Having a Few Problems as the GM


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We have a phrase that we used on one Gm as we were teaching him his craft. "Evolving Dungeon", where each week the GM adjusts the module for the PCs latest brilliant move. You can only anticipate the parties moves so far before they start to hate you.
The problem in a land where everything is evil is that there is no island of good, so they fear wrecking nothing. Give them a small sanctuary on the island, a temple, or village, and then when things start to go badly for the residents of the sanctuary your PCs can be manipulated more easily. Where are they restocking their gear? Buying rations?
Your best weapon in a horror theme is psychological warfare. Every time they sit down to a meal, have them roll a fort save. The save means nothing, but after they make it, make them roll a perception. Winner gets a note that says "The apple pie tastes funny". You just do this over and over. If I were the evil chef and the paladin was giving me the hairy eyeball, I would spit in his pie too. And just because they ARE evil (the local townsfolk), doesnt mean THEY think they are evil. Refuse them service, class and racial profile, a nice "No Paladins Allowed" sign isn't illegal. Mess with them in their sleep, waking up on your watch to find a little girls doll on your chest would tend to freak you out.

Jorin wrote:
Thelemic_Noun wrote:
Boy, is that elf wizard going to be pissed when he reads TreantMonk's guide.
Not sure what you mean by this.

Universalist wizards in effect lose 1 spell per day per level just so spells from two schools of magic don't take two slots to cast. An absolutely terrible bargain.

also just a heads up on ur pally using detect evil, remember its takes up 3 rounds. first round is just to detect if there is something evil nearby. second round gives direction BUT if there is anything nearby that has double hit die to the paladin or is double their lvl they are stunned for 1 round :).
To get the paladin to quit using the detect evil EVERYWHERE, u could actually incorporate either some really high lvl guards who are evil or a couple of high lvl thugs or murderers who just wander around looking for their next victim. That way at all types of times, the paladin will start getting stunlocked until he stops using it EVERYWHERE.

As far as the enemies dying so quickly, enhance the encounters up a bit. Throw some trash mobs in front of the aoe casters and make them go thru a barrage of aoes that are not only trying to get attacks off them but trip or grapple them.

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