All about justice.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Does justice exist in Pathfinder? How can I help with commiting justice? What are the personal benefits of commiting justice for other people? What are some examples?
Thanks. Have a good day.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Move 'ZIG'.
For great justice.

You're asking some very broad questions. Could you be more specific, please?

In "Pathfinder", witch is a recollection of tabletop RPG game mechanincs and rules, there is no "law". The "law" is something inherent to the world where thing are happening. That would be generally called "setting".
Now,pathfinder has a standard setting called Golarion. Golarion has a vast collection of rules and law depending on different reigns or cityes ecc. If you are instead plaing on a setting you made yourself ("homebrew") then you are free to make any kind of rule or law you want (as long as it's reasonable enaugh for you players to not scream).

Liberty's Edge

Beware that Justice and Law are not the same usually ;-)

Superman comes to mind really. Thus Paladin.

The Exchange

Although an act of injustice is "committed", for some reason a just act is usually "performed". Semantics and grammar aside...

"Justice" means different things to different people in Pathfinder. To a Chaotic Good person, "justice" is something determined on a case-by-case basis with helping the victim foremost in mind, and "revenge" - within certain limits - is a viable form of justice. To a Lawful Neutral person, "justice" is a legal system that rewards law-abiding behavior and administers proportionate punishment to those who break the rules, and "revenge" is generally regarded as vigilantism or anarchy.

In general there will be no immediate mechanical advantage if your character seeks justice on behalf of another character. In actuality, however, most GMs will reward this behavior in less immediate ways. NPCs whom you have risked your life to help will repay you by doing you favors, offering you discounts, keeping your secrets, providing you with inside information, and in extreme cases becoming devoted henchmen. These rewards are the flip-side of the 'freedom' that Evil alignments generally enjoy (the cost of that freedom being enmity, mistrust and paranoia.)

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