Resurrection Question - Can I save my sweet Bertram?

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 3/5

So I created a Teifling witch PC with what I think is a very unique quirk. She was once married to a human Osirion archeologist. One day, while studying the some strange ancient heiroglyphics on a newly discovered crypt was he awakened somethign very evil and powerful. If manifested from the text itself and in a burst of raw power caused him to spontaneously combust in front of his tiefling wife. All that was left of him was his skull, clean of all flesh and blood on it, which rolled to his wifes feet. In that moment of terror and madness she picked up the skull and fled the crypt screaming - it was in that moment that her sanity snapped like a twig in a hurricane.

Currently she suffers under the insane delusion that her husband Betram is alive. She carries around his skull and talks to him all the time, cuddles with him when she sleeps, and even introduces him to other people, often creatinf delusional conversations in her ind that he is having with others or herself. Any manner of healing, be it grief counseling or magic will fail because the realization that he is truly dead forces her to relive the trauma and snaps her back into insanity.

This is a roleplay thing I have come up with - to the point that I am buying a skull prop to carry around at games where I play her. The only cure to her insanity is that someday she will amass enough Prestige Points to pay for a resurrection since she has his skull. I plan to have it that she begins to experience brief moments of lucidity and during one of those moments she asks that the spell be cast. Currently she is C/N alignment - she was N/G when Betram was alive but the trauma of his death shifted her alignment.

Can I use my Prestige points to eventually pay for a resurrection for Bertram? The way I see it I have a little over 9 years to get it done before the alloted time runs out. Please advise. Thanks.

Shadow Lodge

If you can buy a resurrection for yourself or your party member, I don't see why you can't buy one for your husband.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Why would she buy a ressurrection? That would mean that she's no longer under the delusion that he's already alive.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Decorum demands, dear lady, that we presume that Bertram wishes to return to you.


I've been playing a halfling with a similar delision. A party of Xill raided his home and took his beloved Mara away. At that point, something went wrong in his head, and his arcane studies crystalized into his first level of Summoner. Mara's soul now manifests in his Eidolon.

At his most lucid, Qalaus realizes that the grotesque blue monster with pincers and wings and poison stringer is an unfortunate housing for Mara's soul. At other, darker times, he doesn't seem to notice.

Belladonna Blayze of Andoran wrote:
Can I use my Prestige points to eventually pay for a resurrection for Bertram?


You can't use Prestige for spellcasting services for anyone but you.

Bertram doesn't have any chronicle sheets, therefor he doesn't exist.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

You might not have to pay the full price for a resurrection.

You could pay for a permanent associate, as one of the Vanities in the back of the Pathfinder Society Field Guide, name him "Bertram" and explain that he's come back from the dead.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Actually, the time you have is 10 years per level of the caster -- and the caster of a resurrection spell cannot be less than 13th level. So you literally have a lifetime to get this done.

Since this is for PFS play, I would just set as a goal having the character save up enough prestige points to have Resurrection cast on herself and then retire the character. Since PFS rules no longer apply to retired characters, you can assume that she gets Bertram resurrected in her "epilog" -- but at that point they are both unplayable ex-adventurers.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

I would personally buy Bertram as a porter. He's an RP figure, not an actual PC, so there's no need to spend that much on it, I'd say.


You could always do it as a gold purchase, if you're set on it.. Resurrections are relatively expensive, but hardly character-ending.


I think the gold and vanity options are both reasonable.

That said, I think I would recommend not resurrecting poor Bertram. Unless you have enough table continuity that the other players and the GM could appreciate the story arc, your character is far more compelling with the insanity than with a formerly dead husband.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Chalk Microbe wrote:
Belladonna Blayze of Andoran wrote:
Can I use my Prestige points to eventually pay for a resurrection for Bertram?


You can't use Prestige for spellcasting services for anyone but you.

Bertram doesn't have any chronicle sheets, therefor he doesn't exist.

What Chalk means to say is that you cant actually spend PP on anyone but your own character, but since you are doing this for the flavor and backstory of the character, you are more than welcome to say that you have spent the PP to resurrect your character's husband.

Just to be clear, though, that wouldnt actually use the PP, and if you wanted to use them later on in the character's life (like if she dies and you want to have her Raised), then you could still do that.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Guys, if she wants to spend 24pp (remember the 2 negative levels as well) on a fluff part of her RP story, why would we refuse her?

I would say that since Bertram was never a PFS character, he is an NPC at best and you can't use PP to raise/resurrect an NPC. I'm +1 on the suggestion that you keep Bertram dead until you retire, and then make an "epilogue" or something about it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Andrew Christian wrote:
Guys, if she wants to spend 24pp (remember the 2 negative levels as well) on a fluff part of her RP story, why would we refuse her?

Well OBVIOUSLY she is trying to game the system by using game mechanics to give her a role-playing advantage!

On a more serious note, while she technically can't do this because it isn't being used on her character, there are also role-playing issues. Prestige Points represent favors owed to you by members of your faction or your faction as a whole. While they may be perfectly willing to pay out those favors for Society member they may not be willing for someone who isn't a Pathfinder. Paying the gold would make a little more since.

BTW, I heard about your character at Recon but didn't see it in action. How is it working out so far?

Scarab Sages 3/5

Thanks for all the great responses. The idea of bringing Betram back towards the retirement of my PC Arkadia was something I was considering. Another friend of mine suggested I get the Improved Familiar feat and bring Betram back as an undead familiar. My objection to this is that Betram was a good man in life and bringing him back as an undead skull would I THINK (but am not sure) require that he have an evil alignment. I looked up the sample spellcasting costs for common spells and it says that Resurrection costs 10,910 gp. Thus I believe I have the option of either the PP or gold expenditure. Currently Arkadia has a little chicken dinosaur familiar (the Compo something or another) named Snappy. Snappy us aware of her madness and feels great love and compassion for his witch companion and friend. When people try to convince her that Betram is dead it infuriates Arkadia and intensifies her madness. My roleplaying hook will be that as Arkadia grows in power so will Snappy and he will seek a paladin or something of truly noble heart who can take Arkadia to a temple during one of her more lucid moments. He can help her come to terms with Bertrams state and help bring him back to his beloved Arkadia. In that moment that the veil of madness lifts and she sees Betram alive again the chaos in her will fade away as well and she will return to a N/G aligment.

I've tried alot of quirky character gimmicks before but this one is my farthest reach yet and I am having alot of fun with it. I enjoy game mechanics but for me story and character development/evolution is most important. I have a long road ahead of me but I think the build up to Betrams eventual return and the struggles Arkadia will have to endure to reach this goal are incredibly compelling.

Once again I appreciate the responses. You have all given me a great deal to consider. Have a good day.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Maybe Snappy is actually Bertram reincarnated; watching over you in his next life and helping you come to terms with his death.

Grand Lodge 1/5

To me a favor owed is a favor owed. Whether you resurrect me or my dead dog, if I call in a favor, I expect that favor to be honored. Besides, you want to burn 24PP, for the sake of RP, go for it. In regards to the paperwork the DM can just mark you as having died and resurrected, still comes out to the same thing on the bottom line.

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