Paladins should eat Goblin Babies

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Not can. Should. Because killing "evil" babies is a GOOD act. Therefore an anti-paladin who eats goblin babies would "fall" from willingly committing a GOOD act.

I would just like to thank everyone on these forums for providing me and my friends hours of entertainment last night with this take on the paladin's code. We ended up creating a new alignment system with 53 different choices, so we could classify the paladin who eats goblin babies.

We dubbed the act CLGE. The inner intent was trying to do good, but the outward act was clearly CE.

This thread stems from a long debate and how it was asserted that paladins can eat goblin babies as a good act.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I did not see that "long debate" but it must have been interesting.

But really, it all depends on the sauce

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You are what you eat.

Liberty's Edge

randomwalker wrote:
You are what you eat.

Right you are. Eating goblin babies might be Good, but do they at least taste good ? Or do they taste evil ? Can you use your sense of taste to Detect Evil if you are a blind Paladin ?

Eating goblin babies strikes me as unhealthy though, as they probably carry disgusting diseases. Which is likely why only Paladins in good standing can enjoy the delicacy (being immune to diseases).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
randomwalker wrote:
You are what you eat.

Let's test this theory. An orouboros eats its tail. Its tail is an orouboros. Thus the orouboros is an orouboros ... which verifies as true.

This theory is unassailable.

You misspelled "gnome". Paladins should eat gnome babies.


No, you have this all wrong. Goblins are reformable, therefore Paladins should not eat goblin babies. It's bugbear babies, who are unreformable and use adult goblin stats, that you should eat. Because of the circle of life -- wait, no, that's paladin/druid multiclasses. Nevermind. Paladins are just supposed to kill them.

Killing and eating are not the same thing. Golarion and its LG deities are not the think of the (evil) children activists of today.

I bet goblin babies are crunchy.

Marthkus wrote:

Not can. Should. Because killing "evil" babies is a GOOD act. Therefore an anti-paladin who eats goblin babies would "fall" from willingly committing a GOOD act.

I would just like to thank everyone on these forums for providing me and my friends hours of entertainment last night with this take on the paladin's code. We ended up creating a new alignment system with 53 different choices, so we could classify the paladin who eats goblin babies.

We dubbed the act CLGE. The inner intent was trying to do good, but the outward act was clearly CE.

This thread stems from a long debate and how it was asserted that paladins can eat goblin babies as a good act.

You my good man, are a Troll. babies, no matter what species are not evil, and should not be eaten for being labeled as such.

Oh sorry got ahead of myself there! Hehe.


Anybody who says a baby isn't evil has never been near one for any length of time.

They're the worst kind of evil too: Neutral Evil. No matter the race. They're selfish and just want, want, want all for themselves all the time, no matter how much it may hurt anyone around them.

That all describes my 14 month old son...except the evil part! Evil implies knowing the difference between right and wrong, a child/cub/pup etc. doesn't know until taught.

Conundrum wrote:
That all describes my 14 month old son...except the evil part! Evil implies knowing the difference between right and wrong, a child/cub/pup etc. doesn't know until taught.

So then the argument that actions are inherently evil or good regardless of intention wouldn't be true.

And as we all know, it is.


(Read more Paladin/Goblin Babies Oh Noes threads.)

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