Elven_Blades |
I don't believe defiant can be duplicated. An enchantment typically can only be applied once, unles it says otherwise
Bane could, however, since each application would be Bane (creature type) and Bane (other creature type). Since each application has a seperrate subtype, they are technically different enchantments each time.

The Earl of Gray Park |

Elven_Blades, I happened to be checking something for another player when I came upon this:
Weapons cannot possess the same special ability more than once.
I would take that to mean bane could not be added to a weapon more than once.
I did not notice a similar restriction for armor.
My assumption would then be the exact opposite of what you suggest. One could add defiant devils and defiant demons to the same piece of armor, but not bane devils and bane demons to the same weapon.

Elven_Blades |
This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. A defiant weapon helps its wielder stay alive in desperate conditions. It stays in its wielder's hand even if she is panicked, stunned, or unconscious. She adds the weapon's enhancement bonus as a bonus on checks to stabilize when dying and on saving throws to end ongoing conditions such as disease, poison, and hold person. If the wielder possesses Heroic Defiance, Heroic Recovery, Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Iron Will, or Improved Lightning Reflexes, she gains a number of additional daily uses equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus that can be used on any of these feats.
Armor and shields with this special ability excel at blocking the attacks of certain types of creatures, similar to a bane weapon's excelling against certain foes. Against the designated foe, the item's enhancement bonus to AC is +2 better than its actual bonus and provides DR 2/— against attacks from that foe. This increase in enhancement bonus applies only to the armor or shield's enhancement bonus, not to temporary bonuses (such as the magic vestment spell). To randomly determine the armor or shield's designated foe, use the table for the bane weapon special ability (page 136).
I originally thought we were discussing the weapon version of Defiant. So nice to have 2 different enchantments under the same name. Under further investigation I have found the armor version. I see no reason you couldn't enchant different versions of Defiant (armor) in the same way you could do different versions of Bane.

Shain Edge |
Except you cannot do multiple 'Bane' enhancements. The weapon ability isn't multiple versions of 'Bane' it is a single ability that states you then choose a particular type of enemy.
I'm pretty sure multiple Banes are allowed, you just can not stack them, like any bonus, but they can run concurrent. You can have a Bane (evil) and a bane (dragon) on the same weapon, but the two will not add together if you are attacking an evil dragon, you will just get the better of the two.
All that does is make fairly expensive weapons that have broader applications, but are not really more powerful in depth, based on their '+cost'.

Skylancer4 |

The table doesn't have 'Bane (X)', multiple versions of 'Bane', or a notation indicating it can be taken multiple times. It has 'Bane.' Also the description states (and I quote) 'A bane weapon excels against certain foes.' And then goes on to give options for the enemy type.
Do you have a FAQ or post with something indicating it is possible?

Shain Edge |
The table doesn't have 'Bane (X)', multiple versions of 'Bane', or a notation indicating it can be taken multiple times. It has 'Bane.' Also the description states (and I quote) 'A bane weapon excels against certain foes.' And then goes on to give options for the enemy type.
Do you have a FAQ or post with something indicating it is possible?
I'm translating from every other type bonus into Bane.
It is a constant in the game that, given multiple bonuses of the same type, only the best applies. The vast majority of times where it comes up, like feats, the same bonus can be taken multiple times, they just have to be for different purposes.
I'm fairly confident that the understanding I have taken of the rule would be supported by the designers, in that it doesn't hurt game balance. In fact, a +1 Bane sword for x & y (18,000gp)is more expensive then two swords, one for +1 Bane X (8,000gp) and one for +1 Bane y (8,000gp).

Midnight_Angel |

I'm fairly confident that the understanding I have taken of the rule would be supported by the designers, in that it doesn't hurt game balance. In fact, a +1 Bane sword for x & y (18,000gp)is more expensive then two swords, one for +1 Bane X (8,000gp) and one for +1 Bane y (8,000gp).
Umm... you are aware that, from +2 Bane upwards, the one double-bane sword will be cheaper than the two single-bane swords?
So, please refrain from picking sweet spot examples as proof for the designers' intentions.

Shain Edge |
I generally play and GM lower level games. I start by looking at the starting point for weapons, not for epic weapons.
I went through an entire thread debating about bane weapons and the majority looked like they agreed with the way I would rule it in my games.
Multiple types of Bane can be placed on the same weapon, but 'Bane' would generally be a type in itself, and not stackable with itself if a creature were of the combined types.
As far as I can tell, there is no actual Paizo definite ruling.

Skylancer4 |

I generally play and GM lower level games. I start by looking at the starting point for weapons, not for epic weapons.
I went through an entire thread debating about bane weapons and the majority looked like they agreed with the way I would rule it in my games.
Multiple types of Bane can be placed on the same weapon, but 'Bane' would generally be a type in itself, and not stackable with itself if a creature were of the combined types.
As far as I can tell, there is no actual Paizo definite ruling.
When bane is a singular enhancement that once chosen allows you to have a better bonus to hit and additional damage towards a enemy type chosen AND the magic weapon creation rules state you cannot add an enhancement to a weapon more than once.... Why would they need to further 'rule' it isn't possible???
If anything they would need to FAQ it is possible if that was the intent as the RAW says 'no' to that at this time.

The Earl of Gray Park |

So... what about adding multiple defiant qualities to armor? I saw no restriction similar to that for weapons placed on armor creation.
I can see the sense in not adding multiple banes to the same weapon, but instead having multiple weapons with different banes; it's very easy to switch weapons in combat. However, I could see the sense of having multiple iterations of defiant on the same armor; changing armor in combat is nigh impossible.

Aelryinth RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

The FAQ on Bane weapons actually specifically cites multiple Banes on a weapon as an example.
You can certainly make a Bane (evil outsiders) Bane (Lawful outsiders) weapon. However, a weapon can only be Bane against a specific foe once, so instead of +4/+4 +4d6, you still only have +2/+2 +2d6, even though they are Bane against differenct aspects.
Each bane is considered a seperate enhancement, so you can indeed have more then one per weapon. You just can't have more then one effective at a time.

Skylancer4 |

So... what about adding multiple defiant qualities to armor? I saw no restriction similar to that for weapons placed on armor creation.
I can see the sense in not adding multiple banes to the same weapon, but instead having multiple weapons with different banes; it's very easy to switch weapons in combat. However, I could see the sense of having multiple iterations of defiant on the same armor; changing armor in combat is nigh impossible.
RAW it would be allowed as the armor creation rules lack the wording the weapon rules have.

Skylancer4 |

The FAQ on Bane weapons actually specifically cites multiple Banes on a weapon as an example.
You can certainly make a Bane (evil outsiders) Bane (Lawful outsiders) weapon. However, a weapon can only be Bane against a specific foe once, so instead of +4/+4 +4d6, you still only have +2/+2 +2d6, even though they are Bane against differenct aspects.
Each bane is considered a seperate enhancement, so you can indeed have more then one per weapon. You just can't have more then one effective at a time.
Just did a quick look through of the ultimate books and the CRB from the FAQ page, didn't see one for bane besides the paladin ability/+5 limit on enhancement clarification. Got a link so I can read it?

Aelryinth RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

argh. it's been referenced multiple times, but my search-fu suckeths. The key item was "A weapon can only be Bane against a creatures once." Which meant you could have multiple Banes, but the banes would not stack.
And I so wanted my +4 Lawful Outsider Bane Evil Outsider Bane Anarchic Holy Sword of +8/+8 +8d6 devil slaughtering!

Skylancer4 |

argh. it's been referenced multiple times, but my search-fu suckeths. The key item was "A weapon can only be Bane against a creatures once." Which meant you could have multiple Banes, but the banes would not stack.
And I so wanted my +4 Lawful Outsider Bane Evil Outsider Bane Anarchic Holy Sword of +8/+8 +8d6 devil slaughtering!
Unfortunately 'referenced' isn't the same as actually being officially implemented in FAQ/errata. Many of the designers have opinions on how things should work and sometimes those opinions conflict. Part of the reason it has been made clear that opinions given aren't hard rules until FAQ'd etc.