Making of a Leman Russ (build help)


Hello, I am building a human character to our new campaign, my character takes heavy influence from Leman Russ the primarch of the Space Wolves (wh40k).

In other words I need some help concerning how do I truly create a powerful 2h weapon wielding melee monster. I do not know really which class to pick, is it either fighter or barbarian or some multiclass?
Also what items and magic items to use?

I know that Russ would be somewhat of a barbarian but how does one make a truly powerful fighter that isn't squashed by all the casters in mid to end game? (Propably will be still but, I want to try and make him work)

Also is it possible that a fighter or barbarian could somewhat be a bane to casters besides the obvious get in front of them and hack them to pieces.

To Sum it up:

-2h weapon wielder, or maybe a big 1h weapon.
-Stats are rolled or 25 point buy if rolls fail.
-STRENGTH over dexterity.
-Constitution high if possible
-Equipment suggestions?

All help is appreciated, thank you beforehand already :)

i think marines are paladins. (it's just that the concept of "good" doesn't really exist in warhammer so they don't look like it.)
But, for instance, you would have a good will save and "know no fear".

jerrys wrote:

i think marines are paladins. (it's just that the concept of "good" doesn't really exist in warhammer so they don't look like it.)

But, for instance, you would have a good will save and "know no fear".

True that, but I forgot to mention drop the paladin since he isn't Pathfinder ''good'' and not a holy warrior. Mostly a barbarian lord who'se combat prowess I'd want to be legendary in that world and if possible that some puny wizard wouldn't strike him down.

That point out did bring a great deal of problems ^^

-not paladin
-some melee class
-2h wpn or big 1h wpn
-stats are rolled, 25 point buy
-STRENGTH over dexterity
-Constitution high if possible
-equipment suggestions?
-some equipment to stand against magical attacks
-great melee fighter, did I mention that?

Anything I should add?

Go Invulnerable Rager Barbarian, take the Animal Fury (Pounce) and Superstitious line of rage powers. You'll end up with a hard-hitting 2h weapon warrior with nice saves against any attempt to enchant you and some serious fury. It's exactly what you're looking for.

GM Arkwright wrote:
Go Invulnerable Rager Barbarian, take the Animal Fury (Pounce) and Superstitious line of rage powers. You'll end up with a hard-hitting 2h weapon warrior with nice saves against any attempt to enchant you and some serious fury. It's exactly what you're looking for.

Thanks, but what is animal fury (pounce) ? I know animal fury gives a bite attack to you but what does that pounce?

Just wondering can barbarians keep up with fighters in the higher level concerning damage?

Also do you have any equipment suggestions for barbarians?

Thanks for your help :)

You want Russ? Then play a permanently enlarged dwarf Invunerable rager4/ 2hw fighter 4/ IR x. Your rage powers are superstitious.

Str: 16
Dex: 14
Con: 14(+2)
Int: 10
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha:10 (-2)

Full plate and nodachi (for that chain sword feel). You will be at least a head taller than most med creatures with a 30ft movement speed and reach with a 2d8 weapon that crits on an 18+.


Use the 3.5 Goliath Character race for a primarch imo.

I think Byrdology has Russ down. Now your only thing to try to figure out is how to get that permanent enlarge. Lantzkev may have the solution! (Goliaths can use weapons one size too big, right? My memory is a little lacking, at the moment)

However you do it, a really beastly Barbarian in heavy armor should do the trick. Obviously, if you play on Golarion, you will want to be Ulfen.

I'd think Ranger/Barbarian, he needs Freki and Geri, he used a bastard sword one handed, and bare fisted in the other.

Is this home brew, or PFS? Awand and potions of enlarge person are cheaper, more legal, and easier to accomplish than the permanency spell.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I'd make Leman Russ an NG barbarian, honestly. They are based on Vikings berserkers, after all.

He's also highly psyker adverse, so Superstitious is perfectly fitting.

They also have wolf affinity and get more wolflike as they get older. Lycanthropic bloodline?


2hw fighter gets you x2 str to dmg, weapon spec, and plate armor. IR barb for the rest, and I totally forgot to mention wolf totem...

Silver Crusade

THe Emprah doth Smile upon this Thread.

Why not think of stats for the rest of the Primarchs and maybe other famous 40k figures?

...I wonder what Magnus would be...probably a Sage-bloodline Sorcerer.

Glad someone else started thinking about Thousand Sons.

Silver Crusade

Abyssian wrote:

Glad someone else started thinking about Thousand Sons.


interestingly enough Ahriman is one of my favorite villians in 40k even though Im at best a casual dabbler of the lore. However from all i've learned it seems to me that the reason why Ahriman stands out is because he's the only Chaos Marine that can be considered Lawful Evil.

Quintin Belmont wrote:

THe Emprah doth Smile upon this Thread.

Why not think of stats for the rest of the Primarchs and maybe other famous 40k figures?

...I wonder what Magnus would be...probably a Sage-bloodline Sorcerer.

Angron = barbarian

Corvus Corax = alchemist
Ferrus Manus = evangelist cleric
Fulgrim = Cavalier (order of the Cock...)
Horus= fallen paladin/ anti-paladin
Jaghati Khan= samurai
Konrad Curze = ranger/ rogue or ninja
Lion El'Jonson= Cavalier (order of the land)
Lorgar = inquisitor

More to come.

Silver Crusade

..interesting choice for Ferrus. Last I checked though I thought he hated his reliance on his silver hands and the habit his marines had for "upgrading" themselves.

Basing this off of their lives not their chapters.

Byrdology wrote:

You want Russ? Then play a permanently enlarged dwarf Invunerable rager4/ 2hw fighter 4/ IR x. Your rage powers are superstitious.

Str: 16
Dex: 14
Con: 14(+2)
Int: 10
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha:10 (-2)

Full plate and nodachi (for that chain sword feel). You will be at least a head taller than most med creatures with a 30ft movement speed and reach with a 2d8 weapon that crits on an 18+.

Great idea but, there are no dwarves in this campaign ^^ It's homebrewed with pathfinder rules only, all mechanics are the same but the GM has his own races plus humans which I will play with.

Then my stats are unassigned, 18,17,16,16,16,14 I rolled really well :)

Magic is hard to come by, there aren't many magic shops or such. So attaining magic items is a lot harder.

Also I'd like to keep to a large sword.

So do you think you got other ideas based on these restrictions?

KingmanHighborn wrote:

I'd think Ranger/Barbarian, he needs Freki and Geri, he used a bastard sword one handed, and bare fisted in the other.

I take influence from him, I don't want a complete copy of him :) Yeah ranger would give the wolves but I don't need them ^^

Bastard sword would be nice but it's an exotic weapon and don't possibly have a feat for it.

Abyssian wrote:

I think Byrdology has Russ down. Now your only thing to try to figure out is how to get that permanent enlarge. Lantzkev may have the solution! (Goliaths can use weapons one size too big, right? My memory is a little lacking, at the moment)

However you do it, a really beastly Barbarian in heavy armor should do the trick. Obviously, if you play on Golarion, you will want to be Ulfen.

Yeah, well basically heavy armor would be cool but I wouldn't have the +10 speed then ^^ I could pick a feat on heavy armor since I'd rather not multiclass from barbarian.

Aelryinth wrote:

I'd make Leman Russ an NG barbarian, honestly. They are based on Vikings berserkers, after all.

He's also highly psyker adverse, so Superstitious is perfectly fitting.

They also have wolf affinity and get more wolflike as they get older. Lycanthropic bloodline?


You read my mind on the superstition, maybe I could take the was it terrifying howl, not the best but could fit considering how Leman Russ'es howl did hurt people around him.

Wolf affinity and is there some lycanthropic bloodline?

Byrdology wrote:
2hw fighter gets you x2 str to dmg, weapon spec, and plate armor. IR barb for the rest, and I totally forgot to mention wolf totem...

Is there a wolf totem? I know of beast,dragon and was it fiend totems and spirit yes that one but a wolf totem? Where? I was planning on taking the beast totem's so he would be bestial when he was raging.

Dwarves wear heavy armor with no speed penalty, dwarf barbies in full plate move at 30ft, and an enlarged dwarf Barbie in full plate moves at 40ft.

Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

Are you allowed to use 3rd party stuff? If so, a Mighty Godling might be up your alley:

The Mighty Godling

Liberty's Edge

Mighty Godling would be great. Barring that, I do agree a simple Barbarian build would be sufficient. (Mithril Fullplate isn't heavy armor, but needs heavy proficiency so the fighter splash would probably be decent mechanically speaking.)

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