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Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Are you letting your reason wane?


Scarab Sages

Okey dokey John- Got a couple more PF questions for ya as I continue my newcomer homework:

How does one use the "Flare" spell without it being an attack? (using it on an attack roll incurs -1 penalty)?

How do time requirements work with the use of animal tricks?

I answered my third question all by myself :D



Flare(CRB284): You cast it at a single creature and they gain the condition dazzled(CRB566) if they fail a Fort save. They get the -1 to attack.

Animal Tricks: Training a animal to do a trick takes the amount of time under the trick description. To order a animal to do a trick takes a free action(since this is for your druid I presume). (CRB 97-98).

The second question is a little confusing...I hope my answer helps.

Scarab Sages

Hey John,
Thanks for clarifying "Flare" for me. That helped!

As for training animals... ok.. so say you need 2 weeks to train your companion to "come" how do you count 2 weeks? If you're playing Pathfinder every other week, does that mean I announce "I'm training my dino to come", and then the next game (2 weeks later) my animal is trained? Or is "time" counted some other way?


Oh...it depends on the campaign and GM. For instance in a home game time usually passes when the GM say it does. PFS probably has rules for how time passes...which I don't know. You should ask on the PFS forums.

I has been over a month since anybody has asked me anything?

Did people forget about me in the rush of all these new *Ask x * threads running around?

It must be Cosmo doing....


Leeroyjenkinsbat wrote:

Never heard one so I can say for sure.

This thread exists? (Neat!)

Tacticslion wrote:
This thread exists? (Neat!)

Yes it does!

It is one of the originals and longest thread of it's types out there.

It was also around before it was the 'cool' thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Due to your shameless cross-thread promotions (to which you are obviously a man after my own heart), I am here to service your thread with a bump, as well a few genuine questions.

1.) I wouldn't be a shameless self-promoter if I didn't ask if you like tea, and if so, why you've not joined myself and the other tea gamers for a cup?

2.) Okay, so most of these AMA threads follow a Paizo employee, or at least the older ones did, until folks like myself jacked the party up (but at least I bring a theme to the table with the world's second most popular drink). Who're you to where this started long enough ago that the thread's big enough where I'm too lazy to follow?

3.) I've yet to encounter any female Johns, but then again there was a time where Ashley and Whitney were male names, so I guess I have to say, what's the deal with the avatar? Huge sorcerer fan, chick with a traditionally male name, transgender individual, or just random photo selection, or other reason?

thegreenteagamer wrote:

Due to your shameless cross-thread promotions (to which you are obviously a man after my own heart), I am here to service your thread with a bump, as well a few genuine questions.

1.) I wouldn't be a shameless self-promoter if I didn't ask if you like tea, and if so, why you've not joined myself and the other tea gamers for a cup?

2.) Okay, so most of these AMA threads follow a Paizo employee, or at least the older ones did, until folks like myself jacked the party up (but at least I bring a theme to the table with the world's second most popular drink). Who're you to where this started long enough ago that the thread's big enough where I'm too lazy to follow?

3.) I've yet to encounter any female Johns, but then again there was a time where Ashley and Whitney were male names, so I guess I have to say, what's the deal with the avatar? Huge sorcerer fan, chick with a traditionally male name, transgender individual, or just random photo selection, or other reason?

1) I do like tea...I am just not that much of a expert on tea and rarely drink it. Most of my friends are barbarian coffee drinkers...so I don't have much opportunity. But maybe I'll post a question...

2) It started as a joke in another thread about 'taking over the boards' while Pazio was too busy at gencon. And it just grew from there. It also kind became away for me just to get to know people on the boards.

3) I am male. I just like that piece of art...it looks different from the usually Pazio art. And it seems like anytime I have tried to change it lately it just does not work...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It certainly does help pass the boredom.

You bumped the hell out of it early on, I noticed. I feel slightly less shameful of my constant attendance to my own thread. Meanwhile, the kobold ignores his for pages at a time and people keep talking there.

Especially that damn goblin... :-D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wait have you been assuming I'm a Kobold this whole time GreenTeaGameer???

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Nope. Didn't even know you had a thread. I was referring to Kobold Cleaver, with whom I have entered a friendly rivalry (and am still kicking the butt of, I might add).

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

It certainly does help pass the boredom.

You bumped the hell out of it early on, I noticed. I feel slightly less shameful of my constant attendance to my own thread. Meanwhile, the kobold ignores his for pages at a time and people keep talking there.

Especially that damn goblin... :-D

Yeah I bumped it a lot...but not as much as I thought I would have too. Than again I am just a nobody...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Now that I see that Tacticslion has discovered this thread I wonder if my favorites by others are going to explode.

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Don't have a thread just thought you were going off pictures.

John Kretzer wrote:
Now that I see that Tacticslion has discovered this thread I wonder if my favorites by others are going to explode.

That would require reading it. And that takes... time.

I'm sure I've got lots of that. Yeah...


SweetTeaGamer wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Now that I see that Tacticslion has discovered this thread I wonder if my favorites by others are going to explode.

That would require reading it. And that takes... time.

I'm sure I've got lots of that. Yeah...


It is very entertaining though...so it is time well spent. Also it goes by quickly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Who would you want to narrate your life? Morgan Freeman, Patrick Stewart, James Earl Jones, someone else?

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Who would you want to narrate your life? Morgan Freeman, Patrick Stewart, James Earl Jones, someone else?

James Earl Jones.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Who would you rather win in a fight, Luke Skywalker or Artemis Entreri :-)

Further, who would actually win :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Who would you rather win in a fight, Luke Skywalker or Artemis Entreri :-)

Further, who would actually win :-)

Artemis Entreri....I like the character better.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Are there enough?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lord Fyre wrote:
Are there enough?

There are never enough

So there must be some more question for me out there...

Are you my Mother?

Little Lost Bird wrote:
Are you my Mother?

No I am your father.

John Kretzer wrote:
Little Lost Bird wrote:
Are you my Mother?
No I am your father.

Sorry, the book says I'm looking for my mother, I probably shouldn't go off script, especially if I want Disney to turn a hundred word book into a 90 minute mediocre 100 million nostalgia money grab:-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Little Lost Bird wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Little Lost Bird wrote:
Are you my Mother?
No I am your father.
Sorry, the book says I'm looking for my mother, I probably shouldn't go off script, especially if I want Disney to turn a hundred word book into a 90 minute mediocre 100 million nostalgia money grab:-)

Sigh....damn Disney breaking up family.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

How many spoons would you need?

Who's the best GM/DM you've ever played under for any length of time and what made them special?

Lord Fyre wrote:
How many spoons would you need?

Ah Girl Genius I have got to start reading it again.

As to your question...if you do it right just one.

Elfabet wrote:
Who's the best GM/DM you've ever played under for any length of time and what made them special?

Michael Satran my current GM who runs Pathfinder, Champions and Rifts as the main games he runs. I have been playing with him for about 15 years.

As to why...he generally lets you play what you want...his combat are usually interesting...he RPs well and encourages at the table...he is fair...willing to hear players out on rules issues...his campaign are usually interactive (meaning your PCs action effect things outside the scope of the GM's plans). I usually have a lot of fun at his table. He is not perfect...and we have gotten into some serious disagreements but nothing major.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Which particular gaming sessions or moments stand out in your mind as some of the most fun, and why?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Lady Firedove wrote:
Which particular gaming sessions or moments stand out in your mind as some of the most fun, and why?

So many...I have got one that stands out...

It was a D&D 3.5 FR game. I was playing a Rogue/wizard that was kind of built to be a seducer/ con artist type. So while in the swamp looking for the source of a disease ravaging the near by land my character got separated from the rest of the group. She ended up finding the source by herself...it being a demon cultist of a demon of disease (I can't remember his name). Anyway she convinced the head cultist that she was guided to him by dreams from his demon lord and she came with dire warnings....at the end he was literally willing to believe anything I said. So first I got him to kill his most powerful minion. Than got him to order his followers to go with my character to look for these dangers she 'dreamed' about and ended up leading them into a ambush set by the other PCs.

Pretty much I enjoyed it because it is one of the few times I have seen a GM allow a cunning PC to be cunning. A lot of GMs seem to get to attached to the concept of the final combat.

Silver Crusade

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Okay since that question was already asked, what is your least favourite class to play?

Rysky wrote:
Okay since that question was already asked, what is your least favourite class to play?

I have generally liked all the classes I have played....but there is one class I am not thinking of playing and that is the Skald. I just don't have a concept for the class.

Silver Crusade

John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Okay since that question was already asked, what is your least favourite class to play?
I have generally liked all the classes I have played....but there is one class I am not thinking of playing and that is the Skald. I just don't have a concept for the class.

Hmm, what do you mean? Can't think of any rockers/moshers/inciters style characters to play or is it something else?

Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Okay since that question was already asked, what is your least favourite class to play?
I have generally liked all the classes I have played....but there is one class I am not thinking of playing and that is the Skald. I just don't have a concept for the class.
Hmm, what do you mean? Can't think of any rockers/moshers/inciters style characters to play or is it something else?

Yeah I don't think a rocker or mosher type fits in the world well...and I don't like a inciter Skald much as I see that more of get your oppenents angry so they are less effective type.

I just can't think of a concept...one day I probably will though. For the longest time I could not think of a concept for a Summoner but I did and love the character now.

Silver Crusade

John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Okay since that question was already asked, what is your least favourite class to play?
I have generally liked all the classes I have played....but there is one class I am not thinking of playing and that is the Skald. I just don't have a concept for the class.
Hmm, what do you mean? Can't think of any rockers/moshers/inciters style characters to play or is it something else?

Yeah I don't think a rocker or mosher type fits in the world well...and I don't like a inciter Skald much as I see that more of get your oppenents angry so they are less effective type.

I just can't think of a concept...one day I probably will though. For the longest time I could not think of a concept for a Summoner but I did and love the character now.

Hmm, maybe the incarnation of rage and anger and hate speak to her/him as some sort of deranged muse and they try to capture some of that destructive ardour?

Maybe they spend more time among Druids and Fey rather than civilization and are "wild bards" so to say?

Or maybe they're a bersker that just happens to like some accompanying music while they kill stuff.


I agree that the skald isn't awesome, but then I dislike bards, so a bard-barian is just a slightly less crappy bard to me. I think they could've done a better hybrid class than that.

Rogue-wizard would be nice, so you don't have to go six levels to get into arcane trickster and finally have a relevant concept. Monk-cleric or monk-inquisitor would have made more conceptual sense. I would've liked to see something hybrid with paladin to make a spell-less full BAB holy warrior, the way slayer was for ranger. I just think there aren't enough spell-less classes altogether.

thegreenteagamer wrote:

I agree that the skald isn't awesome, but then I dislike bards, so a bard-barian is just a slightly less crappy bard to me. I think they could've done a better hybrid class than that.

Rogue-wizard would be nice, so you don't have to go six levels to get into arcane trickster and finally have a relevant concept. Monk-cleric or monk-inquisitor would have made more conceptual sense. I would've liked to see something hybrid with paladin to make a spell-less full BAB holy warrior, the way slayer was for ranger. I just think there aren't enough spell-less classes altogether.

While I like bards yeah I agree I would of liked to see a different hybrid. Personally a Rogue-wizard would have been my top choice over all of them with the exception of the swashbuckler...not that I dislike any of them...I just think a Rogue wizard hybrid is needed....follow by a Rogue-Cleric.

John Kretzer wrote:
While I like bards yeah I agree I would of liked to see a different hybrid. Personally a Rogue-wizard would have been my top choice over all of them with the exception of the swashbuckler...not that I dislike any of them...I just think a Rogue wizard hybrid is needed....follow by a Rogue-Cleric.

I think the inquisitor already fills that particular role. Wisdom based 6-level divine casting, 6+Int skill points, bonus damage (judgment and bane fit in for sneak attack nicely and are easier to set up reliably), same basic rogue skill set, same hit dice and BAB as both rogue and cleric - all it needs is a way to get trapfinding, which you can finance around. Trapfinding is only really NEEDED for magic traps, and you can use dispel magic for that.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
While I like bards yeah I agree I would of liked to see a different hybrid. Personally a Rogue-wizard would have been my top choice over all of them with the exception of the swashbuckler...not that I dislike any of them...I just think a Rogue wizard hybrid is needed....follow by a Rogue-Cleric.
I think the inquisitor already fills that particular role. Wisdom based 6-level divine casting, 6+Int skill points, bonus damage (judgment and bane fit in for sneak attack nicely and are easier to set up reliably), same basic rogue skill set, same hit dice and BAB as both rogue and cleric - all it needs is a way to get trapfinding, which you can finance around. Trapfinding is only really NEEDED for magic traps, and you can use dispel magic for that.

That is true...I did not really think of it that way before...now I do.

Well we still hope that we eventually will get a Rogue/wizard(or arcane caster) Hybrid class soon...I was hoping that we would see that with Ultimate Intrigue...but alas that does not seems to be the case.

I haven't looked at the Vigilante yet. I learned my lesson with the ACG stuff, no more playtesting for me. I memorize stuff too easily, and then I have to remember which is the old and new and it's the change from 3.0 to 3.5 and the change from 3.5 to PF all ovet again. Have you checked it out? What do you think?

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