Pookiebear |
I would love to see a alternate class for Witch as a "Good Witch" like the witches from Oz.
I mean, it would need a revised spell-list and new hexes, but it would be so great. I'd totally buy a supplement which had the rules for that in it.
Obviously, it'd be similar in style to the paladin's anti-paladin.

Dakota_Strider |

I don't see how the current witch is necessarily evil. Just don't take the "cooking children" type hexes and you should be fine.
There are plenty of witch spells and hexes that would not be evil. Select the ones that help your party, like cures and fortune. Slumber is a combat hex that does not even harm the target. Instead of a "cackle" you can do a little girlish giggle (assuming its a female). Basically, just use your imagination. No need for another class.

MrSin |

mplindustries wrote:I don't see how the current witch is necessarily evil. Just don't take the "cooking children" type hexes and you should be fine.Agreed.
There are plenty of witch spells and hexes that would not be evil. Select the ones that help your party, like cures and fortune. Slumber is a combat hex that does not even harm the target. Instead of a "cackle" you can do a little girlish giggle (assuming its a female). Basically, just use your imagination. No need for another class.
Very few are explicitly good though. A girlish giggle for a laugh just makes me think this'll turn into a magical girl anime type witch...

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I can totally see good witches of various stripes cackling. Especially those with "a bit crazy" written into their personalities.
Oooh...witches of Tsukiyo...
Also, good witches in love with traditionally villainous aesthetics. :)

Quandary |

You get Cure spells which are Positive energy. Healing or maybe some other patron would be perfect.
So I think it's more than reasonable to pull off with just the Witch class as is.
You have Sleep Hex 1/target/day, which sounds a whole lot more goody-two-shoes than Mr. Paladin Greatsword-in-the-face,
and lots of similar types of options via spells and other abilities...
With all the options via Feats, I really think you can do a strongly Good Witch.
Pick up Improved Familiar and get a Celestial Familiar, or maybe go for Celestial Bloodline Eldritch Heritage.
Also consider the Magaambyan Arcanist PrC, which adds Druid spells of choice to your Arcane spell list every level,
and eventually adds the entire Good domain to your spell list, along with other largely Good-themed abilities at every level + full casting progression.
It has a pre-req Feat (Spell Mastery) which requires 1 level of Wizard, but since the PrC doesn't directly mention being Wizard only and doesn't otherwise depend on being a Wizard in any way (other than a few abilities only being relevant for Prepared Casters, including Witches, mentioning preparing spells from spellbooks), I would waive that requirement of the Spell Mastery Feat (changing it to 1 level of prepared arcane caster). I can see some basis for a Wizard assocaition in the fluff of the PrC (training in specific wizard school in Mwaangi Expanse), but since it doesn't state that requirement up-front and in fact nothing about it stops you from multiclassing 1 Wizard/X Magus or Witch or even Sorceror/Bard and progressing the non-Wizard casting, I would just let it work for you, at least with Witches or Magii who could theoretically study alongside Wizards at the same school. PrCs for 'spellbook' types (including Witches) do come with the downside of no longer granting new spells for free, but given the fluff of being a student of a specific school, that is already a ready source of being able to learn new spells easily, from the school itself or other students/teachers who are like-minded.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

Witches can't really do PrCs though. No hex progression. So their main class feature quickly falls behind in DCs, and you cease to get new ones.
Not entirely correct. In point of fact there is already something of a precedent for a 'Good Witch' Archetype & PrC: The Winter Witch.
Personally, I would find a 'Fairy Godmother' Archetype/PrC kind of interesting for the Witch.

MrSin |

And of course, there's always the possibility of someone who's called a "witch" and is really a sorcerer, wizard, or oracle...
I know this. Doesn't change my opinion on the way the hex feature that makes a witch class a witch in pathfinder being cruddy with PrCs. Hexes can do some things spells can't.
And I know of the winter witch, I think its lackluster and its strange its only open to a single archetype in the game.

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I know this. Doesn't change my opinion on the way the hex feature that makes a witch class a witch in pathfinder being cruddy with PrCs. Hexes can do some things spells can't.
That's true, but it applies to other classes too (bardic performance, oracle curses).
It's annoying; BAB basically solved the issue of combining multiple martial-ish classes, but the arcane classes all have weird abilities that increase every level but don't play well with other classes.
It's too bad there's not some sort of "Base Magical Bonus" to govern interplay between casting classes like BAB does between fighting classes.

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Haladir wrote:And of course, there's always the possibility of someone who's called a "witch" and is really a sorcerer, wizard, or oracle...I know this. Doesn't change my opinion on the way the hex feature that makes a witch class a witch in pathfinder being cruddy with PrCs. Hexes can do some things spells can't.
And I know of the winter witch, I think its lackluster and its strange its only open to a single archetype in the game.
It's really intended to finetune that archetype to something that the orignal witch class just doesn't quit succeed in building an Irrisen witch spellcaster.

MrSin |

MrSin wrote:I know this. Doesn't change my opinion on the way the hex feature that makes a witch class a witch in pathfinder being cruddy with PrCs. Hexes can do some things spells can't.That's true, but it applies to other classes too (bardic performance, oracle curses).
It's annoying; BAB basically solved the issue of combining multiple martial-ish classes, but the arcane classes all have weird abilities that increase every level but don't play well with other classes.
It's too bad there's not some sort of "Base Magical Bonus" to govern interplay between casting classes like BAB does between fighting classes.
Well... It would probably cause a little of power creep to just attach it to the caster level. 3.5 the solution in ToB was that all levels outside the Martial Adept your were cut in half and added to your total level for the purpose of determing what you could learn. So 2 levels outside of your class boosted it by 1, and 4 would let you pick from the next tier of manuevers all on their own. They didn't use spell DCs and other things though. They were however super dip friendly.
Oracle curses do progress outside of oracle btw. They progress at half. This is why you get barbarians who take their oracle level at 9. Because it effectively adds up to 5 oracle levels for the purpose of curses.

MrSin |

Regarding the Witch PrC/hex progression "problem" - could a Witch Prc not just increase the Hex DC and/or grant hexes as if/just like a vanilla witch progression? What am I missing here?
RAW they do not.
Edit: If your asking if it would hurt? Probably not. Would definitely make PrCs look viable. Your already giving up a lot of bonus hexes, but most hexes are lackluster imo.

Oceanshieldwolf |

@MrSin: Huh?
Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch’s level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier.
A regular witch gets a nex hex at 2nd and every two levels, AND the DC increases. Why can't a hypothetical Witch PrC just continue this to a lesser degree?
I'm not being argumentative. :) Just trying to get it clear - I'm currently working on a Witch Hex/modified Hex class feature prereq PrC. (NOT a Good Witch!)

MrSin |

@MrSin: Huh?
PFSRD wrote:Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch’s level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier.A regular witch gets a nex hex at 2nd and every two levels, AND the DC increases. Why can't a hypothetical Witch PrC just continue this to a lesser degree?
I'm not being argumentative. :) Just trying to get it clear - I'm currently working on a Witch Hex/modified Hex class feature prereq PrC. (NOT a Good Witch!)
Oh I'm sure your not. I like homebrew. The only reason not is that it makes it so you only gain when you go into a PrC. In 3.5 there was no real reason to stay a sorc or wizard unless the wizard really wanted the extra feats. So... Everyone got into a PrC ASAP. Choice PrCs were front loaded, had cheap prereqs, and had full casting. You could also dip around for a full effect. Master Specialist/Divine Oracle/IOT7F for instance instead of wizard. You got a ton of class features and full casting.
Edit: Yeah, I never have a problem with this kind of thing. Class features are usually flavor instead of power.

TwoDee |

Dakota_Strider wrote:Instead of a "cackle" you can do a little girlish giggle (assuming its a female).My big fat male Kellid witch chortles like Jabba the Hut. I've also heard a clown laugh.
Our witch mostly used the Misfortune and Healing hexes and had a pretty standard raspy old hermit laugh. Now you're making me want to play the Orc Scarred Witch Doctor as a giant muscle wizard who destroys his enemies through manful and throaty but weirdly infectious laughter (before chopping them in half with his double axe).

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MrSin wrote:Witches can't really do PrCs though. No hex progression. So their main class feature quickly falls behind in DCs, and you cease to get new ones.It's possible to PrC with a Witch if you focus on Hexes that don't rely on DCs. Then you're not losing out much on Hex progression.
I've got a Witch/Rogue/Arcane Trickster who took Healing Hex, Prehensile Hair, and Flight -- the durations aren't the best, but otherwise they are still at full effectiveness.
And should also say, she is most definitely a 'Good' Witch, though she does tend rather towards the anime end of things.

MrSin |

pH unbalanced wrote:And should also say, she is most definitely a 'Good' Witch, though she does tend rather towards the anime end of things.MrSin wrote:Witches can't really do PrCs though. No hex progression. So their main class feature quickly falls behind in DCs, and you cease to get new ones.It's possible to PrC with a Witch if you focus on Hexes that don't rely on DCs. Then you're not losing out much on Hex progression.
I've got a Witch/Rogue/Arcane Trickster who took Healing Hex, Prehensile Hair, and Flight -- the durations aren't the best, but otherwise they are still at full effectiveness.
Nothing wrong with any with any of that. Does suck for slumber, misfortune, and some of the other more offensive abilities that make the witch function.

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OP, you really need to check out Champions of Purity.
Three patrons and six new hexes made specifically for good witches. :)
Witch's Bounty in particular is awesome for making the world a better place as a witch.
edit-Oh wow I just had a twisted character concept pop into my head based on that hex and a 3rd party spell.

MrSin |

Dakota_Strider wrote:Instead of a "cackle" you can do a little girlish giggle (assuming its a female).For a male you could always use the over-the-top laugh of the Shadow.
If I remember right the anime One Piece every character has a distinct laugh. I prefer the hideous high pitched mad man laughter and the deep dark villainous chuckle myself. Even on my good characters.

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There does need to be more PrC love for the witch, and this is coming from someone who tries to build characters without them. One that blends together the bard and witch classes would be a great one for a good witch build.
I would also enjoy more hexes for all alignments. The six new ones in the latest Player's Companion are great, and are useful in further building a "Good" witch. More neutral hexes would be great too, as those are useable by a wider range of builds.