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Arithas Elethen: CG male elf alchemist of no one (faithless).
Bendaxalon Brillamorrow: CG male lava gnome sorcerer (draconic [brass]) of Valani.
Elysia Skyfrond: CG female elf wizard (conjurer) of Desna.
Khale d'Anlyn: LG male aasimar (angelkin) paladin of Shelyn.
Li Shuo: LN male human (Tian-Shu) monk (zen archer & qinggong monk) of Irori.
Triccio 'Trig' Petali: CG male human (Varisian) bard of Desna.
One woman, two elves, two humans, two Desnans, one faithless, four chaotic good, four ranged (PBS or Precise Shot), two dedicated arcane casters, and two healing hybrids. (Khale is the only one in none of those categories.) No one has Disable Device trained that I saw, so we're just going to have to work around that if necessary.
@Elysia: Check out the interaction of the Silver Crusade's "Force for Good" trait (in the Guide) and the summon monster line of spells. My understanding is that every creature marked with an asterisk would have your alignment, giving the spell the [Chaotic, Good] subtypes when you summon them.

GM Alice |

Just had a look over everyone's character sheets for error checking (my habit)...
- Trig: You're lacking a skill point from your race (unless you traded Skilled out for some other racial trait that I missed!)
- Bendaxalon: You've got a favoured class bonus free I think (unless it's into the +1/2 use of claws...or it's not in sorcerer!)
- Arithas: You're also missing a favoured class bonus I believe. I was wondering... why do you have Profession (Alchemist) instead of Craft (Alchemy)? Since you use the latter for the fast alchemy etc type abilities...

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I fixed the favoured class bonus... the reason I had profession and not craft was because I had forgotten to use my favoured class bonus. I wanted both to represent his background better

GM Alice |

@Benda: Hmm. Depends how much you intend on being in melee and using them! I think I recall you saying you wanted to go into Dragon Disciple, in which case it's pretty nice (you get that bite!) although the fact that you're small puts a bit of a damper on things. Personal preference in the end...I'm the type of person who almost always puts the favoured class bonus in skill points, for example.
@Arithas: Fair enough! Was just wondering if you mixed it up with Craft (Alchemy) accidentally :)

therealthom |

Just had a look over everyone's character sheets for error checking (my habit)...
- Trig: You're lacking a skill point from your race (unless you traded Skilled out for some other racial trait that I missed!)
Thanks, Alice. Added Sense Motive to Trig's skill set. Seeing the ACP penalties in the skill section also reminded me that I had bought studded, not regular leather, so I adjusted Trig's AC and the ACPs.

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@Benda: Hmm. Depends how much you intend on being in melee and using them! I think I recall you saying you wanted to go into Dragon Disciple, in which case it's pretty nice (you get that bite!) although the fact that you're small puts a bit of a damper on things. Personal preference in the end...I'm the type of person who almost always puts the favoured class bonus in skill points, for example.
Good points. Tweaked the character a little to reflect my expectation of focusing on spellcasting. I won't mess with it any more until the end of the scenario. ;)

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@Benda: I can change Arithas between this scenario and the next to have a rank in Disable Device...
@Alice: I adjusted my skills to include my armour check penalty, which I had previously forgotten to do.

therealthom |

Bendy works for me. Kind of reminiscent of Gumby!
So looks like the PCs may be introducing themselves.
I'll start for the players. Feel free to maintain whatever degree of anonymity makes you comfortable.
I'm an old guy. I live north of Boston, Mass. in the US (GMT-5 maybe). Been playing PbP on the Paizo boards for a few years now after a decades long hiatus on the gaming front. I'm no rules lawyer. If you want a laugh and can stand searching through the threads you can see my players constantly correcting my rulings in the games I run.
I took a peek at Alice's Rapppan Athuk. I do believe we are in for a real treat with her running this game.

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I'm Scott, living in Virginia, just outside of Washington D.C. I've been roleplaying since the mid-70's and this is one of six PBP games in which I'm involved. Three here, one Pathfinder game among my friends on Yuku, one Amber game by email and a Pathfinder PBP game I run for my friends, also on Yuku. Plus I GM a biweekly Shattered Star game.
In between I'm an attorney, husband, father of an 8-week old son and an 11-year old dog. And I'm off to make dinner.
Thanks, Alice, for running the game!

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I'm an attorney as well, married with five cats (don't ask). I practise real estate law in Atlanta, GA. I'm running a Pathfinder game for my PnP tabletop group. I work mostly from home. Interests outside gaming include gardening, reading and writing. I have a copyright violation 1st edition Deities and Demigods D&D book that I bought new. :)

GM Alice |

Hi! I'm Australian, female, in my early-20s, and currently studying Computer Science at uni. (This is why my posting schedule is sometimes erratic - i.e., when I'm at home avoiding study I tend to post way too much.) I PbP too much for my own good, and I'm currently in a Shattered Star game that I play on Roll20. Nice to meet y'all!
I do believe we are in for a real treat with her running this game.
I hope I can meet your expectations! :)

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I'm Eric, 22, and live in Oregon. I am a volunteer firefighter and a Banquet server at the convention center here in town. This is my first pbp game but i grew up on 2nd Ed D&D and started playing Pathfinder about 6 months ago. I'm in a group that is currently switching between 3 different campaigns (Kingmaker, a homemade heist campaign, and a combat wave campaign) depending on who can make it. I am also running 2 Skull & Shackles games on and on, and I just started playing PFS at my local game shop regularly.
I have been happily married to my beautiful wife, Kimberly, for 1 year and our baby boy, Kyler Jameson is due in October.
Nice to meet you all!

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Another Oregon resident here. I'm starting a new job soon, after a few months off. I'm fortyish, a "confirmed bachelor" as they say, and in a few other PbP games on these boards (PFS, Serpent's Skull AP, and EverQuest). I find that writing just a little bit, but doing it every day, has improved my skill enormously.

therealthom |

And I live three towns from the other Salem, of witchly fame.
I'm a mechanical engineer by training and profession.
My boy will be starting his junior year of college in the fall.
Young kids are great, but they do eat up your time.
Mousestalker, do you garden vegetables, flowers, or both? We bought lovely flower beds with the house, but 15 years later our flower beds are hopeless. I'm primarliy a vegetable grower, and some berries, but the last two weeks we've had enough hard rain to beat down most of the seedlings.

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I mostly grow beetle bait, but we have some roses that aren't bad as well as a spectacular lady banks rose bush that is currently threatening to take over our back yard. :)
We have some scuppernong grapes but the birds seem to get to them before we can pick them.

therealthom |

RL happens, Krash. I hope everything's OK.
Tarandor, brilliant post!
mousestalker, I know what you're saying about things taking over. The trick isn't usually getting things to grow, it's stopping what you don't want. I especially have trouble pulling plants that are unwanted where they are, but which I am trying to culture elsewhere in the yard. Oh, and volunteer vegetables. I know those little squash are going to swarm everything around them by August, but it takes a real effort of will to yank them out of the soil. Its like throwing away food.
We've got some lovely old-fashioned tea roses, some yellow-pink long stems, and some Betty Priors. Which are all pretty well-behaved. Then we've got some little white roses with simple blossoms that bloom in clusters which wants to climb and spread. Oh, and the rosa ragosa. That needs constant vigilance and weeding with a shovel.

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I agree, but it does add to the overall enjoyment of the game. Sometimes you are a 'big damn hero' (/GinaTorres) and sometimes that stupid goblin exhausts all your spells, fatigues your barbarian and is still up after fifteen rounds of combat. It's all part of the fun. :)

GM Alice |

So long as you guys aren't too let down by the whole affair. There's been a lot of zoning out talking to people and travelling and not a lot of excitement so far, and then it ends in one round... :P
For better or worse, by starting at part 3 of the series, we've started at what's generally considered the worst of the intro scenarios. So if you're not digging this, I hope you can stick with it until the more (imo) interesting part 2 and 1!

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I'm fine with it, Alice. First of all, we're blessed with interesting characters who are fun to watch. Second, there is only so much excitement you can cram into a 1st level adventure without killing everyone. Consider that the dice may have swung the other way and the krenshar critted Khale (or Bendy).
Out of curiosity, since I have not read any of the three, why did you choose to reverse the order of First Steps?

GM Alice |

Because at the beginning of Season 5 (the deadline is August 14) the 2nd and 3rd scenarios are going to be retired. So I wanted to get through those two first before they're unfit for credit.
If it looks like we won't meet the deadline (particularly for part 2 - might be cutting it close) I'll probably just skip to part 1. That said, if we wind up being something like 3/4 of the way through part 2 I'll probably just submit it for credit a little early.
Luckily, the pace can speed up a little somewhat now as I'm finally done my exams and have more of an opportunity to respond!