NeuroSpasta Pathfinder - RELEASED

Product Discussion

Finally released!

Dias Ex Machina wrote:

Finally released!

Neuro Spasta

Link fixed.

I looked at the preview material available and it seems there are a few 4th edition-isms that weren't fixed in editing... Still thinking of picking this up when its offered at though.

Grand Lodge

Downloading now!

Webstore Gninja Minion

Now available here on!

The 4th Ed references on Page 7 have been fixed.

The is very cool! An outstanding book!

As a proud DEM fanboy, I am pleased with this :)

Apologies for the silly question, but how modular is this with the Pathfinder Core Rules? I'm interested in dropping some of the fantasy characters into a world like this for a brief adventure, but I'd like to know how well (or terribly) they'd fit. Thanks for any help!

I'm going to die if you guys don't tell me the reasoning behind the name. I keep thinking of some kind of cybernetic hypercapitated spaghetti that crawls into your head and flowers into a neural net that hooks you into a global dataweb primarily directing you to become a gourmand and frequenter of skyrise-arcology or sub-orbital Italian restaurants and eateries...

Wait, DEM has fanboys? Great, NOW we find out!

As for its compatibility with Pathfinder, we only reference the CORE RULEBOOK and the BESTIARY, which some people I know took issue with because of later books which we could have tapped which discuss firearms. We didn't want to make that assumption and force people to own anything outside of the primary books. We do not remove or alter any core rules. We only add, and said additions involve the obvious, firearms, computer hacking, driving vehicles, etc.

The preview on RPGNow is considerable, like 50 pages, so I hope it answers any questions I can't here.

Neurospasta (“noo-roe-spas-ta”): Greek for “figures pulled by strings”.

It's a puppeteering term.

I actually really like the name. Thanks! I'll pick this up and show my friend. He really likes transhuman sci fi.

Thanks for the definition DEM - I didn't have a problem with it, just was unsure of its root or meaning.

Yes, it is not a game about Italian Zombies

That remark made me make some pasta and meatballs. mmmm

Any time frame on a print option?

Hopefully soon. Prototypes have been ordered.

Fantastic. I'll be looking forward the print/pdf option. I guess I'm too old school but I have yet to find a digital device I can sit and read from for any productive length of time. The pdf's are great for reference however.

Print Option is available!

Very cool!

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