Golarion's Past

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

#1 question actually is what do we know about the war between Nex and Geb? my group usually plays homebrew settings, but i really liked the small bit of info i read (dont remember where) on this time period in Golarion's past. has paizo really talked about this much? if so, where can i get the information?

after that question, i thought about other instances mentioned throughout PF books as teasers and "incomplete" ideas, and i wondered what other instances in Golarion's past would ppl be interested in knowing more about?

Inner Sea World Guide is your friend here. I don't know if they've made splat books for those nations but those would be your next resources.

Basically, wizard 1 pissed off wizard 2. The result was a pissing match that resulting in the mana wastes. The ISWG touches briefly on more particulars but nothing more than a paragraph or two iirc.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm fairly certain that no other 'official' information regarding that region, with the limited exception of the information regarding the Mana Wastes has been published.
On the other hand, it's possible that this may have some answers to your questions, given that I seriously doubt that either of the principles involves weren't Mythic.


Geb and Nex Wiki articles each have parts, but most of whats there is from the Inner Sea World Guide

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