Giant Frog

Belladonna Blayze of Andoran's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 14 posts (49 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 38 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


Scarab Sages

I think summoners are more broken than witches. I've seen some eidilon designs, including one that I play with often with a friend of mine and it's insane. The thing gets almost 9-10 attacks per round...all shades of broken.

Scarab Sages

I'd love to see the Grippli be an open race for Pathfinder Organized play. I'm already envisioning my grippli ninja or rogue!!!!

Scarab Sages 3/5

Thanks for all the great responses. The idea of bringing Betram back towards the retirement of my PC Arkadia was something I was considering. Another friend of mine suggested I get the Improved Familiar feat and bring Betram back as an undead familiar. My objection to this is that Betram was a good man in life and bringing him back as an undead skull would I THINK (but am not sure) require that he have an evil alignment. I looked up the sample spellcasting costs for common spells and it says that Resurrection costs 10,910 gp. Thus I believe I have the option of either the PP or gold expenditure. Currently Arkadia has a little chicken dinosaur familiar (the Compo something or another) named Snappy. Snappy us aware of her madness and feels great love and compassion for his witch companion and friend. When people try to convince her that Betram is dead it infuriates Arkadia and intensifies her madness. My roleplaying hook will be that as Arkadia grows in power so will Snappy and he will seek a paladin or something of truly noble heart who can take Arkadia to a temple during one of her more lucid moments. He can help her come to terms with Bertrams state and help bring him back to his beloved Arkadia. In that moment that the veil of madness lifts and she sees Betram alive again the chaos in her will fade away as well and she will return to a N/G aligment.

I've tried alot of quirky character gimmicks before but this one is my farthest reach yet and I am having alot of fun with it. I enjoy game mechanics but for me story and character development/evolution is most important. I have a long road ahead of me but I think the build up to Betrams eventual return and the struggles Arkadia will have to endure to reach this goal are incredibly compelling.

Once again I appreciate the responses. You have all given me a great deal to consider. Have a good day.

Scarab Sages

I'd like to see them legalize the grippli race for standard Pathfinder play. They are not a broken race - none of their special abilities are extremely powerful and they would be a fun race to tinker with.

Scarab Sages

One of the best alignment systems I have ever encountered is that used by the Rifts gaming system by Palladium. It is VERY thorough and precise, giving examples of what is the range of acceptable behavior for different alignments.

Scarab Sages 3/5

So I created a Teifling witch PC with what I think is a very unique quirk. She was once married to a human Osirion archeologist. One day, while studying the some strange ancient heiroglyphics on a newly discovered crypt was he awakened somethign very evil and powerful. If manifested from the text itself and in a burst of raw power caused him to spontaneously combust in front of his tiefling wife. All that was left of him was his skull, clean of all flesh and blood on it, which rolled to his wifes feet. In that moment of terror and madness she picked up the skull and fled the crypt screaming - it was in that moment that her sanity snapped like a twig in a hurricane.

Currently she suffers under the insane delusion that her husband Betram is alive. She carries around his skull and talks to him all the time, cuddles with him when she sleeps, and even introduces him to other people, often creatinf delusional conversations in her ind that he is having with others or herself. Any manner of healing, be it grief counseling or magic will fail because the realization that he is truly dead forces her to relive the trauma and snaps her back into insanity.

This is a roleplay thing I have come up with - to the point that I am buying a skull prop to carry around at games where I play her. The only cure to her insanity is that someday she will amass enough Prestige Points to pay for a resurrection since she has his skull. I plan to have it that she begins to experience brief moments of lucidity and during one of those moments she asks that the spell be cast. Currently she is C/N alignment - she was N/G when Betram was alive but the trauma of his death shifted her alignment.

Can I use my Prestige points to eventually pay for a resurrection for Bertram? The way I see it I have a little over 9 years to get it done before the alloted time runs out. Please advise. Thanks.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Alot of faction missions have asked players to do some very questionable things. I used to play Living Arcanis and they had secret factions in them. Unlike Pathfinder however, many secret faction requests in Living Arcanis created some very tangible player versus player conflict potential. The rules stated that players could not attack players but some of the positions they put players in made it implausible NOT to have a player attack another player. I like Pathfinder faction missions because they really for the most part avoid this problem. I despise Cheliax but faction missions never or rarely pit me in a hostile manner against a fellow Cheliax PC which I am very happy about. Hopefully this change is not taken to an extreme.

Scarab Sages

Colson should be held accountable for this as the actions of his personal life and the missions he sends the Pathfinders out could have a MAJOR impact on national affairs and the tenuous relationships that Andoran has with other political entities. Andoran is a great nation, a nation of honor and courageous souls who fight for the liberation of the enslaved and justice far and wide. Do not let the actions of Colson, regardless of his leadership, be the standard bearer for how Andoran is viewed. Andoran is more than a is a spirit of freedom and righteousness that is greater than the failings of a misguided man.

The man Colson sent his agents to kill may have been a miscreant but Colsons actions are dishonorable both for the infidelity and what he asked of others to "sweep it under the rug". It is beneath the noble heart of Andoran and a cowardly response to his own failings. Rather than own up to his mistake and curtail his own immoral behavior he turned perhaps good people into assassins for his benefit. If the Eagle is the symbol of Andoran then I think Colson is more befitting the role of a ostrich...he can hide his head underground all he wants but sooner or later the truth will come out.

As an ardent member of Andoran whose father served honorable in the Andoran Navy and perished fighting Chelaxian pirates I will forever serve my country, it's people, and the spirit of what Andoran is founded upon. As for Colson sir have sullied your honor...if you have any honor left that is. You own your family, your nation, and the people you sent to carry out your dirty work an apology and you should step down and allow others of better moral character to lead Andoran in these troubled and compicated times.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Okay so I just got the Advanced Races book and it says we can play Aasimar, teiflings, and tengu. However, it also states in the Guide to Pathfinder Play that additional class and race options from sources like the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Players Guide, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic, PAthfinder RPG Ultimate Combat, PAthfinder Advanced Race Guide, and Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide are generally available with few or no alterations as well. With this in mind, does this mean if I wanted to play something like a grippli, cat folk, or ratfolk that I could do it? What races can we play or not play specifically? It makes it sound like I can play any of the special races listed in the Advanced Race book since it uses the term "GENERALLY AVAILABLE WITH FEW OR NO EXCEPTIONS". Can some one please clarify for me? Thanks

Scarab Sages 3/5

I was told by a fellow Pathfinder player and friend of mine that there
is a document that tells players what magic items their factions give
them access to. Can anyone tell me what the name of that document is &
where I can find it? Thanks.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I got the answer just now: cavalier mounts are assumed to be combat trained. This will be noted in a future update.

Joshua, when you say that you got confirmation that cavalier mounts

are combat trained does this mean that they get the general purpose
training package called Combat Riding in the Handle Animal skill or
does this mean that it automatically gets the trick Attack trick (DC
20) for free. Thanks ahead of time.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Minor note about the inclusion of the cavalier and oracle. In the
downloadable playtest document for these two classes it says "In
addition, these classes will be legal for use in Pathfinder
Organized Play with the release of the version 2.1 of the Guide to
Society Organized Play".

The most recent Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play which I
downloaded and printed several days ago is listed as version 2.1 with
a date of 9/15/09. This may seem like a silly question but in this
case are the versions 2.01 and 2.1 meant to be one in the same.
Otherwise from a numerical standpoint this is a bit confusing & I want
to make sure my playtest group is doing things by the book. Thanks.

Scarab Sages

I got the Bestiary and I was very happy to see that they standardized
the hit point values per base creature die (Ex: 5.5 per die if the
creature is based on a d10 advancement. ) The part that REALLY throws
me for a loop is the Hit Die advancement for creatures and increasing
the CR.

Example: Looking at the Bestiary the Otyugh is still a CR 4 monster
as it was in 3.5 D&D. In the old edition, the way to advance an
aberration (which is what a otyugh is) was 1 CR per every 4 HD added
and a +1 CR increase if it changed size from Medium to Large. In
Pathfinder, the charts that state how many HD per creature type equals
to a CR increase is no longer available, replaced by another chart
that I vaguely remember as increases in hit points of 10 or 15 per
HD. If I wanted to add let's say 8 HD to an otyugh under the
Pathfinder system what would be the otyughs new CR and can some one
detail the math that goes along with the new CR and explain why. I'm
a bit of a stat addict when it comes to advancing monsters because of
my experince in writing mods for Living Greyhawk and this confusion is
really frustration to me. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Scarab Sages 3/5

I have confused about the potion purchase ability. I understand the
limitations on cost but there is no list in the Paizo Players
Handbook of purchasable potions. Furthermore the rules state I can
buy any potion of a 0 or 1st level spell at a caster level 1. So
using that as a basis why can't I buy potions of shield, potions of
true strike, ect? Can I buy a potion of expeditious retreat which
costs 50 gp? My DM told me that the potions of true strike & potions
of shield were not purchasable but if there is no official list in
the Players book and I am following the rules cost then should I be
able to buy them? Lastly, if you go solely by the interpretation of
the cost for a potion in the Pathfinder Players Handbook then a 1st
level potion of enlarge would cost 50 gp and yet I have an AR that
still says it costs the 250 gp from D&D 3.5 DMG. I think Piazo should
putup some form of clarification on this otherwise players will be
buying potions they are not allowed to and paying incorrect prices.