about URule updates lately, I've pegged a solid slot starting in about 3 hours to get some quality updates done. Should be some fixes and QoL improvements, too, if I can do them before I pass out.

Chemlak |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, I just spent nearly 4 hours wrestling with Festival Edicts, and I'm about 25% done with them. I alternately want to hug Jason Nelson for such an awesome product, and throttle him for making up some really insane rules that are easy to handle for a person, but a complete pain in the proverbial to automate.
On the plus side, I did sort out the consumption issues, so settlements and buildings are now applying the correct amounts of consumption to the kingdom under Ultimate Rulership.
Canny users will be able to find the hidden work in progress Festival sheet, because I didn't want to remove it to publish an update. At the moment it does absolutely nothing elsewhere.
Bugfix! v5.4p

Ykoa |
Well, I just spent nearly 4 hours wrestling with Festival Edicts, and I'm about 25% done with them. I alternately want to hug Jason Nelson for such an awesome product, and throttle him for making up some really insane rules that are easy to handle for a person, but a complete pain in the proverbial to automate.
On the plus side, I did sort out the consumption issues, so settlements and buildings are now applying the correct amounts of consumption to the kingdom under Ultimate Rulership.
Canny users will be able to find the hidden work in progress Festival sheet, because I didn't want to remove it to publish an update. At the moment it does absolutely nothing elsewhere.
Bugfix! v5.4p
Any easy way to use the new update from an old one or is it just repyping everything?

Chemlak |

I'm afraid it's the long hard slog: I keep trying to persuade a friend of mine to program me a little executable to import stuff, but because of the nature of the changes, it's not easy and would obsolete quite quickly.
I'm sure it can be done natively, but I'd have to read up a lot of stuff to figure out how to do it without breaking the various formulae and data validations. You never know, I might get the urge to do something like that once I've finished URule.

Chemlak |

Tips for updating your kingdoms to a new version of the sheet.
1) Copy/paste the cells from the Ruler sheet. Since it's just a huge block all in one place, this one is easy. All the calculations are done outside those cells, so as long as you don't remove the protection, you're good.
2) Phone a friend. Don't try to do it all yourself! Have a friend load up and read off the old sheet while you record everything in the new one. Not having to check your own work reduces errors, and when you're done you can compare the statistics in the old one to the new one before you save it. Just remember that updates and fixes do change some numbers, but as long as the figures that won't have been changed in the update are the same, you should be good.
3) Develop a shorthand for describing lot locations. I'm pretty sure anyone can guess what lot I mean if I say "middle-top, top left". That makes it really easy to place buildings on maps.
4) Maps again, do all your houses at once. Since you'll be copy/pasting each building, pick a building type (like House), copy it from the building images, and paste it into the district, place it, then just paste again to get the next house to place. Rinse-repeat.
5) Don't emulate the House of Pain. Jumping around the sheets will encourage errors. Start at the beginning, work through the sheets one at a time, then go back and check the numbers.
6) Protip: Magic Item slots are easy. Unprotect the city sheet, and copy/paste the magic item slots. Don't forget to protect the sheet again. Just make sure you're careful which cells you selected.
7) Save with a different name. Keep an archive copy of the old sheet, just in case you screw up in a major way and have to start again.
8) If you find a bug, tell me about it. I hate bugs. I try to squash them far faster than I do updates. If it's particularly heinous, keep using the older version until I upload the fixed sheet. Odds are you'll only have to wait a couple of days at most, and you might save yourself an entire sheet update in the process.

Ykoa |
Hi Chemlak.
Thanks for the advice!
I have copied the whole city map thing with everything in them from sheet to sheet since there is no calculations on that one :)
Also i have on the Chart page added all charts i currently have with magic item generations tables also pots etc. So we wont have to turn to the books every time, we printed all of this as well.

T.A.U. |

Hi Chemlak,
I'm updating mine party's kingdom to the new version, and I think I have found a bug, but I'm not completely sure about it.
The Version is 5.4p of Open Office.
In Overall the City Consumption is refers to "City Overview G27 + "City Overview F27"
Now, into the City Overview the cell G27 is the sum of the districts, but F27 is the sum of the Fame. So, why is the Fame added to the city consumption and so to the total consumption?
Am I missing some rule from UR?

Chemlak |

Heh. I knew someone would spot that. Page 22, left column, Fame: buildings with a "yes" on the big chart increase fame by 1 (and yes, it includes all of the buildings which have Fame +1 in the core rules) and consumption by 1. Rather than completely screwing up the Buildings tab by adding a Consumption column that exactly mirrors the Fame column, adding the Fame from buildings to the consumption of a settlement seemed like a good shortcut.

Chemlak |

Just goes to show how weird things can get: there I was, all psyched up to keep bashing my head on Festival Edicts, when an opportunity I couldn't refuse (as in: if I don't try, I'll regret it forever) popped up out of nowhere and swallowed my time. With any luck I'll be able to get back into action in the next couple of days.
Just thought you should all know.

Chemlak |

Tres cool doesn't even begin to cover it. If (and that's a pretty big if right now) anything comes of it, my desire to keep my online identity (largely) separate from my real one will make it unlikely I'll even be able to directly explain what it is. I might drop hints, though. Anyway, it's in the hands of a higher power, now, so I'm playing the waiting game.

Curghann |
I mentioned I was having some issues with the sheet in the Kingmaker subform Kingdom Building thread and he asked me to post the specifics here.
I'm using the UCam document linked on page 11 (I think), found here:
I'm working on Windows 7 Enterprise with Excel 2013.
The strange behavior I'm seeing is when I'm trying to fill out the Army tab. I didnt see anything for the Army tab in the Instructions tab so I may simply be doing it wrong.
Name - Test
Size - Small
Active - Yes
Type - "human fighter"
CR - 2
HD Type - d10
Commander Name - Bob
Lvl/HD - 5
Cha Mod - 3
Boon - Loyalty
Tactics - Cautious Combat
Resources - Ranged Weapons
Notes - random text
With those values, Speed became 1, but HP, OFF/Def/Cons all stayed as "n/a" and Morale stayed "+0". Leadership for the Commander became 8.
I was mostly looking to use this tab to get an idea on Consumption values and what the OM/DV values would be with different values. The Army Summary tab properly pulled in the values I put in, but OM/DV/HP and Consumption stayed blank. Morale did too, but I'm not sure if something is supposed to be showing there.
This isnt time sensitive as I was just playing around. My group just started the kingdom building phase of RRR and got through 3 turns so it's going to be a while before we have to worry about armies. I just wanted to get ahead a little, and everytjhing else in the sheet was so impressive, I thought I'd try Armies out.
Happy to provide any additional information that might be useful.
Thanks in advance.

Philip Knowsley |
With those values, Speed became 1, but HP, OFF/Def/Cons all stayed as "n/a" and Morale stayed "+0". Leadership for the Commander became 8.
... The Army Summary tab properly pulled in the values I put in, but OM/DV/HP and Consumption stayed blank. Morale did too, but I'm not sure if something is supposed to be showing there.
Just f.y.i I used your stats in my sheet I'm running for my players & ditto
results...except for the summary tab, which was even less populated than yoursseems to have been. i.e. speed was also blank.
Chemlak, How's your tres cool life going? & any comments on this?
(I'm in the same boat - haven't got to armies yet...but nearly there...

Chemlak |

Tres cool life is going moderately well. I'm on holiday (again) for the next few days. I have enough internet connection to post here from my tablet, but I daren't try uploading the sheet from my laptop.
I shall investigate, because that behaviour is weird, and if I can fix, I'll throw the new sheet up in a few days.

Chemlak |

For anyone interested, the ACR wasn't properly recognising fractional results, so any army below ACR 1 would register as "n/a" and not properly propagate values to several fields which check if the army ACR is valid. One new lookup table and a new method of calculating ACR later, and we're all sorted.

Chemlak |

I think I've mentioned before: I hate bugs. This is most assuredly a bug.
Your ACR<1 armies should now be calculating correctly under UCam rules (I'm still a way off updating armies to Ultimate Battle, so for now the URule sheet works exactly the same as the UCam one for this).
The same links as usual, copied here for your convenience:
Ultimate Campaign Excel
Ultimate Campaign Open Office
Ultimate Rulership Excel
Ultimate Rulership Open Office

Chemlak |

Having tried Windows 10 on my desktop, had it utterly fail on me for two weeks and completely resist all attempts to fix, short of a clean Windows install (and thus reinstall all of my applications), I've reverted back to my old friend Windows 7, and am hoping to get another update done soon.

Chemlak |

Yeah. I spent 10 hours over two days at one point, rolling back updates, running scans, even created a new profile (which also didn't work). Finally gave up, and decided a version rollback was in order.
On the plus side, everything's back to normal, and I have no game this week, so I can spend some time actually doing something useful.

Galeazzo |

Ok, this is quite big, unless I completely misunderstood UR or your sheet. I noticed the Kingdom sheet (Ultimate Rulership) makes a big mistake when it calculates kingdom population outside the city: the big matrix counts the same hexes multiple times.
Example: if I have 2 hill hexes (one empty and one with a farm and a highway) instead of counting 50 people for the first and 175 for the second (50+25+100), with a total of 225, the matrix counts 50 for the empty one, 150 for the farm and 75 for the highway (total 275), making it 3 hexes.
I completely deleted the matrix (the column on the left makes a good job for counting improvements that, by the way, should augment population independently of the hex terrain type), leaving the base population column and a new column, "total hexes" for each terrain type, so I can count the total number of hexes and the basic total population, which cam be summed to the total improvement population (calculated from the left column).
Suggestion: I added in the overview panel a simple taxes calculator, one that makes the math once given the taxes dice roll. My players enjoyed it a lot! :)

Chemlak |

Looks like I have some investigating. Will have to wait until my little boy is in bed, but I'll get back on this as soon as possible.
Thanks Galeazzo!
And welcome aboard, Cheese! I hope you find the sheet useful.

Chemlak |

Bugfix! Mini-update! URule 5.4r has decided it's ready.
Pinging these up right now and then banging my head against a wall a bit more.
It's entirely possible that these are actually new links (eep!) which will undoubtedly have been caused by my Windows 10 hell... which reminded me to update the Community Use Register entry links.

Chemlak |

Just to let people know that I haven't forgotten you or anything like that - I'm putting Festival Edicts on hold for the time being, and I've nearly finished Settlement Attributes (one of them is eeeevil, and it's proving a tough nut to crack, but I think I finally have a solution).
Once that's done, Magical Enhancements go on, and I publish the update (woohoo!).
After that time to crack some of the QoL enhancements people have been asking for, and then either try Festivals again, or do the full Event re-write (I'm not sure which will be easier...).
Thanks all, for your patience!

Chemlak |

Well, this one's been a while coming.
Ultimate Rulership version 5.5!
Events tab now matches the Ultimate Rulership version. Settlements now have Magical Improvements available, and Settlement Attributes.
In addition, settlements now display a Danger level, a Purchase limit, and Spellcasting spell levels (split Arcane and Divine).
There are a few loose ends that aren't quite polished, including annotations of Magical Improvements and Settlement Attributes, and the Settlement Attribute Legendary Marketplace isn't fully functional (sorry, that one's eeeevil - I do have a solution planned, it's just not ready for primetime), but since I got done what I did, I figured it was worth loading up.
And as always, please report any bugs, make any suggestions, or whatever, here or by PM.

Chemlak |

Turns out it wasn't either of the things I thought it might be - got a friend to test downloading it, and it worked fine for him.
EML, can you let me know what happens when you click the download link? Also, what version of Excel are you using?
Oh, and anyone using a version of Excel earlier than 2013 has just lost all of the drop-down boxes...
That's going to take me a couple of days to fix.

Evil Midnight Lurker |

I was too ambiguous there. I can see the spreadsheet in the Dropbox, and it'll download just fine, but Excel can't open it.
...okay the problem is probably something to do with my using Excel 2007 on account of I can't stand how the modern version looks. n.n; I'll bite the bullet and update, and then get back to you.
EDIT: and I can bypass that whole mess by just loading it into Google Sheets and working from there. It appears to be functional, sorry for the panic.
DOUBLE EDIT: No, wait, the dropdown boxes have stopped working in Google Sheets too, this is a legitimate panic after all.

Chemlak |

Yep, it seems that .xlsx files saved in Excel 2013 lose data validation cell references (despite them working perfectly fine in Excel 2013 and Excel 2007) if opened in other spreadsheet programs (including Excel 2007), and need to be converted to "named" array references.
I've got a big conversion to do in order to get that working. Fortunately my brief test today indicated that it will not cause issues with other spreadsheet software. So I just have to spend an absolute age going through the sheet, naming all the dropdown lists, and then redoing the data validation on every worksheet. Not hard, just time-consuming.