Low-Level Over the Top Characters


Hey guys. We've got a friend who is opting to DM our next Pathfinder group, and has decided that the 'you met in a bar' cliche has gotten a bit old and has decided to come up with an entirely original concept work.

The basis for his world, from what I have gathered so far, is that it is supposed to be an area of extreme toughness, that "if you don't a have a broken character, you have a high chance of dying." He also is putting a huge amount of emphasis on backstory and how it all translates to particular enhancements, trinkets, effects, etc. you may have come across, and none of the characters will know a damn thing about anybody else at the beginning.

Standard 4d6, 7 roll stat build. He wants to do a pre-checkup with each of the characters to feel out their backstory and possibly workout some more details before we even start gaming. We also will be starting anywhere between level 1-4, we just have to justify as to why we need to start where we do (hence the emphasis on backstory).

I'm down for this idea, I think it's really intriguing. I've been mulling over a couple characters, like a Drow Noble/vampire/Anti-Paladin, some sort of construct/wizard/metal elementalist, or even a human/two-handed fighter with a mercurial Greatsword/flaming enchantment. What do you guys think? What would be some ridiculous characters you would like to try out in this scenario?

Half-Elf Synthesist, dipping Paladin and Monk at high levels.


Oracle of Heavens Color-spray focuser

Scarred Witch Doctor Witch

For fun- Aasimar Oracle of Nature with the Horsemaster feat.

Mounted Combat for instakill at lower levels. A Mounted Fury Barbarian should have the highest initially possible damage.

Liberty's Edge

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It seems a master summoner draws a bunch of comments on how overpowering it is

Yea, I've been the same vibe actually. Seems pretty legit, too. Don't think I've ever played a summoner class before so I may have to try it out.

At low level the heavens colorsprayer is god to anything with eyes. You can even build it to effect undead.

2ragechemist/vivisectionist , 1 barb- rest barb=+10 strength.

Cleric that negative alt channels alcohol. If they fail the save they are nauseated(gets only 1 move action on theri turn)

Kitsune enchanter. Get crazy high DCs for save or suck spells.

If you can swing Drow Noble, it's probably the most powerful race that has been statted out (Strix is really good too. Flight speeds are awesome). If you can build a race yourself with the Advanced Race Guide, even better (for example, a pre-defined feat is worth half as much as one you can freely choose, but you can just pre-define it to be the one you want).

Something the two of us came up with was a changeling/elf hybrid synthesist that starts taking levels of the Warshaper PRC from 3.5 at level 6. My question is whether or not the natural attacks/enhancements you gain from the race and classes stack with the natural attacks the Eidolon already does.

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