Quarotas |
My group is doing a side campaign we may return to occasionally just to have fun away from the main group. I have a DMPC who exists soley to help the campaign along and just be fun.
Now, we rolled stats. 4d6 drop the lowest, repeat 7 times and take the best 6. My final roles came out to 9,11,11,12,12,14. which I arranged as such after racial, including losing a bonus feat and skill rank per level for an extra +2.
str: 14 (12+2)
dex: 16
con: 12
int: 11
wis: 11
cha: 11
Despite these bad rolls i decided to play this to see if I could. As a result I went back to an old idea of mine, the most mundane adventurer ever.
He is a fighter (altered class features to give them 4+ skill ranks, catch off-guard, bonuses to combat maneuvers, and 2 more knowledge skills.) who pre adventuring was a blacksmith and with some discussion and convincing traded his fighter bonus feat for skill focus craft(armor) to match his skill focus craft (weapon). His traits are talented blacksmith and rich parents to help fund his business and and his adventuring.
I plan on making him based on using non-magical equipment in order to prove a well made sword and armor along with a few non-magical explosives is all that is needed. He has a horse that stows his 10 alchemist fires, 10 acid flasks, 5 liquid ice, and ghost salt weapon blanch. I want his feats to help him with his mundane abilities. There are no casters so his lack of magic gear will not hurt too bad but getting the most out of alchemical gear would be nice.
I plan on taking point blank shot, precise shot, throw anything, fire in the hole, and anything else to help but i need suggestions on order and other feats to help out.
I apologize for the poor organization, it is late and I find it hard to put my character ramblings into a concise an organized format.