I am pleased to announce a new V-L!

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive

Please help me in congratulating Christopher Hays as the newest Venture-Lieutenant of Missouri!
I did not know Chris before a few weeks ago. However, having played at his table and seen the deep dedication he has to the Society, I am excited to have him on board with the Missouri crew! He will be an excellent addition to the Venture Officer ranks!

Grand Lodge 5/5

Welcome Chris!


Woot! Go Missouri! Congrats Chris!

Sczarni 5/5 *

What up, welcome to the crew.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Welcome to the Team!

Scarab Sages 5/5

Thanks for all the welcomes I look forward to meeting everyone as I get around to the cons and even at GenCon


Welcome. It was fun playing EotT with you at Winter War this year.

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