Prawn |

I know that multiple people can join a grapple, so several people can pile on to subdue someone.
What if a monster grabs PC 1, can PC 2 join the grapple to free him, or is he limited to simply attacking the monster?
I know you can always aid another for +2, but that doesn't seem as much help as piling on the monster should be. I don't want to reverse the grapple, just have party members try and help free PC 1.

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PC2 can aid another to help PC1 escape the grapple. There is no grappling the grappler that's grappling my pal.
In most cases, it's simply better for the party to whale away on the monster since the Grappled condition prevents it from taking AOOs and it takes a -4 Dex penalty, making it easy to surround and pound.
Alternately, you could trip the monster. If it falls prone, it takes a -4 AC penalty which translates to -4 CMD, making it easier for the grappled character to escape.

NobodysHome |

When I asked this question a while back, it was a 2-round rescue:
- Round 1: Mr. Beefy Barbarian grapples Mr. Ornery Ogre, who is in turn currently grappling Mr. Puny Wizard Meat Man.
- Round 2: Mr. Beefy Barbarian pins Mr. Ornery Ogre, releasing the grapple on Mr. Puny Wizard Meat Man.
At least that was my impression last time I asked about this...

StreamOfTheSky |

IMO, once you are in the grapple, if you succeed on a grapple check to do something, "free a friend" should just be an option. I guess using your success to pin effectively does the same thing, though.
Doesn't have to be multi-round. With Rapid and Greater Grappler, you can have 3 grapple checks per round. And a 4th if you dip Maneuver Master Monk to use flurry of maneuvers.

Soporific Lotus |
I agree with Bruno. Multiple grapplers can only use the aid other action to give a +2 to the player trying to escape. The only other option is to directly attack the monster doing the grapple. It seems strange but multiple creatures cannot help beyond that most likely to keep grappling from becoming even more complex.
Multiple Creatures: Multiple creatures can attempt to grapple one target. The creature that first initiates the grapple is the only one that makes a check, with a +2 bonus for each creature that assists in the grapple (using the Aid Another action). Multiple creatures can also assist another creature in breaking free from a grapple, with each creature that assists (using the Aid Another action) granting a +2 bonus on the grappled creature's combat maneuver check.

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In most cases, it's simply better for the party to whale away on the monster since the Grappled condition prevents it from taking AOOs and it takes a -4 Dex penalty, making it easy to surround and pound.
Yep, and if the monster has actually pinned your ally his AC will lose any dex bonus and still suffer -2 AC due to the -4 Dex penalty from the Grappled condition (due to, as I understand it at least, the weird way Ability Penalties and Damage work in PF).
So if the Monster was a constrictor snake with AC 15 (+3 Dex, +2 natural) if it had pinned your foe its AC would be only 10.