When man is gone, the insects shall rule!

Off-Topic Discussions

We know control one city. Tomorrow we control the world

Just like old biblical times


Lord of All Insects wrote:
We know control once city. Tomorrow we control the world


I know several people on these boards who won't take you seriously until you use proper grammar, massive numerical advantages or not. Just a pro-tip!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

By then it will be too late.


The Exchange

Wonder woman pulls out a fly swatter and goes to town on you all.

My goblin brethren and I look forward to the replacement of pinkskins by ravenous, swarming insects as the top dog on this planetary food chain. We get along pretty well with vermin.

Plenty to egg. I better go tell the boys we got our work cut out for us.

yellowdingo wrote:
Wonder woman pulls out a fly swatter and goes to town on you all.

The Locusts will descend on Paradise Island and consume all they see.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

My goblin brethren and I look forward to the replacement of pinkskins by ravenous, swarming insects as the top dog on this planetary food chain. We get along pretty well with vermin.

Except for spiders who find goblins quite tasty.

Shrimp Slaad wrote:
Plenty to egg. I better go tell the boys we got our work cut out for us.

You're hopelessly outnumbered, surrender now or be consumed.

Lord of All Insects wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

My goblin brethren and I look forward to the replacement of pinkskins by ravenous, swarming insects as the top dog on this planetary food chain. We get along pretty well with vermin.

Except for spiders who find goblins quite tasty.

Well, they do find insects quite tasty, too.

Scarab Sages

Fabius Maximus wrote:
Lord of All Insects wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

My goblin brethren and I look forward to the replacement of pinkskins by ravenous, swarming insects as the top dog on this planetary food chain. We get along pretty well with vermin.

Except for spiders who find goblins quite tasty.
Well, they do find insects quite tasty, too.

All of the above are true.

Mistress? Darling? IS that you?

News Flash from Blood Sample


Scarab Sages

Lord of All Insects wrote:
Mistress? Darling? IS that you?

In the flesh, fiber-optics, and exoskeleton.

An Unnatural in the Hive, attack my minions!

Scarab Sages

See, this? This is why we broke up.

Well that and me promising to eat you after the mating season.

News Flash from Blood Sample


You guys know that spiders aren't insects, right?

Scarab Sages

I'd chide you for blowing my cover if it wasn't already gone.

Skyrim was once the land of many butterflies. Now, not so much.

Fabius Maximus wrote:
You guys know that spiders aren't insects, right?

The hive does not tolerate heresy.

M'aiq the Liar wrote:
Skyrim was once the land of many butterflies. Now, not so much.

They missed the babies and their eggs. That and Nords aren't know for entomology.

Lord of All Insects wrote:
M'aiq the Liar wrote:
Skyrim was once the land of many butterflies. Now, not so much.
They missed the babies and their eggs. That and Nords aren't know for entomology.

Hell, and it's even right in his name...

Lord of All Insects wrote:
Fabius Maximus wrote:
You guys know that spiders aren't insects, right?
The hive does not tolerate heresy.

Count the legs.

And for further bad news: scorpions have 8 legs, too.

Hey. Don't take this thread too seriously. Have fun. I play Skyrim quite often and I know where M'aiq the Liar from.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fabius Maximus wrote:
Lord of All Insects wrote:
M'aiq the Liar wrote:
Skyrim was once the land of many butterflies. Now, not so much.
They missed the babies and their eggs. That and Nords aren't know for entomology.

Hell, and it's even right in his name...

Some say spiders aren't insects, some say M'aiq is a liar. Don't believe any of these things.

News Flash from Blood Sample

My fleet of Predator Drones

Liberty's Edge

Better craft some alchemist's fire...


1 person marked this as a favorite.

........aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAHHH*crashes into the thread from a high angle*

Bitey just got here from slaad bar. Who's on menu?


Bitey just see, bugs on menu. Bitey pleased!

Scarab Sages

Yes, it is a glorious display of deliciousness, isn't it? Eat up, little one!

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