Toasted Special |
So in the Kingmaker campaign i am playing in my halforc inquisitor died. Now i am looking at building a hobgoblin barbarian to fill the roll as the party tank. I would like some help on how to go about building said character as i have never built a barbarian or really never even read into them much.

Blueluck |

Here are two guides to the Barbarian.
Anger Management
I am also in the process of making a new character right now, and am seriously considering a barbarian. I'll happily continue to discuss barbarian building in this thread:)

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The Hobgoblin has a natural +4 to Stealth, and always treats Stealth as a class skill.
For awesomeness, nab the Coherent Rage trait, and be a sneaky tank.
That is only a one trait and one skill point investment.

Toasted Special |
i kind of like the idea of a sneaky tank, it would definatly be interesting. A little bit more about the party, we have a half orc scarred witch dr, a half orc bard, and a dwarf grappler, my new character will be coming in at level 4. Blueluck i have read the AM SMASH guide but it didnt go over many different builds besides mounted and CaGM, and im not that big of a fan of loosing lots of my ac. blackbloodtroll i usually go for greataxes for flavor and on this one om thinking of eithor a greataxe or an earthbreaker. I am really going to look into this sneaky tank build though.

lemeres |

The Beast totem rage powers are a fairly standard choice which would work well with what you want. Most take it simply for the level 10 power, greater beast totem, in order to obtain pounce, but the second power is still great since it gives you a scaling natural armor bonus. Unfortunately, you cannot get either of those for another couple of levels. Lesser beast totem, which just gives you large sized claws, is rather nice too though, if only thematically. Sadly, it will likely serve as more of just a power tax.
Another set of common rage powers are the superstition ones. The first gives scaling bonuses while raging against spells (which helps with your will and reflex saves; it doesn't help if the tank is a smoldering pile of ashes or trying to kill everyone, no?), witch hunter gives scaling bonus damage against anything with magic (which becomes...like everything later on), and spell sunder can suppress or even dispel magic. Over all, it might be work looking into taking a couple of these too. The first two listed have no level limit, so you could take them at your level.
The Invulnerable rager archetype is another nice option, since it provides half your level in DR. That is always nice for beefing up your defense.

Toasted Special |
so i have mostly built a invulnerable rager the stats nonraging are
str 18 dex 16 con 15 int 9 wis 10 cha 8
Traits: reactionary and anotomist
Feats: power attack and combat reflexes
Rage powers: lesser beast totem and reckless abandon
I went and spent most of my money on mithral chainmail making his AC a 19 and leaving him with a 40 movement.
Bought him a +1 Cloak of resistance making his saves: Fort7, Ref 5, Will 2.
He weilds a masterworks earth breaker so power attacking he hits on a 6 dealing 2D6+10 he crits on 19-20x3, raging he hits on an 8 dealing 2d6+15.
What are your guys thoughts on this build, corrections questions just ask.