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Recently, I was sent on a mission for the Pathfinder Society to secure a certain tapestry against the Aspis Consortium. Colson sent us out on a mission- a mission to essentially kill a man that had discovered one of Colson's infidelities. The man gave us no choice BUT to slay him, but all the same, our appointed leader should NOT be having affairs with married women. This is not the type of mission that I signed up for. Colson should resign, admit that he shouldn't be pursuing married women, and apologize to members of his faction for ordering a cold blooded murder to cover up his indiscretions.
We are SUPPOSED to be the GOOD GUYS. HEROES. LIBERATORS. Not assassins.

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Troubling indeed, not to mention puzzlingly out of character for the good Major. I do recall that I was once called upon to cover up certain... indiscretions at his request, but said peccadilloes were the fault of another member of the Maldris clan and I felt no twinge of guilt in concealing them, political realities being what they are. In general Colson has struck me as an honest and honorable man, though in truth I do not know him well, personally, nor can I say how much say he has in some of the missions that he hands down.
Call me paranoid, but I can't help but suspect some kind of Chelish plot in this. Perhaps some fiend contrived to intercept and replace the missive you received from the major, in order to discredit an upstanding defender of liberty and throw our little fellowship into chaos. I'm sure there are some in that thrice-damned empire who would consider a service like that to be worth a soul or two, especially if the target of the assassination was someone they wanted out of the picture themselves.
In any event, while adultery is hardly a capital crime in our fair republic (as far as I can recall), I certainly agree that someone needs to look into this alleged assassination plot as soon as possible. As concerned citizens, I think it fully in the spirit of Common Rule for us to take up this task ourselves... assuming anyone has any suggestions as to where we could start.

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Recently, I was sent on a mission for the Pathfinder Society to secure a certain tapestry against the Aspis Consortium. Colson sent us out on a mission- a mission to essentially kill a man that had discovered one of Colson's infidelities. The man gave us no choice BUT to slay him, but all the same, our appointed leader should NOT be having affairs with married women. This is not the type of mission that I signed up for. Colson should resign, admit that he shouldn't be pursuing married women, and apologize to members of his faction for ordering a cold blooded murder to cover up his indiscretions.
We are SUPPOSED to be the GOOD GUYS. HEROES. LIBERATORS. Not assassins.
A human in full-plate with a human sized gnome hooked hammer slung over his back speaks up.
"I have known Colson Maldris for five years now. When I met him he was a fine upstanding man and all for the cause of freedom. But after this news, I think that his new rank and position might be going to his head. I may need to have a talk with next time I see him."
::Walks out door unslinging his gnome-hooked hammer and begins tapping hammer head with right hand::
Harl Manz
Eagle Knight

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Colson should be held accountable for this as the actions of his personal life and the missions he sends the Pathfinders out could have a MAJOR impact on national affairs and the tenuous relationships that Andoran has with other political entities. Andoran is a great nation, a nation of honor and courageous souls who fight for the liberation of the enslaved and justice far and wide. Do not let the actions of Colson, regardless of his leadership, be the standard bearer for how Andoran is viewed. Andoran is more than a nation...it is a spirit of freedom and righteousness that is greater than the failings of a misguided man.
The man Colson sent his agents to kill may have been a miscreant but Colsons actions are dishonorable both for the infidelity and what he asked of others to "sweep it under the rug". It is beneath the noble heart of Andoran and a cowardly response to his own failings. Rather than own up to his mistake and curtail his own immoral behavior he turned perhaps good people into assassins for his benefit. If the Eagle is the symbol of Andoran then I think Colson is more befitting the role of a ostrich...he can hide his head underground all he wants but sooner or later the truth will come out.
As an ardent member of Andoran whose father served honorable in the Andoran Navy and perished fighting Chelaxian pirates I will forever serve my country, it's people, and the spirit of what Andoran is founded upon. As for Colson however...you sir have sullied your honor...if you have any honor left that is. You own your family, your nation, and the people you sent to carry out your dirty work an apology and you should step down and allow others of better moral character to lead Andoran in these troubled and compicated times.

Gwen Smith |

I have to admit that I've noticed some...oddities in some of the Major's assignments before.
Once he sent me to dispatch a merrow that had been terrorizing the Precipice Quarter, then proceeded to dress me down because I didn't ensure the brute realized I was from Andoran before it died. I couldn't help but wonder: what difference would it make if the merrow knew that an Andoran blacksmith had done it in? Was Major Maldris somehow concerned with the merrow's attitude once it reached the Boneyard?
On another mission to the Kingdom of the Impossible, he asked the Great Rinaldo and myself to deliver a letter but warned us that it could be dangerous because Andoran was not well thought of in Jalmaray, and the letter bore the Andoran seal on the exterior. I could see by the twitching of the Halfling's lips that the Great Rinaldo was on the verge of asking Major Maldris why in Desna's name he put the Andoran seal on the outside of the letter. Surely, he could have placed the sealed letter in a larger envelope, no?
Now, I'm just a simple blacksmith with a modest talent for fighting, so I don't pretend to understand the intricacies of spycraft, but it does seem as though some of the Major's decisions are based on something other than necessity.

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"Sounds as if you need to join a faction with goals focused more on the benevolence for all people rather then just his and his countries aims. Might I say that the Crusade is always looking for more people willing to do right for the people of golarion rather then just what is advantageous to any one nation." Pipes dark skinned Kelesh man from the back of the room. He is bedecked in fine breastplate and carrying a stunning silvered flail engraved with various arcane and religious finery. All of his gear bears a faint moon motif.

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"Sounds as if you need to join a faction with goals focused more on the benevolence for all people rather then just his and his countries aims. Might I say that the Crusade is always looking for more people willing to do right for the people of golarion rather then just what is advantageous to any one nation."
We need to stay a faction willing to do what needs to be done, even if... especially when it ain't legal. You're not going to talk the chelaxians out of owning slaves or politely get the slave pits closed down or get rid of the problems in geb with anything but an aweful lot of fire.
I'm allied with the nation of Andor because that nation is doing the right thing, that they've got me on their flag is just a bonus. The second that stops being true.. the first one I mean, then I'm switching sides. My bow is placed at the service of an ideal, not a man or a nation.

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Zarta, do you not have some hiding to do? You have your own problems holding your own title. I am sure you need less enemies now.
As for you Corvus Cailean if we compromise are values we will be no better than that snake there.*gesturing to Zarta* I am a De Ferro we are Of Steel. We like steel, do not compromise or bend.

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What quaint ideas these longshanks have, about who can put what bits of themselves in other bits of other people!
You know, if you didn't have such ludicrous hang-ups, there'd be no way for others to hold them over your head.
It's like being constipated. The longer you hold it in, the worse it smells, when you really have to go.

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Going out and "making an example" of a slaver ring is one thing. Ordering lower ranking Pathfinders to do your dirty work to cover your indiscretions is something else. How long before the "good" major orders a "hit" on the people doing his dirty work? Is a low ranking lance corporal like myself supposed to walk up to Colson's residence, call him out, and EXPECT to walk away? Would our government at home even believe my story? I need support and proof. Where else AM I supposed to go but behind Colson's back?
As to "rolling over", if it's kill or be killed, better them than me. I would have loved to interrogate the "black mailer" and find out what other information was passed on to the Aspis Consortium. Colson may have spilled about more than just a simple affiar.

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Akram Alhazrad wrote:"Sounds as if you need to join a faction with goals focused more on the benevolence for all people rather then just his and his countries aims. Might I say that the Crusade is always looking for more people willing to do right for the people of golarion rather then just what is advantageous to any one nation."We need to stay a faction willing to do what needs to be done, even if... especially when it ain't legal. You're not going to talk the chelaxians out of owning slaves or politely get the slave pits closed down or get rid of the problems in geb with anything but an aweful lot of fire.
I'm allied with the nation of Andor because that nation is doing the right thing, that they've got me on their flag is just a bonus. The second that stops being true.. the first one I mean, then I'm switching sides. My bow is placed at the service of an ideal, not a man or a nation.
I suppose you are right and I understand your passion to make sure that all souls are given an equal chance at the happiness and equality that this life brings but I can promise you that Andoran is not the only organization seeking those goals. On top of this I know that when I lay my head down at night I have never had to ask myself if the work the crusade has asked of me is for the greater good, or the greater good of my ladies bedroom discretions.
In the end I believe many of you are finally seeing Andoran show it's true colors, that of a nation with goals of becoming a bigger nation first and the actual furthering of the purposes of good second. In the end they are just like Osirian, Qadira, Taldor, and even vile Cheliax they seek to increase their holdings while removing any threats to their reputation and those who can't get behind that nationalism will find themselves at odds while those who aren't like Mr. H.W.J. here will find themselves in prominence.
My only hope is that should you not be able to right this sinking ship before it's too late that I find you as a brother in arms in the crusade before you find yourself executing a sea of innocents dubbed "enemies of freedom".

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Zarta, do you not have some hiding to do? You have your own problems holding your own title. I am sure you need less enemies now.
** spoiler omitted **
As for you Corvus Cailean if we compromise are values we will be no better than that snake there.*gesturing to Zarta* I am a De Ferro we are Of Steel. We, like steel, do not compromise or bend.
I wonder if you're aware, Ansa, that what does not bend will break with enough force. Most steels lack ductility, and will break under stress—not strong so much as hard and brittle.
The same thing will happen with those who refuse to compromise for their cause. They will be torn apart by their own morals, either internally or externally. One way or another, one who refuses to compromise will break.
Alas, there are only so many causes to seek, and those we have appear to be fading like a shadow cast by the moon or the light from a paper lantern as the sun rises...

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Posting as Knight Captain Thokkr Rageborn, since it won't change my name...
A large burly halforc dressed in fine military blues strides into the middle of the room. The very air about him commands respect, as does the greatsword on his hip.
"Listen up!", he shouts, quieting the room. "We are champions of freedom and liberty, so that all may know the glory of deciding their own destiny. Unfortunately, freedom is not free. We do what we must to fight for it, to ensure that those currently imprisoned in some way will have a new lease on life when our mission is completed.
Major Maldris is a good man. I have known him for several years now, and he has never steered me wrong. I understand the doubt some of you feel better than you know. I am not overly fond of some of the missions we have been sent on, but I believe that Major Maldris has the greater good in mind when sending us to do these things. Perhaps the reasons he gives us aren't the real reason. Perhaps he thinks, at least for now, we simply cannot handle the truth of the matter for which we fight. But we must have faith.
If there ever comes a day in which we have proof of Major Maldris' scandelous deeds and there is a genuine need to remove him from the leadership of this faction.... The half orc draws his greatsword in a flash, his muscles bulging under his clothes, his teeth and fingernails enlongating into sharp points, "...I will remove him myself. Until then, we will continue our fight for freedom for all peoples of Golarion!", he finishes with a roar.
Dayjob: Perform: Oratory: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

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All right, calm down a bit. I'll admit I've been a bit out of the loop this year. (Haven't played much season 4) And one of the things I got this year did concern me. But how often have you actually been told to do something objectionable? Bad knews stands out more than a standard mission.
But here's the counter - how many times has he sent you out with orders specifically to stop your comrades from killing someone? How often has he sent you out to rescue someone or to liberate a group of people? Maybe he's having some trouble, needs a vacation or something. It can't be easy organizing all these tasks for us. Hell, it can't be easy just getting all those little notes to us.
But he's done a lot of good. Maybe he just needs some help.

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I believe Major Maldris to have been compromised.
I have heard him refereed to as an Agent of some Furious character.He is Shielding something. I know not what. But he is collecting artifacts related to Captain Andoran for some nefarious Purpose.

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If you do not agree with what Major Colson asks you to do then , you have the freedom to refuse to do so. Freedom is not Freedom if you follow it blindly... then it takes the twisted path to servitude where you follow what a person says because that is what is expected.
We are all prone to making mistakes. Some of us fled a past best forgotten, some of us have killed to satisfy a personal vendetta. None of us are immune to hubris and the first person who tells me they are is the first liar of the day.

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I suppose you are right and I understand your passion to make sure that all souls are given an equal chance at the happiness and equality that this life brings but I can promise you that Andoran is not the only organization seeking those goals.
No, Just the only one that has a chance of doing a damn about it.
What are YOU going to do about it that ain't gonna interfere with your precious nights sleep? Appeal to their better nature? Lady, they're stuffing people into holes in the ground and leaving them there in their own filth. The people doing this don't HAVE a better nature to appeal to.
On top of this I know that when I lay my head down at night I have never had to ask myself if the work the crusade has asked of me is for the greater good, or the greater good of my ladies bedroom discretions.
I know I can sleep like a hatchling at night because if someone orders me to do something that ain't right I'll tell em to sod off.
In the end I believe many of you are finally seeing Andoran show it's true colors, that of a nation with goals of becoming a bigger nation first and the actual furthering of the purposes of good second.
And this is what you monarchy types don't get... Andor is not one man. One man making a mistake, going evil, being possessed, been replaced with a doppelganger, or whatever's going on it wouldn't be weirder than most days around here,... is not ANDOR. Andor is an ideal. It exists equally in the hearts and minds of every individual that sees that no one has a right to tell another person how to live, that if you put that power into any one person's hands and they're going to abuse it... THATS Andor, not lines on a map.
In the end they are just like Osirian, Qadira, Taldor, and even vile Cheliax they seek to increase their holdings while removing any threats to their reputation and those who can't get behind that nationalism will find themselves at odds while those who aren't like Mr. H.W.J. here will find themselves in prominence.
Oh damned, another few square miles of earth where you can't own someone. Shucky darn.
My only hope is that should you not be able to right this sinking ship before it's too late that I find you as a brother in arms in the crusade before you find yourself executing a sea of innocents dubbed "enemies of freedom".
I'll try to keep it to the guilty. But you ought reconcile yourself to the fact that there will be blood.

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I do what ever are leader want's for I am loyal and do not go behind his back to change things
You sound like a servant of that blind snake Zarta.
I wonder if you're aware, Ansa, that what does not bend will break with enough force. Most steels lack ductility, and will break under stress—not strong so much as hard and brittle.
The same thing will happen with those who refuse to compromise for their cause. They will be torn apart by their own morals, either internally or externally. One way or another, one who refuses to compromise will break.
Us DeFerros are weapons of steel. We do break; we do shatter. But a well forged weapon in the right hands will stop a great deal before it does break. I am forged well in my training. I am fearful of the Major's hand in weilding me.

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the tengu shrugs, takes the sword off his back, puts the point in the ground and gently pushes it one way, then the other with his finger, back and forth a few times, making it flex about 3 inches in the middle
OoooooOOOOOooo magic....
Cayden Cailean, give me the strength to not loose faith in democracy..." he hmmms for a moment, unscrews the top of his holy symbol and takes a few sips. "This will take considerable prayer...."

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The spectacular young Varisian woman struts forth:
"Some of us aren't from around these parts, but the Ideal is what we hold to. I think all of us agree that sentient people should not be kept as chattel.
However, if our leadership is compromised, should we not find out exactly what is going on? I know users of magicks who can get a person to disobey their own desires, and those are bonds just as dangerous as the fetters used to chain oar-slaves to oars. Could it be that the good Major needs to be freed?"

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"Was this change something you felt should always happen, or just now?"
A young silver-haired halfling steps forward with a large tome in hand.
"The Flaxseeds have always served the nation of Andor and will continue to do so! But... for Colson Maldris to make such a suggestion is terrible.. one act should not negate all the good accomplished! There may be more that we don't know, and while I am not trying to support the Major in a more recent request, I feel he should be watched.. Shelyn help us all."

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Cayden Cailean, give me the strength to not loose faith in democracy..." he hmmms for a moment, unscrews the top of his holy symbol and takes a few sips. "This will take considerable prayer...."
May I join you in your worship, there?
<pulls out a carved, grinning jug>
"When I’m asked to do what’s right,
There’s no need to be afright.
The holy spirit helps me in my task.
Courageous Cayden comforts me,
For his head comes off, you see.
He’s hollow and I use him as a flask."

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I don't give a flying-fig about Colson's infidelities. He can dip his wick in any oil-pot he sees fit, that's his business. When he sends patriotic Andorens out to cover it up, then it becomes my business. I am Andoran's protector, not Colson's assassin.
- Sir Illia Smith-Wesson, Knight Captain of the Steel Falcons

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To the good Lady Jaleel; I believe we are all of us in this room rightly fired up, to "make an example" of a slaver, wherever we may find them.
And it's understandable you are upset, when instead, you merely find yourself tasked to silence a gossip.
But what if the target is both?
I can't recall ever being conflicted, over my orders. Maybe I've been fortunate, and I've never been asked to act purely as the Major's nanny?
Or maybe, when I see who is standing in my way, I consider them such a gigantic festering turd, in all other aspects of their behaviour, that it's a blessing and a joy to help them have a fatal accident?
I'm not going to let some peripheral embarrassment prevent me from acting against our most apparent and urgent enemies.
But I would be very unhappy if it were ever the only reason for action.
That would be a waste of our talents, it endangers us, for no better reason than some humans consider themselves above the other animals and their base desires.

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I don't care if Major Colson is seen having carnal relations with Zarta on the front lawn of the Temple of Abadar. It would be embarassing for the Major, and certainly embarassing for Andor. Major Colson sent me out to deal with an embarassing situation. Perhaps someone in his position should not be engaging in embarassing activities. More importantly, the Major should not have ordered us to cover up his embarassment.

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Gentlemen, Comrades, and you many gorgeous Ladies, certainly Major Maldris has had a few indiscretions, as I'm sure we all have. I'll agree that sending us out to clean up his personal messes isn't putting the best face out there for our great nation. I'm concerned, though, that there seem to be so many agents running around -good agents, my countrymen, both natives and fellow adopted Andorens- who are running around not even getting the NAME of the proud country of Andoran right! Is this a foul plot? Is it treachery? Best not to jump to conclusions, I suppose. I should hope that it merely signifies a rash of enthusiastic new blood taking up our noble cause.

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Posting as Knight Captain Utan Wortmuddler, gnome Venture Captain at Large.
Utan lifts the visor of his gleaming helm and blue light bounces off the faceted saphires that seem to serve as his eyes. "Don't forget that blackmail is yet another form of slavery." he says in a high-pitched, but precise speaking voice.
"I know that I've made mistakes in my past. I've done things I've regretted. I've had to live with those decisions. However, I'd like to think that I'm comfortable enough with my past that a blackmailer would not gain the upper hand over me."
"If someone was blackmailing Major Maldriss, they jeopardize all the good works that he -- and all of us -- are doing. I personally wouldn't hesitate to remove this threat."

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The consensus seems to be that Maj. Colson Maldris is STILL a good person that just may need some help. If the Major is being charmed, how do we discretely find out? If Major Maldris is being blackmailed, how do we help him?
One way for sure to keep Major Maldris from having any more "embarassing infidelities", would be to get him wedded. Who would trust him to stay faithful? Would vows taken before friends and in the eyes of Sarenrae (or whichever diety you prefer)stop Colson Maldris from "playing the field"? Of course, we would need to find a volunteer in our faction willing to settle down with Major Maldris. Hopefully, one tough enough to survive the dating process. The good Major may have a few enemies, either political or just simply an outraged husband, that would be underhanded enough to go after a fiance, wife, or child of the Major's.

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I'm NOT a morning person. People always seem to be trying to kill me during the day, so lunch would be improbable at best. I'm not dining at his townhouse. I'm definitely not bringing him to my townhouse. I certainly don't want to be the center of attention. I would only be interested in getting to know the Major during dinner, not dodging assassins and chain lightning during dinner.
I haven't received an invitation to dinner and the paparazi is already snooping.....

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Paparazi??? Hardly. But there is a saying I once heard... Goes something like... "Takes one to know one".
If you were really concerned it would not be a private matter for you to fawn over him at dinner for. Plus he is an experience man. You handlng yourself with an assassin would do more to seduce him then privating tell him his... biceps... happen to be large.
It would seem to me someone worried about his infidelities would not be so worried about making another private gossip worthy event, but something more open and public with the other upstart rebels.
Although I do have to respect you public scene to try to force a more.... intimate.... encounter with the Major.