Dark Ages Vampire - Bloodlines

Game Master Dennis Harry

Bloodlines is a continuation of the now defunct table top Dark Ages Vampire game wherein the PC's have created lineal descendants throughout the ages.

Attendees seeking a seat or have a seat in the Inner Circle:

Assamite - Lord Bajazet al Nasir.

Brujah – Lady Meridie de Chancie, Lord Criatas, “Dark”Selena, Robin Leeland.

Cappadocian – Lord Benne.

Gangrel – Milov Petrankov.

Lasombra - Prince Narses the Archbishop of Nod

Malkavian – Antione le Fanu, Lutz von Hohenzollern.

Nosferatu – Cristo Petradon, Simon.

Salubri – Brian Stack.

Setites – Sadir.

Toreador – Rafael de Corazon, Francois Villon, Helene la Jouste.

Tremere - Radek, Mistress Fanchon.

Tzimisce – Myca Vykos.

Ventrue – Alyssa Gilbert, Lady Jadviga Almanov, Lanzo von Saschen, Prince Alexander.

Remember - only those listed get votes. Of course influencing their Childer can go a long way to getting a vote.

Social Combat:

Let me first thank Sir Dunstan and his excellent Game of Thrones campaign as the inspiration for this rules tweak. A shout out to Vitaliano who also does an excellent job as a player in that campaign.

Game of Thrones has a Social Combat system that, while not translatable directly, I used as inspiration for this campaign.

This is a proposed rules set and I am more than happy to hear feedback from Players before I implement it in full.

Roleplaying is still required to get your point across. However, I think a mechanical system could be beneficial for this scenario, a scenario quite unlike anything I have ever done in a Vampire game before.

Making My Case

To convince a “voter” to side with your Sire, you may roll the following set of Attributes and Abilities:

1. Against someone who is clearly NOT in your favor --- Manipulation+Subterfuge+Politics
2. Against someone who is NEUTRAL – Charisma+Expression+Politics

The difficulty of all rolls is that Cainites Willpower. You will need to score as many successes as they have Willpower to win the contest. Once you engage the voter, you will only have three rounds to make your case and can only attempt do so one time per night.

If you have Presence – Awe or Enrancement, you may attempt to use these powers in conjunction with the above roll. Each success utilizing that Discipline gives you one more success on your total roll.

Beware, failing in using Presence in Elysium can lead to Sanctions by Thomas Brexiano.

Also beware, Cainites may try to turn this system around on you…

But What if Someone Else Tries This on a Voter I just Brought to my Side?

Amount of successes is a key factor here, you will want to score as many success as you can to ensure that a rival does not try to take that vote from you!

Certain NPC’s already believe that others are in their favor and would never change their votes. Those will be the toughest cookies to break.

Note this system cannot be used on:

Your In-Clan rivals, no amount of sweet talking or bribes will change their minds they all want this position badly.

Prince Narses, he simply will not entertain such discourse. Of course, this does not mean you cannot try to get into the ears of one of his Childer to have them speak with him…

Discerning My Quarry’s Intent

How can I tell if someone is for or against me despite what they are saying?

Make a Perception+Empathy+Politics roll.

The difficulty is 10, less that Cainites Humanity score. Those closer to the Beast are much harder to read. For every Century over 300 years that Cainite has lived, the DC will be increased by 1, topping out at 10, as these Cainites have well and truly mastered this game to have existed for so long in the first place.

Once you engage the voter, you will only have three rounds to ferret out their intent and can only attempt do so one time per night. You will need to score as many successes as they have Willpower to ascertain their intent.

If you have Auspex – Read the Soul or Invade the Mind, you may attempt to use these powers in conjunction with the above roll. Each success utilizing that Discipline gives you one more success on your total roll.

How else can I make my case?

The use of Presence, while frowned upon, is much less cause for censure than using Dominate. Dominate does not work on a Cainite whose blood is closer to Caine than your own. If you seek to use Dominate to convince a voter (or perhaps one of the Childer?) to vote for your Sire, it would be best used elsewhere in the city.

Boons – the boon system of quid pro quo can also be used to gain votes. You will need to offer something of course that that voter does not have or cannot get from another candidate.

Eliminate my rivals. This one is obvious though failure to do so without detection may subject YOU to the Final Death!

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Male Nosferatu 6th Generation; BP 28/30, xp saved: 0, spent 155

For those following Onfroi he had a shot at amarath farming... and didnt do it...

Male Italian (Toreador)

Yay! He listened to his inner Colossus and not his inner Deadpool!

Either that or the blood wasn't worth it ;)

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:

Yay! He listened to his inner Colossus and not his inner Deadpool!

Either that or the blood wasn't worth it ;)

Or the ST f+&#ed with him soooo bad he was afraid to drink a single drop...

But that seems unlikely ;-)

Shadow's Status

Playing in 20+ games and running 26 (soon to be 27) is time consuming. Outside of the boards I have a fairly busy work schedule and of course a life!

Often I find that if I fall behind in updates, I need to make time to simply update a Discussion Thread to inform the PCs of a particular game that I am either going to be posting later in the day or week or will be on a break form the boards for one reason or another.

To save time updating so many damn threads I am going to open this thread and link all of my DM aliases (and PC aliases) to this thread to inform people as to status.

Of course if people feel the need to ask other questions outside of PbP feel free to do so but mainly this will be a thread dedicated to ensuring that my PCs know my status and to assure everyone that even though I may have some absences away from the boards (or particular games) that new thread will always be up to date with my status.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay. Ranerius' player here

ST Shadow has been nice enough to allow me to check for interest and see if any of you guys would want to take part in a V20 modern game.... a cam game where you Do NOT get to play one of the main seven clans... if that doesn't drive you off? read the spoiler

Chronicle: Bloody Snowflakes


The Camarilla, that greatest and most venerable of sects. It claims under its umbrella, all Kindred as its charges. Claims aside, most who know it, know better. Seven great clans (Six if you believe that the Gangrel Egress is going anywhere) make up the power structure and majority of their membership. Other Clans are either Independent or have, mostly, allied with the Sabbat! Mere Bloodlines struggle for acceptance, notice, and sometimes even permission to claim a haven in a city.

You ought to know, you're one of the atypical ones. Your blood is different from the 'Big Seven'. To paraphrase an old saying, you had to work twice as hard to get half as much. So much for the "Camarillan Dream".

And then, it happened, a Camarilla City, had not only its kine population depleted by flood and fire, but also faced the loss of over fifty percent of its kindred! Out of the wet ashes, a Malkavian Prince rose to power, and now, a decade later, the humans are back in the numbers they were before. Where there are humans, Kindred may feed and thrive!

Only the Prince has decided to embrace (no pun intended) what she calls "Cainite Diversity"! She has denied members of the seven Clans the right to settle in her domain directing them elsewhere! She has refused to let those few in the city sire. Instead, she has put out word that bloodlines and children of the rarer bloodlines will be not only tolerated but welcome and encouraged to thrive!
Of course, she's out of her damned mind! She's got to be making enemies right and left! But then, this is your chance. Whether you simply hope for a home, wish to try to gain influence in some aspect of the city before some Ventrue or Toreador can claim it instead, or hope to earn an embrace and increase your bloodline; this is likely your best bet. For once, your rarity helps get your foot in the door.
You are a Bloody Snowflake…

As you can tell, I'm embracing the weird for this one. It may turn out to be more of a world of shadow than flat out darkness. The Fictional City means I get to wing it a bit more, and frankly steal from any players who want to contribute what this setting has. Think New Orleans' less loved cousin and we work from there.

The PCs would start as Neonates in current times in the Fictional City of Perle Perdu, Louisiana. Most likely as new arrivals, but I might allow one or two to have always been there but now showing themselves.
Clans & Bloodlines allowed: the whole 'gimmick' is you get to play something odd, or at least rare, a non cam clan in a Camarilla setting.
Here is what is allowed

Blood lines and Clan offshoots allowed: Daughters of Cacophony (Who can be male as well), Gargoyle, Kiasyd, Lasombra Antitribu, Assamite (Yes, they're trying to join the Cam as is a setting option) Vizier or Sorcerer, Old Clan Tzimsce (Who have Animalism, Auspex, and Dominate), Salubri, Samedi, True Brujah

Starting Generation 13th
Attributes - 7/5/3
Abilities - 13/9/5
Backgrounds – 6*
Virtues - 7
Disciplines - 4 (Rare out of Clan disciplines will need a reason)
Freebies - 21
Merits & Flaws - 7 & 7 max

*- Obviously some Backgrounds won't make sense if you arrive in a new city, but you can sort of 'pre purchase' and have things kind of fall in your lap in play, within reason. You probably won't have more than one dot in Influence at the start period.

I'll be trying to use the V20 rules. I don't have the new bloodlines book, but I'm open to merits or flaws from it if if you give me the details on game effect.

While some of you maybe off on 'solo moments' quite often, it's my hope that the 'we freaks are in this together ' factor will encourage a coterie or sorts… or at least reduce the chances war between PCs .
I'm going for a post rate of one every 3 days for me, and you guys responding within a day or two after that if possible. In solo moments it may matter less.

In addition to the stats, I would like to know the following things.
1) How old is your character and when was he/she embraced?
2) Why is your character in Perle Perdu? Obviously for a home, but did his or her sire send her, is her bloodline encouraging him her to establish room for growth for them all? Etc. Are they on a diplomatic mission, or on the run etc?
3) Related: What are your character's long term goals and dreams?
4) Does your character have mortal friends or family in the setting? Do they know of you even if (hopefully) they don't know you are a vampire?

Downside is I'm not as good an ST as Shadow there ;) And I tend to be rules light

While I would be interested, I still have to think a bit about what I would even consider playing, although my gut reaction would have me leaning Kiasyd or True Brujah.

On a side note, regardless if I submit a character or not, I do have the bloodlines book and would be happy to answer questions about the various bloodline for your applicants.

Thank you, Talomyr.

And I don't even know how many folks would be interested yet so there's time to consider concepts. :)

Shadow's Status

I'm down! Not sure what to play though with so many interesting choices, I'll consider it and let you know tomorrow.

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

I might be convinced. I have no idea what all clans exist in modern vs dark ages but it could be fun.

Though I am a pain to GM

Female Vampire Tremere Courtesan
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
I'm down! Not sure what to play though with so many interesting choices, I'll consider it and let you know tomorrow.

Are you ever Not Down for any pbp game? ;)

Shadow's Status
Veronica Acqua wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
I'm down! Not sure what to play though with so many interesting choices, I'll consider it and let you know tomorrow.
Are you ever Not Down for any pbp game? ;)


Vitaliano da Riva wrote:

I might be convinced. I have no idea what all clans exist in modern vs dark ages but it could be fun.

Though I am a pain to GM

Oh the ones listed in the spoiler all have modern takes , though I might consider others not listed.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Veronica Acqua wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
I'm down! Not sure what to play though with so many interesting choices, I'll consider it and let you know tomorrow.
Are you ever Not Down for any pbp game? ;)


Okay, and thanks guys.

Bloody Snowflakes discussion thread

Ridge here...

For those of you who expressed an interest

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

O.o....YUP...Sire is gonna try and get me as a council member? That's gonna put about a billion crossairs on his head....oh well, he's full of himself.

Shadow's Status
Vitaliano da Riva wrote:
O.o....YUP...Sire is gonna try and get me as a council member? That's gonna put about a billion crossairs on his head....oh well, he's full of himself.

Well you'll be the Childe of a Council Member but perhaps not a direct Member yet but at the very least a junior member, after all why else would they all have Embraced all of you...

Shadow's Status

Everyone take 1 more XP for the mid night period. :-)

Male Italian (Toreador)
Vitaliano da Riva wrote:
O.o....YUP...Sire is gonna try and get me as a council member? That's gonna put about a billion crossairs on his head....oh well, he's full of himself.

More of a proxy and bait I suspect. ;)

Now if only I can remember who Ranerius and his sire all agreed to vote for. Oy. my memory. My character would know, I get lost every other week :o

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Vitaliano da Riva wrote:
O.o....YUP...Sire is gonna try and get me as a council member? That's gonna put about a billion crossairs on his head....oh well, he's full of himself.

More of a proxy and bait I suspect. ;)

Now if only I can remember who Ranerius and his sire all agreed to vote for. Oy. my memory. My character would know, I get lost every other week :o

Just do a search for Ventrue, Ranerius and Francois that should narrow it down :-)

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

Still here and the like, just waiting for the Malkavian table's turn to post. It'd just be easier to post his thoughts and actions from the previous post once it is in fact his turn then break it down into two smaller posts I think.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Vote for Francois Villon!

(Because I'm pretty sure Helene is this close to eating Ranerius , and I wouldn't swear off Raf considering it ;) )

Male Nosferatu 6th Generation; BP 28/30, xp saved: 0, spent 155

Well if Helene follows my game she is a baali hehe

Male Italian (Toreador)

Well, let's see how this goes over.

Gangrel Blood Pool 13/10

Moved into a new apartment, the internet down. Hopefully up tomorrow.

Just a heads up:

I am moving soon, and I am pretty much engaged in RL issues. Since Geoffroi is still human and on his own for now my absence shouldn't affect much. If there is any need, just push him along as you need.

Shadow's Status
Geoffroi de Clairvaux wrote:

Just a heads up:

I am moving soon, and I am pretty much engaged in RL issues. Since Geoffroi is still human and on his own for now my absence shouldn't affect much. If there is any need, just push him along as you need.

No worries Pat, you are good! Good luck with the move and the new gig!

Shadow's Status

I texted our Setite to put in his Vote.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Sorry for the delay, I looked up notes and bits to try to figure out who he was supposed to vote for and... it was actually kind of nebulous in parts so.. :) Hope I got it 'right'.

Shadow's Status

Alright folks, I will be away next week but I want to leave these last several posts as the last posts I will make until I return.

We have a few cliffhangers and unanswered questions:

1. Who will win the Ventrue vote?

2. How will Durdona get away or will El Cid chase her down?

3. Is Franz alone in this Tavern?

4. Why did several Cainites NOT show up to vote tonight?

Oh and 2 more XP for everyone!

Male Italian (Toreador)

Poor Ranerius
all his hard work shot to hell

It's enough to make him consider going home to his inn but with an excommunication going on business is low he's feeling gloomy these nights.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Unlife Goals

stop Talisman from taking over Toreador Clan.

Get permission to embrace his wife or , if it helps alliances and unity, have other clan (preferably not Nos or Malks sorry guys) embrace her so he and she can be together forever! (Is this naive? oy yes)

Make more ghouls to help support Inn.

Survive and prosper in an excommunicated city until it can, hopefully be, unexcommunicdo

Become better at singing and composition so he may enjoy his art.

Help the Cappadocians with the artistic side of death, dirges, art work, etc as promised and to help unity.

Aid other Clans as well here and there with artistic angles if they wish, other matters also.

contemplate that devouring an older toreador might lead to an improved musical talent and thus a short cut!

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

Still here at the moment, waiting on the finale of the voting before posting again...I'm pretty sure I'm not required a reaction at the moment.

Shadow's Status

And I am back!

I will address the rest of the open items from Narses Court after those present have given their reactions to the news that Durga Syn just dropped upon the assembled Cainites.

Shadow's Status

We may have lost Finn/Bagrat. I'll give him a few more days before I DMPC him and begin to search for an new Tzimisce.

He is usually back from his summer vacations by now...

Xing, within the next few days, the Conclave will break up and your plot will move forward again. Same for you Onfroi.

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

Apologies if you were attempting to umm...making things easier on your side SS. Vitaliano is a schemer.

Male Italian (Toreador)

Ooo, I could play the Tzmisce AND the Toreador. I'm almost 37% certain I wouldn't be tempted to use it to stack votes ;)

Male Ventrue 8 Generation 14/15 BP

We doing gestalt now?
Dips on Ventrue/Malkavian then...make the Camarilla great again!

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

Nothing, I repeat nothing would go wrong with a Malkavian/Tremere hybrid bastard.

I just want someone to go Nosferatu/Venture....or Nosferatu/Toreador. I think that'd be nasty.

Shadow's Status

I had a PC, actually Michele, play a Salubri/Baali, great PC. As he was being Embraced, he bit down on a vial of Baali blood that he had taken from a Baali the group had captured. Long story...

Male Italian (Toreador)

well, I meant run both, two different vamps, to get two votes...

but I guess I was too subtle! :P

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:

well, I meant run both, two different vamps, to get two votes...

but I guess I was too subtle! :P

Heh I know what you meant... ;-)

Shadow's Status

I'll give one more day for some reaction posts to the Decision and the edicts issued by Lanzo before I post again. This time I WILL include responses to the prior set of posts from PCs at Tables, don't worry, I did not forget just wanted the moment to be the focus for my return post.

Male Ventrue 8 Generation 14/15 BP

I also understood what you meant, Ranerius, don't worry :)

I just found the idea more amusing of transferring gestalt rules and "fusing" the two characters into one-

Also, +for Malkavian/Tremere and Noferatu/Toreador - great combos but I start with one side Ventrue so my options are limited ;)

Male Italian (Toreador)
Franz Albert Capsali wrote:
I also understood what you meant, Ranerius, don't worry :)

I know, I'm just being snarky.


I just found the idea more amusing of transferring gestalt rules and "fusing" the two characters into one-

Also, +for Malkavian/Tremere and Noferatu/Toreador - great combos but I start with one side Ventrue so my options are limited ;)

You know, come to think of it, a Tzim Tory combo might explain Toreador Anti's and their rather tweaked and disturbing flaw of sadism.

And, I still am delighted we have something open ended enough where we might shape the world history.

I've said this before, but I'm hoping to keep the Cappadocians around. They're a lot more interesting to me than the Giovanni.

5th Generation Cappadocian | Bloodpool: 26/40 | Willpower: 6/8
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
I've said this before, but I'm hoping to keep the Cappadocians around. They're a lot more interesting to me than the Giovanni.

I'm hoping to keep us around too. ;)

Shadow's Status

With Court coming to an end, Onfroi, Finn, Edwarde, and Xing will all begin to pick up once more. By Sunday or Monday, I'll move all of you forward.

Xing, if Finn is still AWOL at that time, I will just bot him so you can proceed.

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

~taps his chin~ I mean in all honestly the Ventrue have pulled a brilliant move with this. It could indeed backfire heavily but the 'one' in power can easily just vote as he chooses, only allowing his vote to happen means that his choice has a better chance (For the other four could vote for someone else of course.) It's not like the other Ventrue are gonna know he didn't follow the consensus (If they are doing one) because it's a private vote.

I'm sitting here on my side trying to figure out how I might be able to f*ck with his power play and make him both accountable to his own clan and exposed for trying such a thing...and I'm scratching my head here.

I'm gonna take a day to think about how I might be able to....screw this up for the Ventrue.

Shadow's Status
Vitaliano da Riva wrote:

~taps his chin~ I mean in all honestly the Ventrue have pulled a brilliant move with this. It could indeed backfire heavily but the 'one' in power can easily just vote as he chooses, only allowing his vote to happen means that his choice has a better chance (For the other four could vote for someone else of course.) It's not like the other Ventrue are gonna know he didn't follow the consensus (If they are doing one) because it's a private vote.

I'm sitting here on my side trying to figure out how I might be able to f*ck with his power play and make him both accountable to his own clan and exposed for trying such a thing...and I'm scratching my head here.

I'm gonna take a day to think about how I might be able to....screw this up for the Ventrue.

BY all means do so, f+@* those lousy Ventrue!

Male Italian (Toreador)
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

BY all means do so, f@~$ those lousy Ventrue!

Tsk tsk tsk

Your pro Lasombra love is showing again :D

Clan Malkavian Blood Pool 19/30

Psh, to be honestly I'm pro everything but Ventrue or Toreador. They are the clan type that I'm not fond of. (Says the person playing a Malkavian who would honestly fit in in the middle of the two clans)

I'd love to see a Muscle head Ventrue who uses only intimidate.

Shadow's Status
Ranerius Bernerius wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

BY all means do so, f@~$ those lousy Ventrue!

Tsk tsk tsk

Your pro Lasombra love is showing again :D

Sorry, it's hard to tell when you cast no reflection :0)

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