![]() I am reluctantly being pulled into PF2 by the rest of my group. (not everyone is enthusiastic about it, but GM and other players are). I don't want to make this thread about the many things I have seen (or don't see) about this new edition, but instead am asking for help in using the rules within it to create a character I would enjoy playing. That would be the iconic ranger of old (not the dwarven cave diver that PF tries to portray as "iconic"). Something like Aragorn/Strider to some degree, that was supposedly the model of 1st Edition AD&D ranger. That ranger would of course be good with weapons, not be hampered by most armor, excellent in the wilderness, a foe of monsters/humanoids that prey on the civilized races, and able to cast several handy spells. I am not looking for a ranger that has animal companions. Not my thing. Also do not want to be a dual-weapon wielder. In PF2 my best ranger character was modeled after TreantMonk's switch hitter that was good with a bow, and was a very good great sword wielder. And with 14 wisdom and 3rd level spells, was able to pitch in that way, too. I don't know if anything close to that kind of build is possible in PF2, but I am hoping that someone that reads this has a far better understanding of the rules that I do, and has some ideas they will share. I understand that there is no multi-classing as we knew it before. Are we limited to taking only one arch-type from another class? (guessing so). If not, it might be interesting to try a ranger that could dabble in both arcane and druid (primal) spells. Otherwise, I haven't decided if a ranger that could cast arcane or one that could cast primal spells would be best. For that matter, may as well include cleric as a possible arch-type... ![]()
![]() After many years, creating my first PF bard, and am going to create an Archivist for PFS. Did not notice this at first, but after toying with different types of builds, it dawned upon me that a Archivist, having traded out the Versatile Performance ability, really has no need to have a high perform skill. There is not a DC for any of the Bardic Performances, simply the ability to be heard if the performance is based on audio, or seen if it is a visual performance. Since a bard, especially an archivist is skill point starved with all the different skills they need to be proficient with, it seems a bit ironic that the skill that can be skimped on, is the one iconic skill that is associated with bards. Am I wrong in my observation? I may still max out one bard performance (one that requires an instrument, so I can get the +2 Masterwork bonus) for earning some extra money. But it seems foolish to waste more than 1 point in singing, and 1 point in dance, to be able to fulfill the requirements of Bardic Performance. And I am not even 100% sure that a single point is required to accomplish that. ![]()
![]() The Spirit Ranger bonds with the spirits of nature themselves; ..."In addition, he can call upon these spirits to cast any one Ranger spell that he is capable of casting, without having to prepare the spell." So...is the Ranger casting the spell, and if so, is it the standard casting time, or is it perhaps a move or swift action? OR Do the spirits cast the required spell(s) independent of the ranger, allowing the ranger his/her full round of actions? ![]()
![]() According to the spell description; Quote: "The sphere cannot be physically moved either by people outside it or by the struggles of those within." Does this mean, that if the spell is cast upon a creature that is flying, the sphere will appear in the air, and remain motionless until the spell is ended? Other examples would be a falling creature, a creature in water (would the sphere rise to the surface, sink or remain in place?), or a creature on a steep slope (even though the it is a sphere, it would not roll down the hill?) If it were to be ruled that a Resilient Sphere could fall, what weight would it be? ![]()
![]() Lord Mhoram wrote:
While I tend to agree with you, the RAI leaves a lot of ambiguity. And while it is very possible that I will never have a 10th tier Mythic character, it would be nice to know exactly how that is supposed to be resolved. ![]()
![]() Tomos wrote: ...Get the Lich to scramble to handle what you throw at it. Perhaps the very best of strategy of all. Not sure when or where the encounter will be; but if we can figure out a way to kill enough of its minions and disrupt its plans, perhaps we can get it to come after us, and we can choose a more advantageous battle ground than his HQ. Also, our DM is not a total sociopath/masochist... the missions we are on now are designed to do things that will weaken the BBEG in the long run, as well as strengthen our party. This campaign has been active for about 18 months now, usually meeting once a week. I would not be shocked if it continues another 18 months. I just like to plan ahead, and I am still try to learn all the possibilities in PF. Old D&D/AD&D had far less variables to worry about. ![]()
![]() Treantmonk wrote:
I agree it is insane. And maybe Horrid Wilting is not the #1 concern. I didn't mention in that encounter we witnessed, there was a Time Stop used as well. However, of what can be thrown at us, the HW is the one thing we haven't figured out a good defense for. I hate to think we just have to suck up so much damage, perhaps a couple times, and not have anything to lessen the damage. ![]()
![]() While I was preparing my last response, there were a couple of more good suggestions. I agree with Treantmonk, that we should be able to survive ONE HW, there is a good chance we will be hit with several in quick succession. And regarding Thelemic_Noun's point regarding losing Mythic Tiers and gaining Mythic Rank abilities, I will have to bring that up with the DM. It is possible he is giving this guy too much. However, this is no ordinary end of campaign Boss. For my DM's campaign, he is basically equivalent to Vecna, of the GH setting. So... good chance he may be getting some near demi-god abilities. Hopefully by the chance we encounter him, we will have gained some abilities and equipment that will compensate. But, regardless of this final BBEG, I was hoping to learn if there is a defense for the average run of the mill Horrid Wilting. Generally, there is a spell solution for almost every attack; this is one where that does not seem to be the case. ![]()
![]() It seems that there is no actual magical defense against, from what everyone is saying. Best defense seems either use concealment, or outright block the sight of the caster. Will be taking it for granted that the lich and its associates will have true seeing, so that will limit what will work. It would be next to impossible to get spell resistance high enough to count on that strategy. Perhaps using the sorcerer to counterspell, if we get high enough level for him to have 8th level spells. But, that will only work on one spell a round, and as wraithstrike suggested, with the lich's level, and mythic/epic/and metamagic abilities will be doing far above the normal spell damage. Winning initiative is never guaranteed, but holding spells and missile attacks to try to disrupt casting may be a fallback option. Very good chance a BBEG of such level, will have defenses prepared for that. While the different strategy/tactic tips are certainly helpful, apparently there is no actual defense/protection against that particular spell; unlike most other damage spells. Even a Wish does not seem like it would provide protection (except, using it as a counterspell). ![]()
![]() Currently party is 4 PC's with 4 NPC's (under party control). One fighter with a couple paladin levels is the main meat shield; one rogue double-dagger wielder, one bard that uses a bow; mine is wiz(diviner)/fighter/EK/ (and perhaps AA later) that uses spells for battlefield control and buffing, and bow for damage. NPC's include the cleric-healer; monk (grappler specialist); gladiator: twin-whip tripper; and a sorcerer blaster. ![]()
![]() Currently our party level is about 12th. We had a side adventure with some "expendable" PC's that attempted a commando-style raid deep into the heart of enemy territory, and our main characters had the ability to scry on their efforts. They got shut down hard when they came across the main BBEG and his most powerful allies. I believe the DC for the Horrid Wilting save was about 35-38. Basically, only a paladin had a chance to save. But, it gave us a chance to see some of what we were up against. There are several liches that are definitely mythic and epic levels. In the campaign, we hopefully will never encounter more than one at a time, but we cannot depend on it. Hopefully we will be close to 20th level before we encounter the very worst of the enemy, but that is no guarantee either. So, we may still have several levels or more before we have to defend against that spell. But, its good to plan ahead. ![]()
![]() In a home-brew campaign, where we will be eventually encountering mythic/epic level BBEG liches. We know that at least one of them uses Horrid Wilting (likely with meta-magic or mythic boosts), and the DC for the saves are ridiculous. It is possible that some of the party would survive one, but would be wiped out if we got hit by two. I am not aware of any of the usual protection spells that can help against Horrid Wilting. Anti-magic is the only spell I can think of off the top of my head that will stop it. But, that leaves the question, if a character is inside anti-magic, and needs to attack a creature that needs magic weapons to harm...is it possible to harm it, since the weapons are nullified while in anti-magic? ![]()
![]() Giving some love to the Ranger. The classic Ranger is a Switch Hitter (just look at Treantmonk's outstanding guide). So he will need both high Strength and Dexterity for weapon use, as well as Constitution for all the time he is in the front lines. The Ranger uses Wisdom for spell use, and for many of his skills. And while Charisma is unfortunately a dump stat for most Rangers, many of his class skills depend on it: Animal Empathy for dealing with animal types, as well as Intimidate and Bluff against his Favored Enemies. And finally Intelligence, a Ranger is expected to be knowledgeable in many skills, and having a high Intelligence would certainly be in character. ![]()
![]() chkflip wrote:
That is something to consider. I am guessing that there is still a good chance that the PC's will be sucked in along with the mob, and everything else in the area, but it is a sacrifice they would likely make, if it were to end the threat. It will still be expensive.... our DM HATES magical bags of holding, and anything related. We are permitted to have them, but they cost 10x the book cost. But it is within our budget, perhaps to do a couple times. But we still have to equip ourselves suitable enough to get to the center of the problem, to hopefully take out the root of the problem. Just setting off this trick on the outskirts, is not going to have the desired results. ![]()
![]() CWheezy wrote:
If you have not taken precautions I would agree. #1, make sure you have evasion, so that if you make your first save, no damage gets through at all. #2 The helm does give 30 points fire protection, so that it would take the type of magical fire that grants a save chance to get through. Thus, you would need to fail two saves in a row, probably each with a 1 for it to blow up. Not impossible, but improbable. You can further hedge the odds in your favor by adding a Protection from Fire spell which will combine with the Resist Fire protection the Helm provides. ![]()
![]() Priority #1: Must be Lawful. Preferably Lawful Good, because Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil will look for loopholes to cheat you, while a Lawful Good is more likely to follow the intent of the law, not just the letter. Priority #2: If the manager is going to be supervising others and/or dealing with customers, you want a high Charisma. Someone that is bad with people will run your business into the dirt, regardless of how competent they are in other matters. Priority #3: Any employee, and especially managers will strive harder if they have an investment in the business. Make sure there are incentives for success that is above average. Not just for the manager, but any other employee. ![]()
![]() fictionfan wrote:
Was going with a wand of Longstrider. Chance we will either get a Phantom Chariot, individual Phantom Steeds...or a magic carpet that the DM modified to go far faster than I feel comfortable getting on top of. ![]()
![]() Deadmanwalking wrote:
Looks like an awesome spell. Since it comes from a source outside our campaign world, good chance it may get vetoed; especially if it kills his favorite spell. Can't hurt trying to get it by him, I do have that book. ![]()
![]() fictionfan wrote: You said they are likely underground then cast earthquake a few times and collapse them. Will mention to the cleric that he gets a few scrolls of that. It's worth a shot. ![]()
![]() fictionfan wrote:
From past experience with this DM back when Disjunction had a different name, and was far more painful, I know he will probably be using it in this scenario. Was not aware there was an immunity to it. Could you elaborate? And to answer your other question: Yes, it will probably take some hours of game time. The edge of the anti-teleport dome is 10 miles from the center. Possible we would run into trouble before we reach the edge. I am not going to dismiss 10 minute/level buffs; but would probably try to get as many of them on wands or scrolls for later. Also, while I got my UMD high enough to use wands, not going to be doing opposing class scrolls. Got two other primary spellcasters, and I fill that role with our main characters in the campaign. So, while I will use some spell items, am going to welcome the chance beat on a few things for a change. ![]()
![]() lantzkev wrote: be an aasimar and get corruption resistance, or just keep it up from your spell lists =D I can get Corruption Resistance up to 15. Better than a kick in the head I guess. Was hoping for more. I don't suppose the Human Paladin favored class bonus of resistance (up to 10) can be used for alignment damage...and it probably wouldn't stack anyways. ![]()
![]() Aelryinth wrote:
I am pretty sure I read a ruling in a previous thread, that swords like the Sun Blade count for negating the DR/Good. Regardless, the DM has given his blessing on it, which is what counts. Got the +5 protection items you mentioned. Also, my attack bonus is in the mid 20's, without counting any temporary buffs the cleric or arcanist may add. Will have trouble if the AC gets into the 40's, but if it gets that bad, it is probably SMITING TIME! I have also given thought to what will happen to us if we fall. Have come up with a couple possible solutions. Arcane Mark on all the equipment, by a wizard that then cast Instant Summons on it when we fall. Problem is the damn anti-teleport shell. The Good aligned stuff cannot be used by evil, perhaps we need to modify more stuff to be like that. Also, considering having everyone in the party carry a few bottles of alchemical napalm that we can use to burn their body with when they fall. That leaves the last person unable to do that... I have also considered saving a few gems in the Helm of Brilliance to use as a suitcase nuke on myself if it looks like I am going down for the last time... ![]()
![]() fictionfan wrote: Have good use magic device. What is Storm & Swarm? Storm of Vengeance and Elemental Swarm. Possible there is anti-magic somewhere. Definitely anti-teleport/dimension door magic in the whole area. Also, going to be using Non Detection/Undetectable Alignment wands, to hopefully negate the damage taken from spells & items that do damage based on alignment. ![]()
![]() markofbane wrote:
I do like your idea, and am going to see how much mileage I can get out of this. I am still relatively new to Pathfinder, and so far haven't had any experience with creating intelligent items. But like you are saying, it appears that for a minimal amount, may get more bang for the buck, than I would with wands or potions. ![]()
![]() fictionfan wrote:
Very good chance our enemies will be using the Storm & Swarm spells on us...multiple times. Our arcane caster is not going to be any where near the level he can cast those spells, though he may get some on scrolls. The problem with the siege of trees (I had researched that earlier) is the limited mobility...basically they just move enough to dig up ammo and adjust their aim. And we have to travel a long ways fast. Perhaps possible to cast it near the keep we are eventually assaulting, but I am probably sure if we survive long enough, we are meant to go deep underground, which would be safe from siege craft. And aren't trees a bit susceptible to fire? Good chance any spell casters would not think twice about starting a few bonfires. ![]()
![]() Jacob Saltband wrote: Add Holy Burst to the Sun Blade. With the x3 crit mod against undead the holy burst would add 3d10 damage. I love Holy on weapons. I am guessing Holy Burst is from 3.5 and is a +3 ability? (I skipped playing that version of the game, long story). Just adding regular Holy to my sword would add 64,000 to the sword. Holy Burst would make that an extra 98,000. Not in the budget. However, I am not real worried at being able to deal out the damage. One handed, my minimum power attack against undead is 41 points a hit. Max two-handed is 77 a hit. If I crit, it is basically x3. And, my helm is constantly damaging undead within 20 feet, as well as adding fire damage to my sword. The Sun Blade is considered a Good weapon, so it bypasses the same DR that a Holy weapon does. ![]()
![]() Ivan Rûski wrote:
The ruler of this nation is actually of the alignment that he would pay off the enemy... if the enemy were interested. They are not. If my paladin were not dedicated to the people of the land, he would probably abandon the scumbag ruler. As I mentioned earlier, the characters going on this suicide mission are not our main characters in this campaign. They are expendable, and it is the DM's idea to do this, to let the players see how massive this threat is, and how it is going to threaten the entire continent, not just this little kingdom, down in the far corner. Basically its motivation to get us off our @$$es and stop partying and crafting in town. ![]()
![]() markofbane wrote: Have you considered making the blade intelligent? Perhaps with a purpose of slaying undead, and the ability to detect all undead within 60'? It is an extra pair of "eyes" to watch for trouble, and those eyes could have blind sense to detect invisible enemies. If you are worried about the ego of an intelligent sword getting too high, you could have multiple intelligent items with different specialties. Perhaps your ring of regeneration can cast Restoration at will, you helmet have great senses to be your extra eyes, and your sword cast spells to help you in combat. The other tank has designed an intelligent blade for himself (sorry, don't have all the particulars). While it is a good idea, I am not sure it would fit into the budget of what I already plan to spend. I will re-evaluate the cost of adding some Intelligence features to some of my more unique items though, and see if it fits the concept and budget. ![]()
![]() Imbicatus wrote: 880,000 GP will buy 35,200 flasks of holy water, Which is 4400 gallons of holy water. Do what God would do. Drown them in a holy flood. It takes 660,000 gallons to fill an Olympic size swimming pool. While 4400 gallons is a lot, even if we could somehow target it in exactly the right spot, it wouldn't be enough to solve the problem. And, we have to worry about the delivery method. How are we supposed to travel cross country that is overrun by a hostile army in land and air, with the only item we bought is holy water? ![]()
![]() Aelryinth wrote:
Each of us will have a customized item that has Death Ward on it. Because of the Oath against Undead, my pally will have Ghost Touch Armor and Shield. While I am debating about Ghost Touch on the sword, you have to remember that a Sun Blade does double damage against undead AND Crits are triple damage. My DM said they will stack...so with a minimum 2d10 + 38 + 1d6 (one handed) or 2d10 + 51 +1d6 (two handed)per hit, not counting crits, I may be able to get by without the ghost touch. I agree with the wand of lesser restore, that was on my list that I did not mention, along with some other cheap wands. Raise Dead is not an option in this campaign...DM is hardcore that way...unless we have access to 9th level priest spells, and even that is with penalties that are not in normal PF. If they had an Extra Smite feat, I would take it, but I am going to have to ration out the ones I have. Also, am going to avoid using LoH for either channeling or offensive attacks, unless an absolute emergency. They are far more useful as swift action heal self. ![]()
![]() markofbane wrote:
The main threat is undead. Lots of undead. HORDES of undead. Undead swarms. Undead of all levels and types. Leading them will be some necromancers...some of them may be alive. And there is at least one coven of witches known to be cooperating with them. Main weapon is Sun Blade (bastard sword) that I will alternately wield two-handed (while shield animates) and sword and board (while shield recharges). Have a +1 composite bow with undead bane on it. Helm of Brilliance will also add the flaming quality to that. Good chance we will be attacked by flying foes. Have also considered getting a lance and a stone horse...or use the lance from the magic carpet that may be used to transport us there. ![]()
![]() lantzkev wrote:
Well, the Helm of B DOES do constant damage to undead in a 20' radius, and it constantly gives any weapon I wield the flaming quality. On top of that, it gives Fire Resistance 30. Saving the prismatic rays for witches that stay out of melee reach. The fireballs and walls of fire will be situational...like if we are getting overrun. And being human, will have plenty of Daylight. I really do not consider it one shot. As long as I keep at least one gem unused, I continuously have the affects of the first 3 properties I listed. The +1 luck bonus to AC from the jingasa is nice, but not extremely necessary, the other property of that hat is definitely one shot. Not sure if the ring of regen can keep up with the potential damage we are going to have. Perhaps we will have long stretches where we are not being swarmed, but as I pointed out, I can get much more healing faster, with wands (and potions) for much less money. Not sure which item Hand of the Lich is...did it get renamed in Ultimate Equipment? And I may still get the spell absorbing Ioun stone. Only thing I don't like about that, is it says you need a readied action to use it. Wouldn't that mean to use it, you would have to forego any attacks, in hope you are targeted with a spell? ![]()
![]() lantzkev wrote:
While I do desire the Ring of Regen (90,000 gp), I think it would screw up my budget. However, I can get 4 wands of Cure Light Wounds for a total of 3000 gp, and do 1d8+1 hp of healing each round, when not in combat. During combat, have 14 Lay on Hands @ 5d6 healing (swift action). I am pretty sure, we will not be given any opportunity to rest/sleep. Thought about the Endurance feat for that reason, but going to have to hope the Remove Fatigue Mercy is enough. ![]()
![]() Rynjin wrote: Does he allow custom magic items? Something that has a continuous Death Ward effect would be something I'd snap up (though it'd be hella expensive. Good thing you have a heck of a lot of wealth!). Actually, one of our players designed a Death Ward item, and got it approved at 56,000 gp. I think it is underpriced, but I am not arguing with the DM on this one. That is why I am not that worried about level drains. Of course...there is also Mord's (mage's) Disjunction. We are probably going to be encountering 20th+ level casters (told you this was a suicide mission), so that is likely something the DM would do, once we all have our brand new toys. ![]()
![]() Usagi Yojimbo wrote:
I don't mean to brag, but my DM claims he has played with Gary G. Gygaxx back in the 70's. And he has been DMing for well over 35 years himself. So yeah...OLD School. Agree with the Pearls of Power, though they get pretty expensive after 2nd level. I will have to inquire about the Fey Foundling... We are in the DM's version of Greyhawk (of course), not Golarion. ![]()
![]() Timebomb wrote:
I found it, thanks. Will talk to the other players to see if they think this will work. I am pretty sure that we are going to need to go deep underground...and if I have to leave the suit behind to fit...that may be a deal killer. Any idea what level and class it takes to construct it? The kingdom has recently had some of its highest level wizard types assassinated... ![]()
![]() Usagi Yojimbo wrote:
I originally had the ring of Inner Fortitude, but we are going to be covered with plenty of Death Ward spells. Also, the Undead Oath gives bonuses to that special attack as well, and against incorporeal attacks. See Invisible allows you to see ethereal, which should negate the miss chance against incorporeals...if not, we will probably just sludge through them at 1/2 damage, unless they are BBEG types that deserve a smite. I also Really need that ring of evasion, because my Helm of Brilliance has a chance to blow up if I take fire damage. With pally saves, and evasion, I should be safe. My deathless armor property gives some of the bonuses the spiritualist ring gives for protection against pos/neg energy. ![]()
![]() Timebomb wrote:
I am afraid that is from a source our DM is not permitting. I am not super worried about AC, more about magic. My pally is going to have a minimum 44 AC vs undead. The other tank said he may be above 50. ![]()
![]() Reynard & lantzkev. I did mention I have a Helm of Brilliance...that will help the Arcanist with some blast spells; but unfortunately it probably keeps me from getting the very nice Jingasa....though I suppose I could spend 1.5x more to add it to the Helm of B...