First-Time Oracle, Need Help! (Spells, feats)


Shadow Lodge

I am looking to join a campaign soon, and have already partially worked out my character. The only divine character I have played (ever) is a level 2 inquisitor in PFS. For this campaign, the character I have made is a halfling oracle, with the Spellscarred mystery from Inner Sea Magic and the Clouded Vision curse.

While I don't have his stats on hand, it was a 20-point buy, and I ended up with a 19 charisma, with no stat penalties save an 8 strength. Having never played a full divine caster, I am not sure of what feats or spells to take. I want him to be the party face, while in combat he focuses on suppressing and controlling magic, which his Mystery gives him quite a good list of spells. Eventually he will be taking Still/Silent Spell and Leadership, but what to start out with is a mystery to me. The only limits on the campaign rules are that most summoning effects don't work, but that might change at a higher level.

Ninjaxenomorph wrote:

I am looking to join a campaign soon, and have already partially worked out my character. The only divine character I have played (ever) is a level 2 inquisitor in PFS. For this campaign, the character I have made is a halfling oracle, with the Spellscarred mystery from Inner Sea Magic and the Clouded Vision curse.

While I don't have his stats on hand, it was a 20-point buy, and I ended up with a 19 charisma, with no stat penalties save an 8 strength. Having never played a full divine caster, I am not sure of what feats or spells to take. I want him to be the party face, while in combat he focuses on suppressing and controlling magic, which his Mystery gives him quite a good list of spells. Eventually he will be taking Still/Silent Spell and Leadership, but what to start out with is a mystery to me. The only limits on the campaign rules are that most summoning effects don't work, but that might change at a higher level.

Hi there, I'm playing an Oracle myself, have been for 10 levels.

Jumping right in before getting the answers to these questions,
I'd suggest:
Torchbearer To gain leadership basically sooner than normal, but it turns into Leadership at 8th level.

Because Oracles don't gain a lot of spells known I'd also suggest:
Expanded Arcana

I'd also suggest Skill Focus in Knowledge Religion or Arcana.
Then from that building it into: Eldritch Heritage as soon as you can to gain a familiar from the Arcane (thus keeping in theme with your SpellScar character).
Then take Improved Eldritch Heritage to select New Arcana and select a spell from the list of Wizard/sorcerer

For your halfling character I'd also suggest changing around some Racial types,
From Halfling luck to Adaptable Luck. 3 times a day get a +2 bonus pre roll or a +1 post.

That's all I have for now, my head is pounding, more as I think of it.

Grand Lodge

Clouded Vision is hard for a first timer.

I might suggest the Legalistic, Lame, or Tongues Curse.


or deaf!

Grand Lodge

Oof. Deaf is worse for first-timers.

True enough. I played clouded vision as a melee oracle, but as a caster version I must suggest legality. Your word is your bond,but at least you can see. However tongues isn't bad either.

personally tongues just sounds really fun to role play your in combat and casting when someone shots you and you yell out a cure is abysal and your party is like dufuk?

Grand Lodge

You can pick other than Abyssal.

Also, you can just ask the healer to spend a rank in Linguistics.

Half-Elf favoured class bonus for Oracle adds to spells known (1 level below the maximum level you can cast). Can be exceptionally useful alongside metamagics to enable you to have a vast amount of flexibility.

Shadow Lodge

What is so wrong with clouded vision? Can't see past 30 feet is all. Also, Blackbloodtroll, I AM the healer most likely.

Also, there are too many limits on the Torchbearer feat for it to be useful to me. I was planning on taking a whip magus as a bodyguard cohort.

Does anybody have spell suggestions?

Grand Lodge

Clouded Vision basically has you ask the DM for a separate description of every area.

The description for you, and the description for the rest of the party.

It takes a bit to not metagame past the sight limitations.

It's doable, but hard for beginners. Just a warning.

Shadow Lodge

I don't think that would be necessary unless I am seeing something first. Besides, clouded vision is already worked into his backstory. Anyway, I now have access to his stats:

8 Str
12 Dex
14 Con
12 Int
10 Wis
19 Cha

His traits are Focused Mind and Charming. Charming is mostly for flavor, and Focused Mind gives me a bonus to concentration, which he needs because casting in Primal Magic Events can be difficult.

As for the mystery spells he gets, they are: Ray of Enfeeblement, Obscure Object, Dispel Magic, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Break Enchantment, Antimagic Field, Spell Turning, Spellscar, and Mage's Disjunction. Are there any feats that would make me better at dispelling or countering?

Some spells suggestions:

1: bless, command, murderous command, shield of faith, protection from evil, obscuring mist, liberating commans

2: bulls str, bears endurance, silence, grace, spiritual weapon, hold person, blessing of courage and life, restoration (lesser), resist energy, instrument of agony, shatter, sound burst.

3: magic circle against evil, stone shape, dispel magic, resist energy communal, bestow curse, chain of perdition, invisibility purge, prayer, wind wall.

4: spit venom, freedom of movement, blessing of fervor, divination, air walk, restoration, spiritual ally, holy smite.

5:wall of stone, true seeing, air walk communal, breath of life, greater command, commune, greater dispel, ficke winds,forbid action greater, holy ice.

6: Anti life shell, wind walk, cold ice strike, heal, harm, blade barrier, greater dispel.

Also, all the summoning spells from (maybe apart from 1 and maybe 2), and if they are unavailable your oracle is considerably nerfed imo, as those are some of the strongest and most versatile spells you can get as an oracle.

Hope you find some of that useful :)

On the clouded vision curse, bear in mind it will reduce the range of every single spell you have to 30/60 feet. I 2nd the advice against it.

Shadow Lodge

Wow, thanks, that's useful to someone hose never casted above a 1st level divine spell. I want to utilize a lot of radius spells cast on me or an ally, so the short range is not really an issue, though I should probably make some sort of stick that measures my range...

If you're set on playing a caster oracle, I would recommend the "Blackened" curse (found in Blood of Angels). "Haunted" is also a good choice, except if you're a frequent wand user.

Shadow Lodge

I'm too swayed by the 'See In Darkness' ability to let go of Clouded Vision! Besides, I want something easy to role play. As a side not, what does Blackened do? Could a halfling take it?

Ninjaxenomorph wrote:
I'm too swayed by the 'See In Darkness' ability to let go of Clouded Vision! Besides, I want something easy to role play. As a side not, what does Blackened do? Could a halfling take it?


Your hands and forearms are shriveled and blackened, as if you had plunged your arms into a blazing fire, and your thin, papery skin is sensitive to the touch.

You take a –4 penalty on weapon attack rolls, but you add burning hands to your list of spells known.

At 5th level, add scorching ray and flaming sphere to your list of spells known.

At 10th level, add wall of fire to your list of spells known and your penalty on weapon attack rolls is reduced to –2.

At 15th level, add delayed blast fireball to your list of spells known.

For spells, given your mystery, curse, and cohort preference I'd suggest the following:

level 1: Embrace Destiny, Bless, Weaponwand, Shield of Faith, Doom, and a detect alignment spell (evil, or whatever)
Level 2: Bulls Strength, Darkness (make use of that darkvision!), Martyr's Bargain (such a great spell), Lesser Restoration, Spear of purity, Eagle's Splendor, (increase the DC for your spells!)
level 3: Blessing of the mole (give out darkvision!), Create food and water, Nap Stack (nothing says awesome like sleeping for 2 hours and having it count as 8), Prayer, Resist Energy Communal, Dispel Magic

Shadow Lodge

Ooh, I'll pass on blackened and just stick with being blind. Thanks for the spell list, though. However, while I like a few of them, they are a little gimicky for spells known, or I don't have the sourcebook: Weaponwand can be cast by other casters, Detect Evil maybe if there is not a paladin in the party, Spear of Purity won't work because he does not have a holy symbol, and I already get Dispel Magic.

Ninjaxenomorph wrote:
Ooh, I'll pass on blackened and just stick with being blind. Thanks for the spell list, though. However, while I like a few of them, they are a little gimicky for spells known, or I don't have the sourcebook: Weaponwand can be cast by other casters, Detect Evil maybe if there is not a paladin in the party, Spear of Purity won't work because he does not have a holy symbol, and I already get Dispel Magic.

Oracles don't need a holy symbol to cast it.

Just assign a hand to always use when casting it. I typically cast mine via my sword.

Grand Lodge

What about a Black-Blooded Oracle?

Shadow Lodge

Fun, possibly, but too setting-specific and necromantic for my tastes. What feats should I be taking in the beginning? I'm lost on those, normally taking combat feats at first level.

For Oracle I'd consider the Dual Cursed archetype; you get extra Revelations and two unique ones. Misfortune is an amazing ability; as an immediate you can force any creature within 30 feet (...which would include enemies, allies, and even you) to reroll a d20 and take the new result. Negate crits, botches, and have another chance on life or death rolls :D

Of course you get a second, non-scaling curse but I think it's worth it.

Are the Planar Ally spells any good for an Oracle? Seems they'd be useful, if pricey.

Grand Lodge

Don't forget that you can tailor the flavor.

Too many chain themselves with nonexistent restrictions on flavor.

The Longsword wielding do-gooder, with a heart of gold, and a personal code that compels him to never steal, or lie.

All Rogue levels.

Mind blown.


I know you're pretty set on clouded vision, but haunted was pretty easy to manage. It really depends upon how much your GM is into playing it out. I think mine basically forgot about it for 6 levels.

Something else I would like to point out, you do get the opportunity, as an oracle to switch out a lower level spell at 4, 6.....etc. this can be really useful since your spells known are so limited. Also certain spells that are great early on, just really start to lose their appeal as you level.

One spell I picked up that served me quite well was sanctuary. It allowed me to spend a bit more time buffing (I played a greatsword wielding battle oracle) without having to worry so much about taking one to the face. :)

Sounds like you have a fun concept!

Shadow Lodge

Should I go for the clerical support spells, such as (Greater) Restoration, Raise Dead and the like? Also, should I consider taking Weapon Finesse for a better bonus to touch attacks? What other feats are worthwhile early on?

Feats depend a lot on what you want to do -- combat, support, healing, some particular type of spellcasting. If you're working on suppressing/controlling spells, Reach Spell might be a good fifth level feat. Or, if you're going to be the party face, build in some feat support for that -- Persuasive, Alertness, or Skill Focus (Diplomacy/Sense Motice) would probably all be very helpful.

And oracles, like sorcerers, should probably take mostly spells that they want to cast over and over again. Raise dead is the sort of things you get scrolls for. Maybe restoration, if you think you'll be casting it a lot.

Shadow Lodge

Restoration and Breath of Life seem like good investments. Skill-wise, Perception seems to be important for me especially since I need to hear things going on beyond 30/60 feet, a few knowledges are alright, and Diplomacy and Spellcraft are important for my chosen role in the party.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I read the class guide because I am considering one (or an Inquisitor) for Society play. Consensus is that this class tends to be a bit rough early on and steadily improves as you level up. So if your campaign is low-level fixed something to consider.

I've seen a lot of advice to expand your spell list. While not necessarily a bad thing, Oracles like Inquisitors are specialists. Given your focus of suppressing and controlling I keep that in mind. It's tempting to have "just that spell" but that is a luxury that most likely will cost you. If you find yourself wanting more and more spells, you're better off as a cleric.

Skill-wise, I agree with your choice of Perception. Perception is king. Depending on your game, Diplomacy could be considered second.

The 30 feet sight limitation is not crippling assuming your GM is not a jerk :) You of course can still *target* any *square* with your spells even if you cannot see it. Single-target spells are more problematical though.

Good luck with your selection and please let us know how it works out.

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