Oracle Mystery Class Skills Question

Rules Questions

Can someone explain to me:
The Flame Mystery has:
Acrobatics, Climb, Intimidate, and Perform
While the The Time Mystery has:
Fly, Knowledge (arcana), Perception, and Use Magic Device

I mean, Flame has Wings of Fire as a revelation, while time grants NOTHING that allows you to fly.
It seems to me this is.... completely wrong. Is there some sort of ruling or something that has this make sense or adds a level of sanity to it?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

A class that grants a reliable method of flying should grant fly as a class skill. Once you take that revelation, I believe fly would automatically become a class skill.

No idea why fly would be a specialized skill of the Time mystery other than that time flies...

Seraphimpunk wrote:
A class that grants a reliable method of flying should grant fly as a class skill. Once you take that revelation, I believe fly would automatically become a class skill.

I know of nothing that specifies this. Some companion class features like Animals and Eidolons follow a similar logic, in that they have Fly as a class skill if the companion has a Fly speed. Otherwise you may be thinking of the stipulation that you can't put ranks into Fly unless you possess a reliable means of Flight, which is noted in the Fly skill itself.

I don't know of anything that would specify classes with access to flight get Fly as a class skill. If it did, in fact, Oracles and Clerics would already have Fly as a class skill, thanks to Divine Vessel and/or Winds of Vengeance. Admittedly high level, but Sorcerers and Wizards don't have immediate access to flight either.

Seraphimpunk wrote:
No idea why fly would be a specialized skill of the Time mystery other than that time flies...

Nice. Very nice :P

But yeah, I do admit the matchup between class skills and mysteries there seems kind of odd. Not sure what to say about it, really.

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I can't quote because I'm on an eye pad. But creatures with a fly speed get fly as a class skill. You can also take ranks if you have a reliable means of flying.

Sorcerers and wizards do indeed have fly as a class skill, though most don't / can't take ranks until they get Fly as a spell.

Seraphimpunk wrote:

I can't quote because I'm on an eye pad. But creatures with a fly speed get fly as a class skill. You can also take ranks if you have a reliable means of flying.

Sorcerers and wizards do indeed have fly as a class skill, though most don't / can't take ranks until they get Fly as a spell.

Found the specified text:


Special: A spellcaster with a bat familiar gains a +3 bonus on Fly checks.

Creatures with a fly speed treat the Fly skill as a class skill. A creature with a natural fly speed receives a bonus (or penalty) on Fly skill checks depending on its maneuverability: Clumsy –8, Poor –4, Average +0, Good +4, Perfect +8. Creatures without a listed maneuverability rating are assumed to have average maneuverability.


@ Seraphimpunk: Huh, I even took a quick look through that to make sure I hadn't missed it in there, and apparently I missed it when I was checking to see if I missed it. Alrighty then.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Devils advocate: a wizard isn't a creature with a fly speed until he cast fly spell.

So, in other words, whenever you suddenly gain a means of flight (via a spell or natural means), Fly automatically becomes a class skill for you (conferring the relevant +3 bonus to the skill checks). Gottcha.

Harrison wrote:
So, in other words, whenever you suddenly gain a means of flight (via a spell or natural means), Fly automatically becomes a class skill for you (conferring the relevant +3 bonus to the skill checks). Gottcha.

Yes, but only if you have a rank in the skill, which you can't have unless you possess a natural means of flight or gliding, or a reliable means of flying every day (either through a spell or other special ability).

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

right. most wizards i know never bother taking ranks in it.
flight spells will give a half-caster-level bonus to flight checks, and a high dexterity will often help.

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