Dias Ex Machina's page
109 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Is every game book we offer on sale? Yes, yes they are all on sale. Every core book. Every rule system we support. All of them.
http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/2363/Dias-Ex-Machina-Games?term=Dias &filters=0_0_0_0_0_31817&test_epoch=0
All the love from Dias Ex Machina. :)
Happy New Year from Dias Ex Machina
As you are no doubt aware, RPGNow is celebrating its New Year’s Sale.
Because of a filter error with the site, only two DEM products were listed, and unfortunately, the site is unable to fix the issue.
So in order to make it up to everyone, we at DEM have dropped the prices manually. Where the normal New Year’s Sale is 25%, all DEM core books are now 30% off!
Like the normal sale, these price drops are only until the end of the week.
Now is your chance and thank you from Dias Ex Machina.
Less than 24 hours remain for the Amethyst Kickstarter. For those tracking our progress, we PASSED our goal! Cheers all around! Even better, we are less than $500 away from meeting our first stretch goal, that of an official soundtrack. We are also offering a PayPal option for those unable to pledge in time or for those having issues with sending payments through Kickstarter (it’s been reported). It’s been an exciting (STRESSFUL) month and we can’t wait to start delivering the goods. Less than a day remains; get in while you can!
Caedwyr wrote: A couple of the PFRPG compatible settings I find intriguing or interesting are:
2. Amethyst. This setting goes into a lot of depth and meshes very different elements together to create a rich and varied world. This doesn't shy away more mature themes or politics, and is much stronger for its choices.
Awww, thanks.
Well, we are offering paypal options now that the Kickstarter has succeeded. :)
But thanks for the pledge!
With just over two days left, it's looking good for the Amethyst Kickstarter. We passed our goal (WOOT!!) with significant wiggle room. I've already been in contact with Nick Greenwood on our battle plan moving forward. It's a very exciting time and hope more people will be able to get in on the rewards until they no longer become available. Be sure to share it amongst those you know, starting at the $40 level, there are numerous rewards to be had including over 15 PDFs. There are also gigabytes of high resolution artwork available at the $70 reward level.
Yes, the $40 (and up) level features the novel.
Yes, there are numerous adventures coming down thanks to the $500 level. And also yes, they will take some time to get released. And yes again, they will only be available in the system they were played in--an unfortunate byproduct--WITH the caveat that if one or more turns out very well, I may adapt them to other systems.
We are only a few hundred dollars away from the first stretch goal but since the PayPal option will continue after the campaign has concluded, we won't be able to tell immediately if we'll reach it or not. I have "promises" of more pledges making the possibility of the first stretch goal being reached.
I am not sure about the Amazon/Kickstarter issue. If have heard it from a few people and it troubles me of how many people were blocked from supporting the campaign as a result of it. Since we have the aforementioned PayPal, I'm hoping these people will be able to contribute now.

Three updates:
1: We've mentioned on the Kickstarter that we have it on authority that there will be at least an SRD and probably an OGL for D&D Next (5E). WOTC is committed in rebuilding their 3PP base after 4E. DEM was the first to sign (so goes the rumor) to the GSL, and we’re even more confident now. The release date for the DDN version of Amethyst will only be announced once we have the DDN final rules in hand--Amethyst will not be a rules-free version--it will be a fully adapted setting using D&D Next. If the KS succeeds, content will start being released as early as Christmas and will continue steadily the weeks and months to follow.
2: The first priority is for the updated color images which will be used for the rebooted core rulebooks. The Pathfinder version will be released first, and most likely very quickly. The 4th Edition D&D will follow soon after, followed by the Fate Core and Savage Worlds editions. The expansion supplements will follow soon after. The 13th Age edition may take a bit longer depending on playtesting The D&D Next (5E) edition will have a release date the moment we have the rules in our hands. The listed arrival date in the Kickstarter refers the vast majority of books. The adventures written for the $500 pledges will take longer as they will only be created after all the core book and supplements have been released.
3: Here's an update on the Fate Core Version
Thanks! Please pass the word!
We've worked out some financial issues and are able to offer more rewards to the higher tiers.
We are now including PRINT editions of PDFs created via the Amethyst Kickstarter. These are being done only on a limited basis for the upper tiers.
Shipping included.
You will receive the print edition of one of the PDFs offered by the Kickstarter (your choice).
You will receive the print editions of two (total) of the PDFs offered by the Kickstarter (your choice).
You will receive the print editions of three (total) of the PDFs offered by the Kickstarter (your choice).
Yes, you can order the same book three times or just one of each. Anyone will still be able to order additional copies at print cost at DTRPG, the upper tiers are getting complimentary copies.
...and yes, you totally can cancel your donation and pledge at a higher level. I won't mind. :)
Yes, it's true! Thanks to a volunteer, Amethyst will now be adding Savage Worlds to its list of supported systems. And of course, when you pledge 20$ or more, you'll receive that edition along with the others. The $40 pledge nets you the core rulebook and the new supplement while $70 will get you all the artwork in high resolution (not kidding, gigabytes worth). Please spread the word!
This kickstarter is for a color reboot as well as for the expansion book, Factions. There is a lot offered.
Dias Ex Machina have announced that Amethyst, as part of this Kickstarter, will be adapted to both 13th Age AND Fate Core. 13th Age is pending SRD release but our product should be out well after that's established. This makes FIVE different rulesets which Amethyst will support.
4th Edition D&D
D&D Next
13th Age
Fate Core
Anyone pledging $40 or more receives every edition. $70 gets you all the art in high resolution. Not only that, but those pledging will also receive the playtest rules for Fate Core and 13th Age and be able to playtest the game before the final release.

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1894400580/amethyst-fantasy-and-technol ogy-collide
What’s the objective?
It is the singular goal of bringing Amethyst into full-color and introducing it to new and returning players.The end result will have several manifestations, the first being the release of Amethyst-Factions, the next supplement, for both 4th Edition D&D and Pathfinder.The second is a color-reboot of the original sourcebooks. Amethyst Renaissance 2.0 will only be a color-update but Amethyst Compendium will be a complete 4th Edition reboot, including content from both Foundations and Evolution, errata updated.
What’s the goal?
We are looking for $8000, which is all reserved for the production of content, not for the development of the DEM label or to fund other ventures.This will be for digital products only.We’re not sending out USB keys and T-Shirts as those all take away from the money we want to use to produce more Amethyst content.Anyone receiving a PDF as part of a reward will be able to acquire the color premium POD of that same PDF at print cost.
http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?959-NeuroSpasta-Pathfinder-RPG-get s-a-Cyber-Tech-Upgrade!
Grade Card (Ratings 1 to 5)
Presentation: 3.75
- Design: 3.5 (Very solid design; great writing and presentation; typos and editing errors disappointing)
- Illustrations: 4.0 (Great cover art; cool interior illustrations throughout the book)
Content: 4.0
- Crunch: 4.0 (Massive crunch; cool character building content; great new rules for modern/scifi genres)
- Fluff: 4.0 (Amazing fluff; fascinating vision for a near future cyberpunk campaign)
Value: 4.5 (Spectacular price for the a ton of player and game master content! Very complete!)
If Dias Ex Machina’s Facebook page reaches 210 likes, the upcoming setting-only DLC for NeuroSpasta, “General Assembly” will be free to anyone who purchased either the 4th Edition or Pathfinder versions.
Our last pledge drive, Apex, was a huge success (even though that title has yet to be released), so we’re trying it again. Since General Assembly is a much smaller product than Apex, we’re keeping the goal lower. General Assembly is a setting expansion only, listing the various nations and organizations of the world and whether or not they survived into the future.
Expect General Assembly sometime this summer.
Chris here at DEM.
Because we had to order a second prototype of the 4E NeuroSpasta, the Pathfinder version of the game is being released in POD first.
Anyone who ordered the PDF will (hopefully) receive a coupon to order the POD at a discount (basically the same price if you ordered the combo...if not a few pennies less).
It looks pretty damned good.
Print Option is available!
Hopefully soon. Prototypes have been ordered.
Yes, it is not a game about Italian Zombies
[url]http://necrotikreviews.tumblr.com/post/40768335124/game-review-ultramodern4 [/url]
Amethyst: Renaissance
[url]http://necrotikreviews.tumblr.com/post/39262445095/game-reviews-amethyst-re naissance[/url]
Amethyst Foundations
[url]http://necrotikreviews.tumblr.com/post/32657611162/rpg-reviews-amethyst-fou ndations[/url]
Wait, DEM has fanboys? Great, NOW we find out!
As for its compatibility with Pathfinder, we only reference the CORE RULEBOOK and the BESTIARY, which some people I know took issue with because of later books which we could have tapped which discuss firearms. We didn't want to make that assumption and force people to own anything outside of the primary books. We do not remove or alter any core rules. We only add, and said additions involve the obvious, firearms, computer hacking, driving vehicles, etc.
The preview on RPGNow is considerable, like 50 pages, so I hope it answers any questions I can't here.
Neurospasta (“noo-roe-spas-ta”): Greek for “figures pulled by strings”.
It's a puppeteering term.
The 4th Ed references on Page 7 have been fixed.
Finally released!
Alas, my character sheet "guy" is currently unavailable but here's hoping a "volunteer" creates one which I can post for everyone to download for free.
UPDATE: NeuroSpasta will be available THIS WEEK!
3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Pathfinder version of NeuroSpasta is completed. It is 305 Pages.
Here's the rundown:
Four new races based on the blend of flesh and technology.
Fifteen new traits. Nine new core classes. Sixteen new prestige classes.
Over a hundred new feats.
Buy, modify, and control robots.
Hundreds of new weapons, armor, and gear.
Dozens of cybernetics from basic implants to total body replacements.
Purchase and build programs to help yourself or cripple enemies.
New adversaries including robots, cyborgs, and supercomputers.
Including the adventure, Dreams of Man.
Check the cover on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dias-Ex-Machina/416791821692560

DEM is offering a new product on their Paizo and RPGNow pages.
NeuroSpasta is a cyberpunk/transhumanist setting using 4th Edition rules, compatible with both Ultramodern4 and Amethyst. In this book, you’ll find…
Rules for hacking computers and even people with new powers, feats, and a new class.
Four new races based on the blend of flesh and technology.
Fifteen new lifepaths.
Rules for controlling and customizing robots.
Dozens of cybernetics from basic implants to total body replacements.
Computer programs to help yourself or cripple your enemies.
New adversaries including robots, cyborgs, and supercomputers.
An introductory adventure full of intrigue and explosions.
NOTE: Requires either Ultramodern4 or Amethyst (Ultramodern4 recommended).
Just so you all know, there IS a Pathfinder version of NeuroSpasta due in a few weeks. It will be considerably larger because it also includes an entire sci-fi conversion for Pathfinder which you can use for any non-fantasy game (where the 4E version requires Ultramodern4)

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We've finally finished our monsters save for servers, which are less monsters and more challenges to quickly overcome.
We have four different types of monsters in NeuroSpasta. The first are aforementioned servers.
The second are generic boiler-plate opponents carried over from Ultramodern and adapted to Pathfinder. You can apply several templates to these generalized opponents to customize them to your encounter.
The third are normal creatures like cyborgs and drug-crazed pit fighters.
The fourth are robots, which are different than normal creatures because s players can purchase and remote control them. As such we wanted player to purchase a robot and have its effectiveness increase as the player level increased (only when they are being remote controlled; if on their own, they use their base stats. There are feats one can take to make a player control his/her robot better.
Here is one...if a player is controlling the robot, the character swaps his control bonus instead of the robot's.
N Medium Construct XP 3,200
Control Bonus +4, Max +8
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 [+7] (RA 10 [17])
AC 18 [22], touch 5 [9], flat-footed 18 [22]
Firewall 19 [23]
hp 74 (9d10+20)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2
DR 5/—; Immune construct traits
Speed 35 ft.
Melee 2 crushing fists +14/+14 [+18/+18] (2d8+9 plus grab)
Str 28, Dex 8, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Base Atk +5 [+9]; CMB +14 [+18] (+18 [+22] grapple); CMD 23 [27]
Skills Perception +3 [+7]; Racial Modifiers +7 Perception
Languages none
Treasure none
Special Qualities
Tremendous Strength (Ex): If the calgar hits an enemy that it is grappling, the enemy suffers an additional 1d6 damage.
Pressure Rush (Ex): As move action, the calgar can move 20 feet without provoking an opportunity attack.
As for other more traditional monsters...
N Huge construct XP 25,600
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +27 (RA 37)
AC 28, touch 8, flat-footed 28 (–1 Dex, +21 natural, –2 size)
hp 129 (18d10+30)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6
Firewall 29
DR 10/--; Immune construct traits
Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 piton legs +28 (2d10+16/19–20); see piton push
Ranged (range 200) electronic pulse rifle turret +20/+15/+10 (1d8+18/x3)
Special Attacks perimeter sweep
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks air mortar, artillery role, perimeter sweep
Str 32, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha --
Base Atk +18; CMB +30; CMD 39
Languages Any
Treasure none (weapons inbuilt)
Special Abilities
Air Mortar (Ex): As a full round action, HARM can make an air mortar attack with its electronic pulse rifle. Target a 30-foot radius area within 150 feet. Targets must make a DC 19 Reflex dave or take 3d10+10 damage (save half). Targets affected are knocked prone.
Artillery Role (Ex): If HARM hits with it's first electronic pulse rifle turret attack, it may make a second at its full BAB. The HARM can only use artillery role once per round.
Construct: As a vehicle, HARM is immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). It cannot be subjected to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain.
Deployment (Ex): HARM can activate or deactivate deployment as a move action. HARM cannot move or be moved until it deactivates deployment. Its AC increases to 31 but its Reflex drops to +0. HARM can no longer make piton leg or perimeter sweep attacks.
Fortified Platform (Ex): The HARM cannot be knocked prone or subject to forced movement.
Perimeter Sweep (Ex): As a full-round action, the HARM can make a single piton leg attack at its highest BAB to each enemy target within reach.
Piton Push (Ex): Targets hit by HARM's piton legs are pushed 15 feet (3 squares) and knocked prone.
We're still testing these things so any comments are welcome.
Alas, I tried, but changing stuff like that is not exactly intuitive with Paizo's storefront and by the time I would get it working, the sale would be over. :)
1 person marked this as a favorite.
From now until Boxing Day (for those aware of that holiday) DEM is dropping the price of ALL their games.
Amethyst Renaissance: 6.99 (14.99)
Ultramodern4: 6.99 (13.99)
Amethyst Evolution: 4.99 (14.99)
Amethyst D20: 0.99 (20.00)
Please show your support and share the news.
Well, I HOPE some people have been playing them. It was built off the architecture of our 2008 D20 book as well as elements from our later 4th Edition book which we bent and twisted for years until we got it perfect (admittedly, that didn't happen until AFTER Amethyst Foundations came out.
I had a co-writer insist that the anti-magic element be a game balancing effect. I whole-heartedly disagreed and the proof is in pudding. You can ignore the disruption rules and have them not affect gameplay. Hell, I ignore it most of the time in my own personal game. My groups have also all been mixed. As long as players don't mix gear, I look the other way.
If you are interesting in Shadowrun-ish rules, our next Pathfinder book is cyberpunk and uses the same structure as Amethyst, so they would also fit.
There are a few reviews posted, some quite thorough. Have you checked any of them out?
Thanks for the plug. Yes, there are airships as well as various advanced vehicles. However, the vehicle rules themselves are relatively robust so making new compatible with our vehicle combat rules should be a cinch.
Dias Ex Machina is looking for volunteers to help us make/convert monsters to Pathfinder. The monsters are modern / science-fiction themed. Volunteers would get credit and if one does enough, it may result in a free book.
Let's hope Lightning Source doesn't corrupt these files like the last one. Amethyst Renaissance print option is BACK for sale!
Thanks for the plug, if you have any questions regarding Amethyst, let me know.

Sorry for the delay. I had been writing. :)
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You create a hole in one's firewall and paranoid mode that keeps a conduit into the brain or server, regardless of the state the target is in. A target's broken firewalls remains down, though giving the illusion it is up. You also create an opening that allows you to hack the target, even if they enter paranoid mode. If you stop a dive, you will need to establish the GIA in order to hack the target again, though you still slip through the open firewalls.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use backdoor key, you can use a move action sustain it indefinitely.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Fort negates
Effect: You cause a cataclysmic system failure in the target and they drop to the ground. If the target has hit points equal to or less than a quarter of their total hit points, they are reduced to 0. If they have more hit points than a quarter of their total, they take 4d10 + Intelligence modifier + your character level damage and are stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: swift action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 2 rounds
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You use a variety of Trojan horses and modular viruses to prevent your attack from being immediately cleaned out. It lingers long after your enemy's diagnostic system declared the system clean. As long as you remain diving the target, you only need to spend a swift action to activate any hack talents. This lasts until the end of your next turn.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: immediate action
Range: personal
Target: yourself
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: If a firewall you're attacking sends out a trap, you respond with an illusionary duplicate of yourself to be offered as a false target. You ignore the trap attack and/or any effects of the trap.
Level: manipulator 4 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target suffers a -5 penalty to all attack rolls, a -5 penalty to Reflex saves and AC, is slowed, and does not gain any benefits for scoring a critical hit (other than automatically hitting).
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 4 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You cause your enemy to fall into a deep slumber, the target is slowed and must make a Fort save. If the target fails that saving throw, it is unconscious until damaged by any type of attack. Every turn dream paralysis is functioning, it must make another saving throw against this effect.
Server: Servers rendered unconscious shut down, turning off all functions and systems.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: immediate action
Range: personal
Target: yourself
Duration: five minutes
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: If an opponent gains your GIA through a hack power, you scramble your GIA, and the target does not gain it this turn.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: swift action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You assault an enemy's firewall with hundreds of miniature spam and malwares, viruses, and password slammers, hoping to strip away your opponent's defenses in a single attack. Make an attack against the target’s firewall. If you succeed, you gain a +3 hack bonus to target further firewall defenses the opponent may have until the end of your next turn. You may also immediately follow up with an identical attack. Repeat this process until you miss or until all layers of an enemy's firewall had been broken. You also gain a +3 hack bonus to re-break firewalls that have been broken by this talent that your enemy is attempting to reset. This bonus lasts until the firewall successfully resets.
Special: Once a day, if you fail to break the first firewall with this talent, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Fort half
Effect: You amplify the target's pain sensors, wracking your enemy in unbelievable agony every time he is even scratched. Until the end of your next turn, every time the target takes damage of any type of attack, they take additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier + your character level. This additional damage occurs with each successful hit.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use increased sensitivity, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes. The target gains the Fort save each round, incurring a cumulative +1 bonus to its saving throw each attempt.
Special: Because this damage occurs with another hit, it does not reveal itself as a hack.
Level: manipulator 4 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: immediate action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: Your mind react's faster than your opponent's arm. If an enemy performs any type of action, including opportunity attacks but not surprise actions (you must be aware of the attack), you may immediately perform any single firewall attack. If you have (or have already) broken through all your enemy's defenses, the target is stunned for one 1d4 rounds.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 4 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Fort half
Effect: You cause the nanites in the subject's brain to overload their biogenic power plant. The target takes 4d10 + Intelligence modifier damage + your character level
Level: manipulator 4 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You tap into the target's very subconscious, altering their personality or even emotional state. You rewrite their very being. The target is not dominated. You actually change their personality so the target will want to do what you wish. You have no control over them but are able to rewrite elements of their memory, including fabricating ones, to convince an enemy the correct course of action. The target has full access to their entire profile of abilities. These effects last until the end of your next turn. For this duration, the target is counted as an ally.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use minor ego-hack, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes. If you sustain his hack for five minutes, the effects last until the end of the day.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: move action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You activate a program with dozens of different compressed viruses within. One is bound to work. You gain two standard actions which can only be used for "hack" powers. You can replace a standard action with two move actions.
Level: manipulator 4 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You have gained complete and absolute control over the target, everything they say or do. The target is under your control. You can command the target to attack allies or itself (if possible). You cannot use immediate actions. This compulsion ends at the end of your next turn.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use puppetmaster’s whim, you can use a move action to sustain it for up to five minutes. The target gains the Will save each round.
Special: You cannot employ feats to target multiple opponents with this power. Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You implant a transmitter that conveys surface thoughts from the enemy to you, giving you advance notice of his intended action. You and all allies in line of sight gain a +2 hack bonus to hit the target and a +2 hack bonus to AC and saves from attacks from the target. The target can also not flank you or any allies affected. Before the target’s turn, you gain a move action as reaction.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You cut off all auditory and visual input to the target's brain. They obviously panic. The target is blinded and deafened. If the target makes its savem, it is still blind and deaf, but you cannot sustain the effect.
Server: If targeting a server, all sensing equipment (cameras, vibrations, motion, etc) are deactivated.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use sensory hack, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes. The target gains the Will save each round, incurring a cumulative +1 bonus to its saving throw each attempt.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 4 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target's Intelligence and Charisma scores each drop to 1. It is unable to use Intelligence- or Charisma-based skills, hacks, understand language, or communicate coherently. Still, it knows who its friends are and can follow them and even protect them.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use sever functions, you can use a move action sustain it for up to one minute. If you sustain his hack for one minute, the effects last until the end of the day.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: free action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You had a reserve program set into place to activate in case certain situations arrive and they have. Perform any inactivated hack talent you are able to use.
Level: manipulator 4
Casting Time: swift action
Range: personal
Target: yourself
Duration: five minutes
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You throw up an additional self-made firewall in an emergency. It has a defense rating equal to your lowest level firewall. This firewall is in addition to any firewalls you have and is not counted towards your limit of firewalls.
Level: manipulator 4 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You temporarily pause all brain activity dealing with outside stimuli. The target can see and hear but can do nothing else. The target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use time freeze, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes. The target gains the Will save each round.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Yet...another review for Amethyst Renaissance.
http://www.stargazersworld.com/2012/09/26/what-about-amethyst-renaissance-a -review/
"Suffice it to say this book is a gorgeously illustrated, beautifully laid out book. The writing is top notch."

And I have tweaked 0-level hotkey again...
Level: manipulator 1
Casting Time: immediate action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You can only employ attack blocker if you detect an opponent diving into your brain or system. One of your firewalls immediately resets, forcing the target to attack it again in order to sustain its dive.
Level: manipulator 0
Casting Time: standard action/special
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Fort negates
Special: If your target fails a Fortitude or Will on this turn from a hack talent you use, you can activate feedback surge as a move action. At 11th level, this is reduced to a swift action
Effect: The target suffers 2d4 + Intelligence Modifier damage OR up to two allies may gain a +3 insight bonus to attack rolls against the target until the beginning of your next turn. If a target has already suffered damage from feedback surge in the past five minutes, a second reduces the damage by half (round down). This reduction is cumulative with successive uses.
Advancement: Increase damage to 4d4 + Intelligence modifier damage at 11th level.
Expansion: Select feedback surge as two hotkeys and increase the damage die by one step (1d4 to 1d6 to 1d8 to 1d10 to 1d12 to 2d6 to 2d10). Select feedback surge as three hotkeys and increase the damage die by two steps.
Level: manipulator 0
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: Before the beginning of your next turn, you can use an immediate action if an ally inflicts non-neural damage on a target. If so, the target takes additional damage equal to 1d6 + half your level. This additional damage is neural.
Advancement: Increase damage to 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage at 11th level.
Expansion: Select hypersensitivity as two hotkeys and increase the damage die by one step (1d4 to 1d6 to 1d8 to 1d10 to 1d12 to 2d6 to 2d10). Select hypersensitivity as three hotkeys and increase the damage die by two steps.
Level: manipulator 0
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes / Special
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You create a Small or smaller image that appears in a target's visual sensory input. This is not a realistic fabricated reality but a single sprite or icon. It is not meant to simulate a real-world object but is a jarring free-floating computer image that may move with the target or remain fixed and rooted to a point in space. It may be given animation and sound but it cannot be a real-world simulation. It is obviously a fabrication. This could be a benign program users can willingly accept. If so, you do not have to breach the firewall. This is a common public program where virtual company logos appear floating from books and signs. This hack cannot be used to disguise a target but it may conceal a target as long as the viewer is aware the cover is virtual.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use logo override, you can use a swift action and sustain it for up to five minutes.
Expansion: Select logo override as two hotkeys and the size of the logo can up to Large.
Level: manipulator 0 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You can either immobilize the target until the beginning of your next turn or slide the target 10 feet (2 squares).
Expansion: Select muddled perception as two hotkeys and you can slide the target up to 20 feet (4 squares).
Level: manipulator 0 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target's brain chemistry is slightly altered and it begins to feel uneasy and doubtful. It suffers a -1 penalty on attack rolls and Will saving throws. You cannot target more than one creature at a time with neural curse unless employing a feat.
Advancement: At 11th level, the penalty increases to -2.
Special: Use a standard action with neural curse to increase the penalty to -2, -3 at 11th level.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use neural curse, you can use the same action you used to activate the talent and sustain it for up to five minutes. If you sustain his hack for five minutes, the effects last until the end of the day without requiring further Will saves.
Expansion: Select neural curse as two hotkeys and increase the penalty by 1 (-3 with a standard action; -3 with a move action and -4 with a standard action at 11th level.
Level: manipulator 0 (figment)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will disbelief
Effect: You can create a sound that the target believes is originating from a location. It can be a single noise a continuous one that doesn't change. You choose what type of sound when activating this talent. It can be as simple as a bottle breaking or talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or running sounds. Targets affected are considered distracted that round. The target receives a Will save to disbelieve.
Special: A target that fails its Will save against this talent receives a cumulative +3 bonus to further Will saves against it for the rest of the day.
Level: manipulator 0 (fear, mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target becomes frightened by your presence. You haven't changed your appearance; you only make a connection with your appearance with the target's fight-or-flight instinct. The target is shaken for 1 round.
Special: A target that fails its Will save against this talent receives a cumulative +3 bonus to further Will saves against it for the rest of the day.
Level: manipulator 0
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: No
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to your ProgDC versus the target's next save and a +2 bonus to your next attack against the target’s firewall. You must employ this bonus before the beginning of your next turn. If you use target fixation on a target more than once per day, successive uses force a Perception check to be detected.
Advancement: At 21st level, increase to a +3 bonus.
Expansion: Select target fixation as two hotkeys and increase the attack bonus by 1.

Level: manipulator 3
Casting Time: move action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You don't delegate your defensive system to firewalls and blockers. You handle it personally. Gain a +5 power bonus to your Will saves and to one Firewall defense.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use active defense, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes.
Level: manipulator 3
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature reduced to below 0 hit points the previous round.
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: None
Effect: A dead creature drops its firewalls. It has only a moment before everything shuts down. You invade the system and hijack the body. You have access to the creature's full physical abilities and physical attacks. If the creature suffers damage which reduces its hit points to a negative value equal to its Constitution modifier, it can no longer be controlled. Every turn you control the creature, it suffers 1d6 damage. Unlike other hijack talents, this one does not offer the illusion the target is aware of itself. The target shuffles like a zombie and it unable to communicate. You can only control the creature for one round unless you sustain.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use animate corpse, you can use a move action sustain animate corpose for up to five minutes or until the creature dies.
Level: manipulator 3
Casting Time: free action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: special
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You run a basic algorithm to continue an attack against an opponent after you have activated the initial attack. You can sustain any hack talent requiring a move, standard action, or swift action. You can continue automation for as many rounds as half your level (round down) but you cannot change the original talent being sustained.
Level: manipulator 3
Casting Time: swift action
Range: special
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: none
Effect: Like a wedge, you keep a target's breached firewall open, regardless of what they do. You automatically re-break a firewall an enemy you are diving into is attempting to reset.
Level: manipulator 3
Casting Time: free action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: Activate any program in your memory.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 2d4 rounds
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will partial
Effect: The target is blinded. If the target makes its Will save, it is only blinded until the beginning of your next turn.
Server: Use this power against servers to disrupt any cameras on a system. If you hit a server system, all cameras tied to this system become vulnerable to blackout.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: Select yourself, a creatureor object Colossal or smaller, or any space 30 feet in diameter or small. The creature or object becomes invisible to the target affected by blatant ignorance. Any gear being carried or anything inside the object vanishes too. Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Any part of an item that the subject carries but that extends more than 10 feet from it becomes visible. Of course, the subject is not silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as swimming in water or stepping in a puddle). If a check is required, a stationary invisible creature/object has a +40 bonus on its Stealth checks. This bonus is reduced to +20 if the creature is moving. The invisibility does not end if the invisible subject attacks the target.
Sustain: At the beginning of your next turn, you can use swift action and sustain blatant ignorance for another turn. You can continue this until you stop using blatant ignorance or the illusion breaks. If you sustain the talent for one minute, you only need to sustain every hour.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes its Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 3
Casting Time: swift action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will (special)
Effect: You created a compressed information packet with multiple attack programs and password invasion algorithms. As a result, you gain one standard action and two move actions which can only be used for "hack" talents. You must use these actions before the end of this turn.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature with a firewall you have breached in the past 24 hours.
Duration: instantaneos
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: no
Effect: You know what firewall this computer is using and have a secret work-around. The target's firewall is breached and cannot be reset for 2d4 rounds. You are in a dive.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 2d4 rounds
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You cut all dopamine production in the target's substantia nigra. The target is unable to determaine its actions. It is confused
Special: Once a day, if the target makes its Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature able to find you attractive
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: Just like pubescent teenager, you make the target feel uncomfortable and overtly emotional. All he can think about is how attractive others are. Every wink brings a lust the target tries to resist. The target suffers a -4 penalty to attack you, and all damaged inflict on you by the target is halved. As long as you remain in line of sight to the target, the target is staggered. You gain a +2 bonus to all Diplomacy and Bluff skill checks to the target. These effects last until the end of your next turn.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use hormone tweak, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes. You cannot sustain if you inflict damage on the target.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneos
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You implant an idea in a target which it believes it made up on its own, as long as it's reasonable. As a result, it never stops attempting to do it. The act can even include a harmful act as long as the act does not lead to obvious death (like jumping off a building or shooting oneself). The moment the target takes damage, it no longer feels like a good idea and the effect ends. It this does not lead to physical harm, it is a lasting concept which may entirely shape the way the target views the world. This can include quitting one's job or taking up a hobby. Even when the idea has been satisfied, the target may never discover the hack, all the while believing the idea to be genuine (it would depend on how extreme the idea is against the target's own ethics or ideaology.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used, but you cannot use it against the orginal target for 24 hours.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 2d4 rounds
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: It's annoying. It won't go away. You make the target feel like a hundred spiders are crawling over his body. It is target is considered entangled.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 2d4 rounds
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You create a chaotic display of images, like a dream, to confuse your enemy. Whenever the target moves, as an immediate action, you can slide their final location by up to 15 feet (3 squares). The target suffers a -4 penalty to all melee and ranged attack rolls and looses the GIA of all targets in line of sight.
Special: Once per encounter, you can use this power again if you use an action point to activate it.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneos
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target immediately uses a single melee attack with itself as a target (the target's choice of which one). If the target does not have the capacity for a melee attack, then it attempts a basic ranged attack (if it cannot physically do either, this does not work). The enemy is helpless for this attack.
Level: manipulator 3
Casting Time: free action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instantaneos
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You pass your next Will or Fort save against a hack attack or talent or you may gain a +10 power bonus to your next Computer Use skill roll when attempting to diagnose or remove harmful programs in your brain or server.
Level: manipulator 3
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 2d4 rounds
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will (special)
Effect: The target is paralyzed. If the target makes the Will save, it is only staggered for the same duration.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target and you gain a neural connected. Any time you suffer any damage, the target suffers neural damage equal to double that amount + 1d6. This includes self inflicted damage as well. This effect only functions one way.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use sympathy pains, you can use a swift action sustain it for up to one minute. If you sustain his hack for five minutes, the effects last until the end of the day.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes its Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 3
Casting Time: move action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instananeous
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You run a diagnostic algorithm to fix any problems that may have occurred. You recover 3d6 + your character level hit points of any neural damage you have sustained.
Level: manipulator 3 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Effect: You create a complete fabricated experience, hijacking the targets complete senory network in real time. You can elect to simply insert one illusion, like a smell or a sound, or you can insert a visual experience. You can even partially recreate pressure sensation, making the brain believe it is touching something. However, the object does not physically exist so the object cannot interact with real object and the illusion break down if something physical interacts with it. You can insert the sensation of cold or hot within only a few degrees. You can cause virtual objects which are physically interacted with to respond properly, including breaking if damaged. The recreation is also not fixed, abling you to move or alter the experience accordingly. The target only receives a Will save if the experience is obviously faked; even then, after making the same the illusion has to be broken by discovering what is real and what is fake. Generally, if the target attempts to damage itself with a fabrication or is damaged by something concealed by the fabrication, the illusion breaks down. Because of the effort required in inserting sensory input, you must continue to concentrate on the target. If you stop sustaining the hack, the illusion remains but it no longer adapts to the targets actions and can quickly break down depending on the specifics of the illusion.
Fake Terrain: One possible option to total immersion is to make your target believe the ground is rough and muddy. Boots are sinking, making it difficult to move. The target treats all terrain as difficult. The target cannot bull rush or charge. The target must make a Will save at the beginning of its turn against your ProgDC or fall prone. All allies in line of sight gain a +2 bonus to attack the target until the target recovers.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use total immersion, you can use a move action to sustain the hack only if you are only required to maintain two senses (from sight, sound, taste, smell, touch). If it requires three senses, you must use a standard action to sustain the hack, and if it requires more than three senses, you must use a full round action to sustain the hack.

Level: manipulator 2
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: five minutes
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target suffers a -2 penalty to all attacks rolls which don't include you as a target. Up to three open allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against the target.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the first Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 2 (mind affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 hour
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Special (see text)
Effect: The target's SEED or GIA connection is cut. This severs the target's access to the worldnet, severing SEED access and all relevant abilities. The target cannot be hacked or hack itself. Adittionally, you can impose a Will save on the target; if the target fails, it suffers an additional 2d4 penalty to its Intelligence until the hack expires. If the target passes the save, it SEED is still cut.
Server: If you target a server, the server gets a Will save regardless of the action. If it fails, that layer (and all others you have penetrated) are effectively cut off from all outside feeds. This does not allow you to hack any devices or memories the layer has as they are part of its system, but the server cannot access them either. Any systems or memories that layer has access to is cut and that layer goes offline. You can no longer hack this server until the hack expires. If you have severed all layers of a server when you use autistic manner, the entire server and all its functions and memories go offline for the duration.
Level: manipulator 2
Casting Time: free action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: Reset one breached firewall. Your opponent must breach it again before your next turn or have its dive severed. Your reset firewall gains a +5 bonus to defense until the end of your next turn.
Level: manipulator 2 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 day
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You influence the actions of the target creature by suggesting a course of activity (limited to a sentence or two). The proposal must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound reasonable. Asking the creature to do some obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the spell. The course of activity can continue for the entire duration. If the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter time, the hack ends when the subject finishes what it was asked to do. You can instead specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. If the condition is not met before the effect duration expires, the activity is not performed. A very reasonable proposal causes the save to be made with a penalty (such as –1 or –2).
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 2
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: five minutes
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will half
Effect: The target takes 2d10 + Intelligence modifier damage neural damage, and the target is dazzled for 1d4 minutes.
Level: manipulator 2 (mind affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Area: 60-ft. cube/level (S)
Duration: 1 hour / level
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: see text
Effect: You create a fixed field in space able to inflict pain on the target if it attempts to move from it. If the target moves through a field wall, it must make a Will save or suffer 2d6 damage per five feet (1 square) moved beyond the edge (max 12d6). However, if the target suffers or avoids 12D6 total damage from this hack in a single round, it is no longer affected by fenceline. If it suffers or avoids a total of 20d6 worth of damage through the entire duration of the effect, it is no longer affected by fenceline. At your option, you can allow the target of fenceline to circumvent it without deactivating the hack.
Special: You cannot use fenceline on a target inside a moving vehicle. The target must be not moving on your turn. If using fenceline on multiple targets, they are all bound by the same area.
Level: manipulator 2
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: Special
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: If the target is in bright light (in the sun or if a flashlight is shined in his face) the target is blinded until the end of your next turn. On the target’s following turn, the target is dazzled for 1d4 rounds. Once hit by glare sensitivity, the target suffers from glare sensitivity until the end of the encounter but targets can only by blinded and dazed once by this attack. This does not alert the target to a hack.
Server: Use glare sensitivity against servers to disrupt any cameras on a system. If you hit a server system, all cameras tied to this system become vulnerable to glare sensitivity.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: Manipulator 2
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: One robot or server
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You control the actions of the target within the limits of its abilities. Once you have given it a command, it continues to attempt to carry out that command to the exclusion of all other activities, including that machine’s desire to recharge.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use hijack robotics system, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes. If you change commands or give the robot a new copmmand, the robot is able to make another Will save. If the robot had sensory equipment, you are able to hijack those as well, seeing what it is seeing.
Special: If targeting a server, you only gain control of layers you have breached.
Level: manipulator 2
Casting Time: immediate action
Range: Special
Target: one creature hacking you
Duration: five minutes
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: no
Effect: If you detect a target currently diving into your brain or system, you gain the target's GIA (not their physical location). You also instantly reset one personal firewall and its defense increases by +4 until the end of your next turn. You maintain the target's GIA until the end of your next turn, regardless if the target moves or not.
Special: If the target has a GIAS (GIA Scrambler) and you hit, you must make a Computer Use skill check against the GIAS's ProgDC or fail in hack. This takes no additional action. You only gain one attempt against the ProgDC per use of improved back-hack.
Level: manipulator 2 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: one round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target is stunned until the beginning of your next turn.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 2
Casting Time: free action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: none
Effect: Add a neural shot to your last hack you used this turn other than one that breaks through firewalls. You can only apply it to one hit (it cannot be used against multiple opponents). That bonus damage is +2d6 + your character level.
Level: manipulator 2
Casting Time: move action
Range: 150 feet (30 squares)
Target: one creature in line of sight. The target must be outdoors.
Duration: five minutes
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: no
Effect: Gain the target’s GIA and a +2 bonus to attack the target with non-hack ranged attacks as long as the target remains within 500 feet of its original location. Target gains no benefits from concealment or cover.
Special: You can relay this information to any ally with an open channel. They gain the benefits instead of you.
Level: manipulator 2 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You can control the actions of the target through your SEED connection. You can generally force the subject to perform as you desire, within the limits of its abilities, regardless if the target understands you or not (as you're hijacking basic brain functions via the SEED). You do not receive direct sensory input from it, nor can it communicate with you. Once you have given a dominated creature a command, it continues to attempt to carry out that command to the exclusion of all other activities except those necessary for day-to-day survival (such as sleeping, eating, and so forth). Because of this limited range of activity, a Sense Motive check against DC 15 can determine that the subject’s behavior is being influenced by an enchantment effect (see the Sense Motive skill description). Changing your orders or giving a dominated creature a new
command is a move action.
Server: If targeting a server, the server cannot activate any functions on this layer and all layers you have penetrated. You cannot activate any of its server functions but neither can it.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use simple god hack, you can use a move action sustain it for up to one minute. If you sustain his hack for five minutes, the effects last until the end of the day.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 2 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You reach into the subject’s mind and modify as many as 5 minutes of its memories in one of the following ways.
• Eliminate all memory of an event the subject actually experienced. This can negate other mind affecting hacks like decent prosoal and simple/complex god hack
• Allow the subject to recall with perfect clarity an event it actually experienced.
• Change the details of an event the subject actually experienced.
• Implant a memory of an event the subject never experienced.
You do not construct the memory on the fly but load up a previously rendered memory, as creating the memory while inside the target would take to long and result in too much concentration. A modified memory does not necessarily affect the target's actions, particularly if it contradicts the creature’s natural inclinations. An illogical modified memory is dismissed by the creature as a bad dream, too much wine, or another similar excuse.
Level: manipulator 2
Casting Time: free action
Range: Special
Target: One creature you had a GIA of in the previous turn
Duration: you
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: Regardless of line of sight or other rules dealing with a target’s GIA, you maintain the GIA of a target until the end of your next turn.

Reactive Awareness: Humans, servers, and even some robots possess some natural awareness of the surrounding environment, even when focused on a specific task. Part of a SEED'S normal function is tapping into a brain's cognitive awareness; which is actually how the cybernetic device communicates with a brain. This process also works in reverse, allowing the SEED to alert its owner when it is under attack. A SEED under attack is a brain under attack. In addition, certain hacks are less subtle than others, alerting a conscious and attentive target to the possibility its security has been compromised. This is reflected in a value known as Reactive Awareness (RA)—both the SEED's and a target's capacity to detect neural attacks (as a SEED and an organic brain are consider in many circles to be a single unit). Characters and their opponents are not expected to be ever vigilante to outside attack, therefore a fixed value is necessary when circumventing a target's awareness. This value is the DC required of attackers to beat with their Computer Use skill to avoid enemy detection. Failure alerts the target to the hack.
Your Reactive Awareness is determined as follows…
Wisdom modifier + SEED enhancement bonus + 10.
If you have ranks in Perception, you can add this value as well (including skill bonuses gained from items and feats). If you have the Active Security feat, you can use your ranks in Computer Use instead of Perception.
You can go into Active Awareness if desired. You must use a move action on your turn and the affects last for one round. Instead of taking the base 10, you roll a D20; however, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the result twice instead of once.
All opponents, servers, and player characters have a fixed RP value which must be rolled against each time an attacker makes an error in a hack (failing to breach a firewall or a target making its saving throw). See New Age of Warfare.

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Someone posted this some time ago but we still update it. Our Great Game Quotes are real anecdotes from our personal game sessions.
You can find the rest here...
Desmond: "His eyes are fixed and pupilated."
GM: "Pupilated?!"
Desmond: "I roll to attack Mike. What's your AC?"
Mike: "28."
Desmond: "Hit, take 40 damage."
Mike: "Ok…that hurt."
Desmond: "That was a warning shot."
Mike: "It was a what?! Warning shots are supposed to miss you A!~~&@!!"
GM: "You approach the carriage. You look inside and see people chained to the walls."
Grayson: "You think they're slaves?"
Conan: "What do you think?"
Grayson: "It could be a bondage thing. Are you slaves? Are you consenting to this?"
Brad: "Throw some grenades."
Conan: "I just used two."
Brad: "Well, use two more."
Conan: "I only have fourteen of these."
Brad: "WHAT?!"
GM: "So you whip open your coat to show two bandoliers with seven grenades each and say, 'I only have this many'!?"
Conan: "Can you heal Desmond?"
James: "No, I won't because he went off on his own even though I told them to stay close."
Desmond: "That's helpful."
Conan: "In all defense, James, you were the one that ran off. In fact, the only time in this entire encounter that Desmond has moved was when he was bull rushed by a Rhinoceros. In which case, you have to give it to him. In fact, unless my eyes deceive me, the Rhinoceros actually pushed Desmond towards YOU.
GM: "Up ahead, you see a mountain that has no reason being there."
GM: "I mean it stands out from the other hills around it."
GM: "They pour wine. It’s white."
MIKE: "Ugh…White?"
BRAD: "YOU'RE BLIND! How would you know? It’s not BRAIL WINE!"
CONAN: "I let my hat hang behind me from the strap."
GM: "The neck strap? Your hat weighs like five pounds. It's cutting the circulation in your neck."
CONAN: "Like being choked by a weak midget."
RENE: "Hey, Conan, there is molten silver down there to make silver bullets. Get a bag."
CONAN: "Why would I want to make bullets from molten silver?"
RENE: "It's safe to assume you would eventually cool this silver."
CONAN: "Yeah, but I don't keep bullet forms with me! I'm not going to shoot monsters with solid cash! Why in the world would I carry around a bag of molten silver?"
GM: "Ok...throughout all of this, you both failed to acknowledge the fact that you can't have a sack filled with molten silver. Either you'll have a bag with a hole in it or you'll have a solid chunk of silver."
CONAN: "No, I can."
GM: "It's not mercury. You're talking absolute shit again."
CONAN: "We can theoretically make this prisoner's death really slow and really painful. He might change his mind about talking."
GRAYSON: "Noooo, that'll take time."
(Everyone laughs)
CONAN: "Not against it on a moral basis; he's just really lazy!"
GM (imitating): "I'm too lazy to hurt you.
BRAD (imitating): "Giuseppe, torture him. I don't wannnaaaaa!"
GM: "The giant spider pounces on you, Lorne, and you fall back into the water."
LORNE: "Help me."
BRAD: "I want to...but it's gross."

Here are the 1st level HACK TALENTS
Level: manipulator 1 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You don't hijack the target's brain, but simply tap the brain's attatchment impulse, offering the impression that you are a friend. If you or (apparent) allies threaten or physically attack the creature, this minor chemical imbalance fixes itself and the target instantly recovers and cannot be affected again by fascination from you unless its memory of the event is wiped.
You cannot directly control the target, but it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn’t ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. You must speak the person’s language to
communicate your commands, or else be good at pantomiming.
Sustain: At the beginning of your next turn, you can use swift action and sustain fascination for another turn.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes its Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 1
Casting Time: move action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instananeos
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: Gain a +10 bonus to your next Computer Use check when performing a computer search.
Special: Once a day, if you fail the skill check, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 1
Casting Time: move action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: five minutes
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to one personal firewall and your Will saves.
Level: manipulator 1 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 minute
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You cause the target to fall asleep. The target's hit dice cannot be more than 1 higher than you. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). Hypersomnia can also affect robots and servers but if affecting the latter, you can only cause the functions on the layer your penetrated to shut down.
Sustain: At the beginning of your next turn before hypersomnia expires, you can use a standard action sustain it for up to five minutes. If you sustain his hack for five minutes, the effects last until the end of the day without further actions required.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes its Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 1 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 minute
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if informed of the illusion by another creature)
Effect: You affix an illusion to a physical object which perfectly occupies that object, preventing illusion collapse if interacted with. This can include making a bottle of vinegar look like a bottle of wine, a piece of paper resembling a monetary denomination, or making an off button look like an on button. You can also alter your likeness, including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment. You cannot alter your height more than a few inches or your weight more than fifty lbs, or risk breaking down the illusion. You could add or obscure a minor feature or look like an entirely different person or gender, though not providing the abilities or mannerisms of the chosen form. If you use this talent to create a disguise, you get a +10 bonus on the Disguise check. As long as the object being altered is the same shape and weight of the illusion, it does not break down if handled.
Sustain: At the beginning of your next turn before image anchor expires, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes. If you sustain his hack for five minutes, the effects last until the end of the day without additional actions required.
Level: manipulator 1 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 minute
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target can’t speak any deliberate and intentional lies. Once aware of this affect (which occurs the moment the target realizes it cannot lie), the target may avoid answering questions to which they would normally respond with a lie, or they may be evasive as long as they are affected by this talent. Usually one question gets through before this is discovered.
Sustain: At the beginning of your next turn before lie supressor expires, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes. The target gains a Will save each time you sustain. If you sustain this hack for five minutes, the effect last until the end of the day without additional actions required (and, as a result, saves).
Special: Once a day, if the target makes its Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 1
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: None
Effect: All auditory and visual input is relayed to you. Once this link is established, the range of this effect is unlimited. This relay is severed if the target enters an area with cellular shielding, enters a cellular dead zones or if the target goes paranoid. Monitor bug lasts for one turn unless you use a swift action to sustain it on your turn. After five minutes, you only need a free action to sustain it.
Level: manipulator 1
Casting Time: standard action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instananeos
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will half
Effect: The target suffers 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage + your character level. The target is also dazzled until the end of your next turn.
Level: manipulator 1 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: Select yourself, a creature, or any other object large or smaller. The creature or object becomes invisible to the target affected by optical erasure. Any gear being carried or anything inside the object vanishes too. Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Any part of an item that the subject carries but that extends more than 10 feet from it becomes visible. Of course, the subject is not silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as swimming in water or stepping in a puddle). If a check is required, a stationary invisible creature/object has a +40 bonus on its Stealth checks. This bonus is reduced to +20 if the creature is moving. The invisibility ends if the subject attacks any creatur (an attack includes any physical effect other than another hacking ability/attack/talent/program).
Sustain: At the beginning of your next turn, you can use swift action and sustain optic erasure for another turn. You can continue this until you stop using optic erasasure or the illusion breaks.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes its Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 1 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You or a creature you select appears blurred to the target, granting you or the creature you select concealment (%20 miss chance).
Sustain: At the beginning of your next turn, you can use swift action and sustain optic camolage for another turn. The target gains a Will save each time you sustain. You can continue this until you stop using optic camouflage or the target makes its Will save.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes its first Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 1
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: None
Effect: Select one opponent within line of sight. You and the target of parallax gain a +2 hack bonus to ranged attack rolls, AC, and Ref saves against the opponent as long as the opponent is at least 20 feet from either of you.
Sustain: At the beginning of your next turn, you can use swift action and sustain parallax for another turn. You can continue this until the opponent is defeated or you stop sustaining parallax.
Special: As long as parallax is running, you cannot activate any other talents.
Level: manipulator 1
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instananeos
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target is staggered for 1d4 rounds.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 1
Casting Time: swift action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instananeos
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: None
Effect: The target fails it’s next saving throw or you extend a hack-induced condition the target suffers from for 1 additional round without requiring another Will save.
Server: If targeting a server, you relay information from all cameras.
Level: manipulator 1 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You give the target a single command, which it obeys to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. You may select from the following options.
Approach: On its turn, the subject moves toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round. The creature may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal.
Drop: On its turn, the subject drops whatever it is holding. It can’t pick up any dropped item until its next turn.
Fall: On its turn, the subject falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It may act normally while prone but takes any appropriate penalties.
Flee: On its turn, the subject moves away from you as quickly as possible for 1 round. It may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal.
Halt: The subject stands in place for 1 round. It may not take any actions but is not considered helpless.
If the target can’t carry out your command on its next turn, the talent automatically fails.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes the Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used. However, you cannot target the same creature that made the initial save.
Level: manipulator 1 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: Once a creature is affected by supplantation, you select a focus for the hack, usually you. The focus appears to be about 2 feet away from its true location. The focus benefits from a 50% miss chance as if it had total concealment. Unlike actual total concealment, supplanation does not prevent the target from targeting the creature normally.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use supplantation, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes. If you sustain his hack for five minutes, the effects last until the end of the day without further actions required.
Special: Once a day, if the target makes its Will save, you recover the hack slot this talent used.
Level: manipulator 1
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: None
Effect: The target gains an indicator which you can transmit to all “open” allies in line of sight. The arrow always gives away the target’s location. The target cannot use stealth, cover is reduced by 2, and concealment is reduced by half. All allies gain a +1 power bonus to attack the target with any ranged weapons. Target arrow lasts for one turn unless you use a move action to sustain it on your turn. After five minutes, you only need a swift action to sustain it.
Level: manipulator 1 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 minute
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Effect: You can create either an obstruction (wall, floor, ceiling, or similar surface) or a fragment of terrain no bigger than 30 feet across. It appears absolutely real when viewed by the target, but physical objects can pass through it without difficulty. This only shrouds visual detection and is not visible through darkvision. Touch or a probing search reveals the true nature of the surface, though such measures do not cause the illusion to disappear.
Sustain: At the beginning of your next turn before virtual terrain expires, you can use a move action sustain it for up to five minutes. If you sustain this hack for five minutes, the effect last until the end of the day without additional actions required (and, as a result, saves).

So, even though hacking talents are based out of spells, I wanted to make them operate with some notable differences...
Most hacking talents are not programs or viruses, but natural abilities on the part of the hacker. Most are skills the hacker has learned over the course of years while a few are custom-programed algorithms to accomplish a specific task in a certain amount of time. However, none of these require implantation or command words. When you build programs or viruses, you build in theme a sequence of hacking talents which can activate in a specific order.
Hack talents level 1 through 4 are not selected; you have access to all of them and have limited uses per day based on your level. 0-level hack talents, called hotkeys, can be used at any time, any number of times a day, but you can only select two at 1st level. At 2nd level, you may select one more and also change your selection from 1st level. This is repeated at levels 7, 13 and 19.
Firewall breach: This indicates if you are required to breach an opponent’s firewall before using the talent.
Level: manipulator 1
Casting Time: immediate action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instananeos
Firewall Breach: no
Saving Throw: none
Effect: You can only employ attack blocker if you detect an opponent diving into your brain or system. One of your firewalls immediately resets, forcing the target to attack it again in order to sustain its dive.
Level: manipulator 0
Casting Time: standard action/special
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instananeos
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Fort negates
Special: If your target fails a Fortitude or Will on this turn from a hack talent you use, you can activate feedback surge as a move action. At 11th level, this is reduced to a swift action
Effect: The target suffers 2d4 + Intelligence Modifier damage OR up to two allies may gain a +3 insight bonus to attack rolls against the target until the beginning of your next turn. If a target has already suffered damage from feedback surge in the past five minutes, a second reduces the damage by half (round down). This reduction is cumulative with successive uses.
Advancement: Increase damage to 4d4 + Intelligence modifier damage at 11th level.
Level: manipulator 0
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: Before the beginning of your next turn, you can use an immediate action if an ally inflicts non-neural damage on a target. If so, the target takes additional damage equal to 1d6 + half your level.
Advancement: Increase damage to 4d4 + Intelligence modifier damage at 11th level.
Level: manipulator 0 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instananeos
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: You can either immobilize the target until the beginning of your next turn or slide the target 4 squares.
Level: manipulator 0 (mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target's brain chemistry is slightly altered and it begins to feel uneasy and doubtful. It suffers a -1 penalty on attack rolls and Will saving throws. You cannot target more than one creature at a time with neural curse unless employing a feat.
Advancement: At 11th level, the penalty increases to -2.
Special: Use a standard action with neural curse to increase the penalty to -2, -3 at 11th level.
Sustain: At the beginning of the next turn after you use neural curse, you can use the same action you used to activate the talent and sustain it for up to five minutes. If you sustain his hack for five minutes, the effects last until the end of the day without requiring further Will saves.
Level: manipulator 0 (figment)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: yes
Saving Throw: Will disbelief
Effect: You can create a sound that the target believes is originating from a location. It can be a single noise a continuous one that doesn't change. You choose what type of sound when activating this talent. It can be as simple as a bottle breaking or talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or running sounds. Targets affected are considered distracted that round. The target receives a Will save to disbelieve.
Special: A target that fails its Will save against this talent receives a cumulative +3 bonus to further Will saves against it for the rest of the day.
Level: manipulator 0 (fear, mind-affecting)
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 round
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: Will negates
Effect: The target becomes frightened by your presence. You haven't changed your appearance; you only make a connection with your appearance with the target's fight-or-flight instinct. The target is shaken for 1 round.
Special: A target that fails its Will save against this talent receives a cumulative +3 bonus to further Will saves against it for the rest of the day.
Level: manipulator 0
Casting Time: move action
Range: GIA
Target: one creature
Duration: instananeos
Firewall Breach: Yes
Saving Throw: No
Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to your ProgDC versus the target's next save and a +2 bonus to your next attack against the target’s firewall. You must employ this bonus before the beginning of your next turn. If you use target fixation on a target more than once per day, successive uses force a Perception check to be detected.
Advancement: At 21st level, increase to a +3 bonus.

Shane O. (Also Alzrius) posted a great review for Renaissance here and on RPGNow (excerpts follow)...
"I cannot overstate the quality of the interior art in Amethyst: Renaissance – the book has a grand total of three artists and between them, they’ve produced what might possibly the single best-illustrated book ever made for Pathfinder."
"By this point, my thoughts on Amethyst: Renaissance should be abundantly clear, but it bears repeating – this campaign world is breathtaking in its scope. There’s so much here, so artfully presented and with a tone that’s so holistic that it seems to leap off the page."
"It’s almost intimidating how high the bar is set; a sort of implication that says “for real role-players only!” but if that’s the case it backs it up."
"The bottom line is that Amethyst sets a standard for campaign settings, one that won’t soon be matched. If you want a true renaissance for your Pathfinder game, look no further: it’s Amethyst."
http://www.rpgnow.com/product_reviews_info.php?&reviews_id=79455&pr oducts_id=104471
I JUST read. Wow. Thanks. I think I write these books just for reviews like yours and Endzeitgeist's...
Pressure's on. :)
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(and yes, if you purchased it from Paizo, you'll still get the coupon to purchase the print from RPGNOw.)
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Anyone that has purchased the PDF that wants to take advantage of the combo-PDF/POD need only message me and I'll send them a discount coupon for the print edition. I'll need your email of course.
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(and yes, if you purchased it from Paizo, you'll still get the coupon to purchase the print from RPGNOw.)

Alignment: Any
Hit Dice: d8
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Computer Use (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Demolitions (Int), Engineer (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (sciences) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sciences (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Vehicle Operation (Dex)
Skill Ranks per Level: 7 + Int modifier
[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/s720x720/217858_4368 52173019858_1981010588_n.jpg[/img]
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: You are proficient with all light armor except advanced. You are also proficient with all one-handed small arms.
Advanced Firewall Attack (Ex): At 1st level, you are able to hack into opponents using a variety of ciphers and shortcuts most others don't have. You can attempt a firewall attack as move action. At 11th level, you can attempt a firewall attack as a swift action.
Back-Hack (Ex): At 1st level, you can attempt to back-hack an opponent attempting a dive on you. You must be aware an enemy is diving. If so, you can make a Computer Use skill check against your opponents ProgDC as a swift action. If you beat the DC, you gain the target's GIA (not their physical location) until the end of this turn. You are not in a dive unless you initiate a firewall attack and penetrate. If the target does not move (or cannot), you maintain the GIA until it does so or is able to scramble its GIA. If the target has a GIAS (GIA Scrambler) and you hit, you must make a Computer Use skill check against the GIAS's ProgDC before attempting to locate the attacker. This takes no additional action. You only gain one attempt against the GIAS per use of back-hack. After you employ a back-hack, you cannot attempt another until the beginning of your next turn.
Exposed But Not Defenseless (Ex): Starting at 1st level, if you don't wear any armor, you gain a +2 armor bonus to AC.
Hack Craft: You are able to create viruses and programs (see later). At 1st level, you gain the Programmer feat.
Hacks Talents (Ex): A manipulator gains hack talents he can use each day. They operate nearly identical to spells like a cleric or wizard would cast. As they only occur inside a brain, hack talents require no components whatsoever. Unlike spells, hack talents require neither contemplation nor studying each morning; you regain the use of them each day. You can use any exploit on the exploit list, provided that you can use the exploit of that level. You do not need to choose which exploits to prepare each morning. Like spellcasters, you receive bonus exploits per day if you have a high Intelligence score. When the manipulator table indicates that you get 0 talents per day of a given level, you gain only the bonus talents you would be entitled to based on your Intelligence score for that level.
Hotkeys (Ex): Hotkeys are the equivalent of 0 level hack talents. However, instead of uses per day, this value is how many 0-level talents you select (2 at first level, a 3rd at 2nd level, a 4th at 7th level, a 5th at 13th level, and a 6th at 19th level). You can use hotkeys at any time in any situation, though many often have limits on their use (like they cannot be used on the same target twice or have a cool down before they can be used again). Many hotkeys get better with level progression.
Opportune Hacker (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, whenever you are granted an attack from an ability (yours or an ally's) or an opportunity attack, you may use any manipulator attack or program you have access to.
Proficient Hacker (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a +2 proficiency bonus to all attack rolls against firewalls and to all DC's you set from hack abilities and programs.
Manipulator Feats: At 5th level, 8th level, and for every two levels after, you may select a feat from the hacking feat section. You must still meet each feat’s prerequisite.
Risk An Aneurysm (Ex): Starting at 6th level, you can use a swift action and suffer damage equal to the maximum value of your hit die. If you do, you gain an additional standard action that same turn.