Optimizing a Wizard for a Large Party



My group is about to play Kingmaker, and I am playing the party Wizard. We have a fairly large group, consisting of a Barbarian, another smashy-type yet to be determined, a Sorcerer (Undead Bloodline), a Druid, and a Cleric.

I love playing Wizards. TreantMonk's guide on the 3.5 CharOp boards as a big help to me back in the day, and I have read the other guides here.

My question is, how does my role change when we have another Arcane caster, and two other Divine casters? I have always played the Wizard as the walking "oh, crap" button. What do I do differently?

Also, any Kingmaker-specific advice would be much appreciated.

Your group is pretty well rounded with the exception of knowledge and rogue capabilities. Luckily your Wizard can take care of knowledge skills, and with the right spells can duplicate much of what a rogue can do.

Minor Kingmaker Info:
However, having played some but not all of the Kingmaker campaign, I've noticed that the rogue isn't quite as vital as in other AP's. You could probably get by with a few utility scrolls for things like Knock, Detect Secret Doors, ect..

I would talk with the other casters (particularly the sorc) on what their focus is going to be and try to cover some of what might be missing. Make sure you have some rogue like utility spells in your book for when you might need it.

But on the whole, play the wizard how you want to play it, your group seems pretty well rounded and should do just fine no matter which way you choose to go.

Liberty's Edge

You don't need to do much differently - transmutations are a key, with haste, fly, and other buffs. All caster parties are just fine. Get a big spell book and take different spells than the sorcerer, you'll do fine.

Lots of communal spells I should think.

Lantern Lodge

See what the sorcerer is doing for its spells then do ur thing trying best not to step on its toes. With that in mind id go with a debuff build for this party. A Void wizard with the Spellbinder archetype is supposed to be very sexy. Also same goes for a Necromancer wizard with the Cruoromancer archetype.

Dark Archive

Yeah Void wizard can debuff an enemies AC by half of the wizards class level leaving the hard to hit guys open for the smashy's to do their job

For a large party, spells that benefit your whole party are a clear win over spells that only help onein a smaller party. You'll likely be facing multiple enemies as well so AOE attacks are more useful than against single foes, and group rebuffs will be more powerful as well.

Spell effects that degrade those enemies who can wreck havoc also help. Targeting Ray so all your happy buddies can whap on them easier, Ray of Fatigue for the BBEG who's thumping your front liners, or shoring up your parties deficiencies are all viable. Cleverly placed summon monsters/nature's ally/undead prior to a teammate's turn for free flanking bonuses are always appreciated. Giving flight or levetation to your DD's can flip combat on enemy casters. Or, my favorite, specialize in ray spells, and play the part of an arcane ranger, putting Scorching Ray, Magic Missles, etc, against the enemies that are hurt the most for the finishing blow. This works especially well for those heavily armored foes that your front line team mates have been having a harder time hitting but finally gotten low enough to deal the last blow with the ranged touch attack.

Out of combat, spells that enhance resting unmolested like Alarm or Private Sanctum, utility spells like Identify, (a must for any wizard of any caliber) message/sending, (playing an "operator" job role where you communicate to your allies via these spells while surveying a battle allows for coordination without table cross talk) and Benign Transportation. (3.5 Spell Compendium, level 1 spell, switch the place of two willing targets. Hilarious spell for swapping that cornered rogue for the raging barbarian in a pinch)

Arcane spellcasters don't have to do amazing feats of magical prowess to prove they have skill, its often the little tricks that twist the battle and shift the odds in favor of the party. Even something as simple as casting Resistance on the fighter in the first round of combat that makes his save successful is power.

Hard to think a God Wizard, Conjuration(teleportation), would be bad.. Focus on party buffs, enemy debuffs and cc and ur gtg.. Basically set ur team up for win.. As a side not ive heard the kingmaker is really friendly to crafters, so having craft wonderous and maybe another might be handy.. possible convice the other arcane/2 divines to take a craft feat as well to make use of ample downtime..

Void does look like one of the best Elemental types, but the lower-level spell list seems a bit sparse, unless I am missing something.

Spellbinder strikes me as something to be managed with scrolls, once again, unless I am missing something.

I have asked permission to play a Tiefling. If that isn't granted, I will coin flip between Human and Elf. Any advice on whether the extra +2 stat bonus is worth losing the bonus feat and skill point?

Elves are good wizards, but the Con penalty hurts a lot. The extra spell penetration and weapon proficiencies are probably worth the bonus feat, but you reloy wnt to make sure you don't get hit.

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