John Kretzer |

@ Lord Fyre: Instead of copying and pasting your post I will just ansdear each question and statement by the numbers...
1) True the lost of the int can hurt a little especialy in regards to skill points...but I have found it surviable for non-int casters.
2) While true playing the Hedge Witch as the healer you will loose power vs undead...but you do gain more diversity and Hexes. I think it is a fair trade off. Especialy as a change of pace from a cleric healer character. Though I would not play a Sulis witch as the int lost does hurt.
3) Well Sarenrae is awesome...probably my favorite of the good aligned gods...but playing a outsider can be just as interesting...if you have a good enough GM that is.
4) While very true...not all the campaign traits are equal...I don't think the gap is that large. Though if you go with a Sulis Cleric the Finding Haleen helps in offseting the Skill point lost due to the int penalty.
5) It could be...though I don't know your GM.

John Kretzer |

John Kretzer wrote:Mayo is the Smegma of Beelzebub. We are do longer friends... Unless you like Discworld. I can't hate anyone who likes Discworld... Do you like Discworld?Brian Kovich wrote:Mustard or Mayo?Mayo.
M<ustard is from Hell...you won't find anything I am more against than mustard.
I never got around to the Discworld Novels...been meaning to just have gotten the time.

John Kretzer |

What organization do you most want to join?
Real World?
Other worlds/Universes?
I'll answear all three...
Real World: While this is in the past but I would think it would awesome to be a member of a adventurers type club.
Golarion: None of the organization scream out to me to join them...I have characters who might but none really have that large appeal to me.
Other World/ Universes: The Harpers from the FR...I would love to be a Jedi Knight....The Preservers from Dark Sun...
Just few off the top of my head.

John Kretzer |

Does chewing gum really stay inside you for years?
That is a urbane legend meant to scare children.
While gum is indigestable...your system will pass it in a day or two. It is possible if you swallow alot of gum for it to gum up (pun intended) your insides. Which is why kids are lied too....no wonder why we lied....growing up we are lied to 'for our own good'.

Brian Kovich |

Brian Kovich wrote:Does chewing gum really stay inside you for years?
That is a urbane legend meant to scare children.
While gum is indigestable...your system will pass it in a day or two. It is possible if you swallow alot of gum for it to gum up (pun intended) your insides. Which is why kids are lied too....no wonder why we lied....growing up we are lied to 'for our own good'.
Follow-up Question, Is it true all men over 30 are punny?

John Kretzer |

John Kretzer wrote:Follow-up Question, Is it true all men over 30 are punny?Brian Kovich wrote:Does chewing gum really stay inside you for years?
That is a urbane legend meant to scare children.
While gum is indigestable...your system will pass it in a day or two. It is possible if you swallow alot of gum for it to gum up (pun intended) your insides. Which is why kids are lied too....no wonder why we lied....growing up we are lied to 'for our own good'.
False. Any staement that is 'all of something' is never true.

John Kretzer |

What exactly is a switch-hitter?
In what regards...in baseball for instance it is a batter who can hit from either side of the plate...
What race would you think is good for a melee/companion focused druid?
Oread, Dwarf, Duergar...of course human is always good too.
Follow up: Appropriate dump stat using 20 point buy?
I would have to say for the above character Cha and/or Int.

John Kretzer |

John Kretzer wrote:Brian Kovich wrote:What is a group of unicorns known as?A Herd.Actually it's a "blessing"... Just thought you might know.
Is it wrong that I ask questions I already know the answers to?
Did not know that. I am curious where you got that from.
It is ok to ask any question...even if you know the answear as long as you tell me the right answear afterwards.

John Kretzer |
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lucky7 wrote:What would his domains be if he were a spell-granting entity?I need sometime to think about that...stay tuned for Cosmo stats as a god....
Ok the moment we all been waiting for....Cosmo stated out as a god...plus a new domain...
Cosmo, Evil Beyond Evil, Gods of Ruin, Dispair, Thwarting and Moustaches.
Alignment: EVIL!!! (Cosmo is beyond Chaos, law or neatrality)
Domains: Evil, Trickery, Destruction, Charm, and Moustaches(NEW).
Favored Weapon: The internet
Centers of Whorship: Everywhere
Nationality: American(?)
Moustache Domain:
Granted Powers:
Angry Moustache: As a Standard action anyone veiwing you is intimindated by your angry moustache. They must make will save or be cowering for a 1d4 rounds. You can use this ability a number of time per day equalt to 3 + wis mod.
Seductive Mopustache: Once per day + 1 per every 4 levels you gain you may seduce a target by the awesomness of your moustache. The taget geta will save at -4 if that person wopuld normally be attracted to your gender and/or race. This seduction last for 1 hour per level.
Domain Spells: 1st: Fumble Tongue(person grows a moustache entangling his tongue), 2nd: Unnatural Lust, 3rd: Strangling Hair(Moustache only), 4th:Leashed Shacles, 5th: Possess Objects(Moustaches only), 6th: Utter Contempt, 7th: Joyful Rature, 8th: Prediction of Failure, 9th: Animate Moustach.

Brandon Verkennes |

lucky7 wrote:Why have a mustache familiar?Oh...as a granted poower of the Moustache domain. From reports Cosmo moustache is a sentient being...I can see that he would have his clerics having the same...it was just a idea.
I think a mustache familiar is a great idea. And stat up a mustache as a monster/ animal companion in general.

John Kretzer |

John Kretzer wrote:I think a mustache familiar is a great idea. And stat up a mustache as a monster/ animal companion in general.lucky7 wrote:Why have a mustache familiar?Oh...as a granted poower of the Moustache domain. From reports Cosmo moustache is a sentient being...I can see that he would have his clerics having the same...it was just a idea.
All right...I get to work on that.