Need clarifications some cleric stuff


Silver Crusade

I've reached level 2 with this pc and ran into issues.

My first encounter with hordes of mindless undead. I am a cleric of sarenrae and have sun's blessing. I've never encountered anything that uses 'Channel Resistence' and upon being advised to channel into dealing full, non-mitigatable damage to them.

My question for this is, does sun's blessing bypass an undeads ability to will save against my channel positive harming damage as well? Cause I did read that it does not allow them to add their channel resist to their save but since I've never encountered undead up to this point. I wasn't sure on anything.

Secondly, not enough spells inbetween each day?

I've finally understood the tables for both my class and the wisdom modifier that follows. (level)X+(wis)+1(dom) = number of different spells I can cast per day.

However, I feel like I'm short-changing myself when it comes to the spells I choose individually. Is there not a base allotment for each spell, like 3+wis?

For a definition:
Channel Resistance
Creatures with channel resistance gain a bonus on Will saves made against channeled energy. They add their bonus to any Will saves made to halve the damage and resist the effect.

Sun's Blessing (Su):
Whenever you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, add your cleric level to the damage dealt. Undead do not add their channel resistance to their saves when you channel positive energy.

Seems like it negates their ability to add their channel resistance on saves vs. channel positive energy. They still get a save. They don't get to add that nasty channel resistance.

You should have four 0th level spells per day, 2 1st level spells per day + 1 domain spell. You are only 2nd level. You don't have a lot of spells yet.

You do get an extra spell if you have high Wis. What is your Wisdom?

Silver Crusade

My wis mod is 3. So I know I am getting 1 extra spell a day.

But to simplify what I've been using:

1: Magic Weapon
1: Bless
1: Sanctuary
1: Burning Hands (Domain)

But I just don't know how many times I can use each spell individually.

Liberty's Edge

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What you prepare is an instance of each spell.

In your example, you can only cast each spell once.

But you could prepare 3 : Bless and 1 : Burning Hands (Domain) to be able to cast Bless three times.

As Scott UAT said (besides stealing MY FACE! OMG), your sun's blessing counters the channel resistance some undead have (not your average zombie or skeleton, but more powerful forms of undead, like the Skeletal Champion or the Wraith). At 2nd level, when you channel positive energy you deal 1d6 damage to all undead within 30 ft. Those undead can make a Will saving throw to half the damage they suffer. Let's say you are a 2nd level cleric with 14 Charisma (+2 modifier). The DC of the save an undead must make to avoid taking full damage from your channel is 10+1/2 your level (in this case, 1/2 your level is 1) plus a +2 because of your Charisma modifier. In total, 10+1+2=13. If one of the undead in the area is, let's say, a Wraith (channel resistance +2), it normally would add a +2 to its Will save against your channel. Instead, good old Sarenrae says NO and the Wraith adds its normal Will save bonus.

Regarding spells, yes, at 2nd level you have few slots, but remember: as a Good Cleric you can switch any of your non-domain 1st spells for a Cure Light Wounds, and this gives you a bit of versatility. Another thing you should keep in mind is that, although you have to choose your spells in anticipation, you don't have to do that at the beginning of the day. Let's say you sleep for 8 hours, then wake up and meet the guy explaining your mission: he says you will have to descend into a crypt and face a group of necromancers messing with local un-life. If you haven't spent your daily 1-hour meditation yet, you can do it now and, knowing there will probably be a lot of undead, prepare the right kind of spells to deal with them appropriately. This isn't different from a ranger buying antitoxin before entering a dungeon full of venomous spiders: you maximize your odds of surviving the encounter.

Hima wrote:

My wis mod is 3. So I know I am getting 1 extra spell a day.

But to simplify what I've been using:

1: Magic Weapon
1: Bless
1: Sanctuary
1: Burning Hands (Domain)

But I just don't know how many times I can use each spell individually.

Only one use of the spell per day. You can prepare the same spell more than once.

Well it IS a hansom face.

Silver Crusade

Wow, that feels like it severely limits myself in a module that doesn't allow time to sleep.

Scott_UAT wrote:


Well it IS a hansom face.

Damn sure it is!

@Hima: a module that allows no sleep is dangerous, but can be handled by carefully managing your spells. How well equipped are you at the moment? And what's your domain, besides Sun?

Silver Crusade

This definitely does enlighten me on the need-to-know basis. Now I'm not sure if I want to keep playing this pc anymore. ):

Silver Crusade

Yup, for level 1+ spells, you only get to cast each spell once per time that you prepared it. At low levels, spellcasters just don't get very many spells, unfortunately. By the time you hit level 5, you'll rarely run out of spells per day, because you'll have so many.

The exception to this is level 0 spells. For those you prepare 4 of them, and you can cast them over and over, as many times per day as you want. Unfortunately, those are the weaker spells that don't have as much use in combat for a cleric.

Silver Crusade

My second domain is fire.

Ok, so each day you have 6 fire bolts ready, which do 1d6 + 1/2 level (1) damage. That's some solid combat option, if combined with spells and weapon attacks. Unless you're dealing with a 10/15 rooms dungeon full of monsters, you should be OK. If that's the case, leave the dirty work to fighters and other damage dealers and beef up on healing spells, leading from the back (heheh). Ranged weapons could be a nice idea too. The character as a whole doesn'rt look bad to me, but if you don't like it, hey, just try something else. Plenty of options out there! :)

Silver Crusade

Fire Bolt is ok at low levels. By level 5, the damage doesn't scale up well enough to be worth bothering with any more. But by then, you'll have more spells, so you won't need it as much.

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