Rigarius Beare |
A gnome, who curiously has a head full of tufty white hair, comes to the stage.
"Thank you all for coming today. Let us get down to the main topic at hand - the curse of the Ruby Prince. We all serve Osirion - that much is true. And I am certain that no one would intentionally harm our benevolent ruler Khemet III - least of all our leader within the Society, Amenophus. And while I bear no ill will towards Amenophus, the fact remains that he was a part in the curse being placed upon the Forthbringer. But we are not gathered here today to talk of the Sapphire Sage."
His brow furrows, and he starts to fiddle with the musket slung over his shoulder.
"No, we are gathered here today to find the one who was responsible for placing the artifact in that museum. The one who did not bother to detect any curses on it. The one who Amenophus, for his own reasons, decided to protect. The one, who, for all we know, could be an assassin planted within our ranks!"
"Would anyone like to come forward with any sort of information?"
Kuldar |
The sturdy dwarf nods soberly and leans on his dragontooth runespear.
"Aside from those in the palace who wish the Ruby Prince ill for their own political gains, there's also the Consortium to consider. If the vaults o' Osirion get closed to the Society, what manner of dung beetle do you think will move in?"
Doyle Taghaur |
A bedragled, burned, and gunk covered druid slumps his way into the hall dragging a leather bag bigger than he is.
4 fungus samples, 1 jeweled scarab that cost me most of my pinkie finger, 1 red flower, the venom of a rather annoyed giant snake... who i still owe three rats to by the way, the gall bladder of a... you know what i forgot what that came off of, and one rhemoraz heart.
Sign here... You're ahh.. not raising an army of mummies with this stuff or anything are you?
Rax Xan |
A heavily tanned half-elf speaks up,
"Assuming the pathfinder who delivered the artifact seemed to be quite safe enough to travel home with it, I doubt the artifact itself is the source of the curse. Perhaps some unknown agent jealous of the retrieval of this piece compromised the security of the exhibit and laid the curse there?"
Deshret |
A dark-skinned woman in banded mail gives Kuldar a wry look. "You do dung beetles a disservice with that comparison, you know." The beads in her hair clatter quietly before she turns to the front of the room.
"Making a witchhunt of the search for the artifact's bearer seems like a great way to communicate panic to the other factions of the Society."
DeviantDiva |
They're taking out those of knowledge and the power to use it in advance. A former Pathfinder pleaded with the Society not to investigate his findings. For even when they were dormant, in hibernation, he was barely able to flee with his will intact.
That is all I know on the subject, but once again, I say...
Corvax of the Dunes |
"Serpents indeed!" a Tengu in a disreputable slouch hat, wearing a necklace of silver spoons, caws. "Gammon, ha ha!" He clucks mournfully. "We must hang together, else hang separately," he mumbles. "To eye each other with suspicion would be to give the guilty party what they want! Spinach, ha ha! How they would laugh, to see proud Osiriani fight one another and bicker and sleep with dagger 'neath pillow! Present a united front - only that way may we undo the foul plots of the orca!"
Rahtotep |
Fellow servants of the Ruby Prince,
I am unsure why some of you seem to jest in regards to the affliction that so recently beset the Ruby Prince. Would you also mock someone who perhaps had to view it before handing it to the Ruby Prince if they had been struck down by the same curse first? That person might not have been a powerful priest of Abadar. He may of been simply a court official with not powers to heal himself.
Whilst I was in Varisia, and more importantly several ruins of Thassilonian origin, I came to several conclusions one of which has already been espoused by another previously.
- That the item was targeted at the Ruby Prince or a person capable of wielding divine power. Although I somewhat doubt the likelihood of the latter as anyone smart enough to make such an item would also be smart enough to know that a Priest would have the power to heal themself.
- That we know truly little about Varisia and the lands outside Garund proper. This is true and one of the many reasons that the Ruby Prince has asked us to travel.. to be his eyes and ears. We only learn by exploring that we do not know.
- That the cult of Lissala was likely involved. Whilst the Consortium was visable last year, truly the threat came from Lissala a quasi Thassilonian deity obsessed with order and runic knowledge. I have had many .. dealings with followers of she and to say they are a tolerant lot is never an accusation I would make. Even with recent events there, do not discount them in the future.
The other views I have do not yet have a firm roots in fact, yet I will continue to gather what information I can. With known powers of the Jeweled Sages however, perhaps they will know who the villain of this even was.
Son of Rahadoum
Scroll of the Society
DeviantDiva |
Fellow servants of the Ruby Prince,I am unsure why some of you seem to jest in regards to the affliction that so recently beset the Ruby Prince. Would you also mock someone who perhaps had to view it before handing it to the Ruby Prince if they had been struck down by the same curse first? That person might not have been a powerful priest of Abadar. He may of been simply a court official with not powers to heal himself.
Whilst I was in Varisia, and more importantly several ruins of Thassilonian origin, I came to several conclusions one of which has already been espoused by another previously.
- That the item was targeted at the Ruby Prince or a person capable of wielding divine power. Although I somewhat doubt the likelihood of the latter as anyone smart enough to make such an item would also be smart enough to know that a Priest would have the power to heal themself.
- That we know truly little about Varisia and the lands outside Garund proper. This is true and one of the many reasons that the Ruby Prince has asked us to travel.. to be his eyes and ears. We only learn by exploring that we do not know.
- That the cult of Lissala was likely involved. Whilst the Consortium was visable last year, truly the threat came from Lissala a quasi Thassilonian deity obsessed with order and runic knowledge. I have had many .. dealings with followers of she and to say they are a tolerant lot is never an accusation I would make. Even with recent events there, do not discount them in the future.
The other views I have do not yet have a firm roots in fact, yet I will continue to gather what information I can. With known powers of the Jeweled Sages however, perhaps they will know who the villain of this even was.
Son of Rahadoum
Scroll of the Society
We jest because we're Osirion. Have you not succeeded at any of your faction missions when we had them? Of course we have to laugh with a wry grin at what would cause sane beings to blanch and go WTF?! Mind you, we still go WTF?!!, but we grin, laugh, and get it done.
-long languid stretch- My friend, laughter keeps perspective. It prevents us from becoming to close to the situation and enables us to proceed with an open mind. Osirion Lodge is nothing if not open minded and possibly deathwishy~