[Frog God Games / Center Stage Miniatures] Tome of Horrors Minis!

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Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

April 25, 2012
Contacts: Rachel Ventura (Frog God Games)/Matthew Solarz (Center Stage Miniatures)

Center Stage Miniatures signed a 5-year contract today with Frog God Games to produce 28mm Heroic Scale fantasy miniatures based on the award-winning "Tome of Horrors Complete." The line will launch with a new Kickstarter from Center Stage Miniatures on May 1st.
"There are over 800 monsters possible in the Tome of Horrors Complete," said Matthew Solarz, owner of Center Stage Miniatures, "including many iconic creatures from old-school fantasy and some newer monsters as well. This Kickstarter will help get as many of these miniatures as possible into gamers hands as quickly as we can."

Bill Webb, CEO of Frog God Games, said that partnering with Center Stage for the Tome of Horrors Complete range was the next logical step after discussing Razor Coast. Frog God Games announced earlier this week that Center Stage would be producing a line for the Razor Coast mega campaign based on the works by Nicholas Logue.

"Center Stage Miniatures is a leader in the production of old-school fantasy miniatures," said Rachel Ventura, VP of Sales & Marketing, "Their commitment to quality and to the old-school feel of fantasy RPGs made them a natural for this project."
Tome of Horrors Complete miniatures will be sculpted in 28mm Heroic scale so that they are compatible with the largest possible selection of miniatures on the market today, Solarz added
About Center Stage Miniatures
Manufacturer of high quality 25 and 28mm metal and resin miniatures for use with the world's most popular role-playing game.
Since 2009, Center Stage Miniatures has taken pride in producing old-school fantasy miniatures for use with tabletop RPGs. We started with only a few releases our first year, but have built up momentum and now have over 250+ products ready to be integrated into our online store this Spring and Summer. With the acquisition of some major miniature ranges, most notably the Julie Guthrie Fantasy Personalities (from Grenadier Models/Mega Miniatues) and Dungeon Crawl Classics Miniatures (from Goodman Games), we're poised to support your need for high-quality fantasy miniatures for years to come!
We will begin setting up our own in-house metal casting operations in 2014 thanks to our continuing growth.

About Frog God Games
Founded in April 2010, Frog God Games publishes resources for the tabletop roleplaying games Pathfinder Roleplaying Games and Swords & Wizardry. Its products are known for their grand adventure settings and high quality production values. “If our hardcovers won’t last you a lifetime of use, we have not made a high enough quality product”, said Webb. Frog God Games currently serves over 3000 customers in USA, Canada, Brazil, Europe, South America, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, and has produced over 70 books for Pathfinder Roleplaying Games and Swords & Wizardry in the past two years. The writers of Frog God Games have won numerous ENnie Awards. For more information about Frog God Games visit its website at www.talesofthefroggod.com

For More information please contact
Rachel Ventura,
VP of Sales & Marketing
Frog God Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ouch. Right in the wallet.

Cool so this is what CSM is doing once they've sent out the Torn World & 28mm Demons and Devils KS.

Looking forward to it already.... although my wallet isn't. :P

Sovereign Court

Yet more money out of my pocket.

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DSXMachina wrote:

Cool so this is what CSM is doing once they've sent out the Torn World & 28mm Demons and Devils KS.

Looking forward to it already.... although my wallet isn't. :P

and don't forget, the Razor Coast line as well!! We'll have the first mini for PaizoCon, if all goes well!


Sovereign Court

And what about the TOH 4 ?

Skeeter Green wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:

Cool so this is what CSM is doing once they've sent out the Torn World & 28mm Demons and Devils KS.

Looking forward to it already.... although my wallet isn't. :P

and don't forget, the Razor Coast line as well!! We'll have the first mini for PaizoCon, if all goes well!


That's great, they're doing the Razor Coast NPC's. CSM was very good with the feed-back for the Devils KS. With a nice old school feel.

Hopefully with the correct marketing it should be a great success, this latest KS and the continued partnership between the 2 companies.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Oooh, I hope there's one for the mire brute that I plan on having my PCs face eventually. Though, I suppose I can make my own mire brute mini out of literally mud and sticks...

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Stereofm wrote:
And what about the TOH 4 ?

Not included in this license, but may be a future option.

Liberty's Edge

Sounds awesome but metal minis are pricey and I already have ReaperMas coming and the Skull & Shackles set taunting me.

Skeeter Green wrote:


April 25, 2012

If this is for immediate release, why did you wait a year? *scratches head*

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

Distant Scholar wrote:
Skeeter Green wrote:


April 25, 2012
If this is for immediate release, why did you wait a year? *scratches head*


Lol, I think it is a typo!

Distant Scholar wrote:
Skeeter Green wrote:


April 25, 2012
If this is for immediate release, why did you wait a year? *scratches head*


Shadow Lodge



Anguish wrote:
Ouch. Right in the wallet.

I fail my Will save already!

Sovereign Court

Jester David wrote:
Sounds awesome but metal minis are pricey and I already have ReaperMas coming and the Skull & Shackles set taunting me.

Did I read "Skull and Shackles" set ?

Where , where ? where ?

Liberty's Edge

Stereofm wrote:
Jester David wrote:
Sounds awesome but metal minis are pricey and I already have ReaperMas coming and the Skull & Shackles set taunting me.

Did I read "Skull and Shackles" set ?

Where , where ? where ?

That's the new set, not quite ready for pre-order but since I plan on running the AP I need to start saving now.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Color me intrigued. I'll check out the KS once it goes up.

It's Live! (or alive! bwa-hahahahah)

Man, it must get to $20k, I want a flumph.... or more than 1. A whole army of them. :)

So these are high quality metal mini's cast in America? Cool.

Where is the link?

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

silverhair2008 wrote:
Where is the link?

The Tome of Horrors Complete Kickstarter

Sorry about that Silverhair.

If only I had the money for the top level, to help design a monster for ToH 5! That'd be fun :D

The pricing is interesting for the get all stretch goals, that could end up with quite a sudden rise - if the project starts to climb that high.

Pledged. Not where I wished I could but where I could afford to.

I want the flumph pre-painted. :)

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

DaveMage wrote:
I want the flumph pre-painted. :)

I want to have a painted Lucifer mini. Im not going ot get mine either lol

1 person marked this as a favorite.

With already being part of the Pathfinder miniature line, contributed to Reaper KS, not sure if I will do so with this, especially considering it’s metal. (Would have preferred plastic).

Although I do love my Tome of Horrors Complete. :)

Presumably there's some way to add multiples of individual sculpts as addons? Am I just missing it somewhere...?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I totally do not paint, so I will be passing on this one. I also (even in the old days) found storing metal minis a huge pain.

If there were plastic I would be all in.

Well, I know CSM did their first Demons & Devils KS with the option of plastic. Maybe if you contact them, showing them the demand for plastics they may be available. That is if my reading is correct and these are metal mini's?

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

DSXMachina wrote:
Well, I know CSM did their first Demons & Devils KS with the option of plastic. Maybe if you contact them, showing them the demand for plastics they may be available. That is if my reading is correct and these are metal mini's?

The option was for resin, slightly different, and that was mostly removed because of detail/production times (from my understanding, resin takes longer then metal to cure).

I do know that for the next 5 years, these minis wont be available in pre-painted plastic, and its likely they never will. So, if you want/need official The Tome of Horrors monsters, now's the time to get a good deal. I know its not for everyone, but nothing in this game is, is it? lol


Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Skeeter Green wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
Well, I know CSM did their first Demons & Devils KS with the option of plastic. Maybe if you contact them, showing them the demand for plastics they may be available. That is if my reading is correct and these are metal mini's?

The option was for resin, slightly different, and that was mostly removed because of detail/production times (from my understanding, resin takes longer then metal to cure).

I do know that for the next 5 years, these minis wont be available in pre-painted plastic, and its likely they never will. So, if you want/need official The Tome of Horrors monsters, now's the time to get a good deal. I know its not for everyone, but nothing in this game is, is it? lol


Only $600 and some change to funding, c'mon guys!


Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

silverhair2008 wrote:

Now we just have to work on making all the funding levels BETTER, by hitting the stretch goals!

I know only $800 away from unlocking the Iron Cobra and the Jaculi.

Hopefully, it can hit enough stretch goals to make the "The Works" pledge level viable.

Yep, so that stretch goal hit. :D

Next up Flumphs

Sovereign Court

I am somewhat disppointed by the art-only/no greens ?

Any reason for that ?

Interesting an extra mini IF they hit a stretch goal in 24 hours.... or in this case 2. Which is one way of making attempting to speed up the rate of pledging. Although if this is every day, than that'd be very tricky and relies upon backers manipulation of pledges.

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Stereofm wrote:

I am somewhat disppointed by the art-only/no greens ?

Any reason for that ?

I know that some of the artists are working on greens now, but we jumped to start this so fast they we're caught off their game. We'll get them as soon as they are available.


Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Inphidian Rattler for today's daily goal!

Yeah, the daily goals are quite interesting. Basically being an extra mini per stretch goal - which is nice. If it actually brings more backers in, by showcasing the potential range of figures that'd be good too.

Too bad we didn't get the Red Jester. Ah well.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

Folks, please spread the word on this CSM Kickstarter as much as you can. It would be shame for people to miss out on this deal (Not to mention quite a shame for everyone in the Kickstarter if they don't make those stretch goals... I want a Froghemoth!)

Also remember that there is some crossover between the Patfhinder Bestiaries and the Tome of Horror miniatures that CSM will be making owing to the fact that some of these creatures appear in both books. (Yay OGL!)

Vege-pygmy's and flumph's are something we need more of.

Chaotic_Blues wrote:
Too bad we didn't get the Red Jester. Ah well.

If we hit the $26K goal by 12:01 a.m. on May 8, they'll include both the Inphidian Rattler AND the Red Jester! so lets see if we could make this goal. that would give two free minis

What's the process for getting multiples of some of the figures? If I pledge at the $200 level, presumably I can add individual figures to the "default" pack?

Liberty's Edge

Does WotC know about this?

I mean, I know Frog God Games had a license to update certain monsters from 1e to 3e but does that apply to miniatures? I know the SRD doesn't include miniatures, which is why many creatures in the Pathfinder miniature line have slightly different names.
The Kickstarter is using proper names. Such as Flumph.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

Jester David wrote:

Does WotC know about this?

I mean, I know Frog God Games had a license to update certain monsters from 1e to 3e but does that apply to miniatures? I know the SRD doesn't include miniatures, which is why many creatures in the Pathfinder miniature line have slightly different names.
The Kickstarter is using proper names. Such as Flumph.

This very question has already been forwarded to our lawyer for a proper response.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm interested in this, but I can't justify the cost per mini. It's too expensive. If the backing gets high enough where the $200 pledge brings the cost per mini down, I'd consider backing it then.

I'm in for the forlarren!

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