Awkward but Sexy Kingmaker + Magitek Interest Check?


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Doldan Rexstar wrote:
GM Gluttony wrote:

As far as Craft, that should obviously be on the list; doesn't every PF class get Craft as a class skill?
I think the reason why we don't receive craft is because we can craft anything out of raw magic if we have the principles. Even if you are specialist, you can craft from other specializations. You just can not take doctorate in other specializations.


Except that the rules for magically creating items specifically refer to the need for Craft checks in the appropriate category for whatever you are making.

Fabricate wrote:
You must make an appropriate Craft check to fabricate articles requiring a high degree of craftsmanship.


Yes, it's the Fabricate spell rather than the class ability of the Gramarist, but the precedent is still there. If Gluttony decides to rule otherwise that is one thing, but otherwise I would expect to follow the precedent.

I noticed there is no starting Gold, personally I think we should start with either starting Wizard or even starting Fighter for 1st level creation inventions.

Personally, I don't think crafting skills should come into play and this is why. I can come up with great things in my mind but I am a horrible artist, craftsman, and etc. Basically, I can bark but not bite. Now if I could form what I come up with in my mind using raw magical or mental abilities, it would be a whole different story.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Doldan Rexstar wrote:
Personally, I don't think crafting skills should come into play and this is why. I can come up with great things in my mind but I am a horrible artist, craftsman, and etc. Basically, I can bark but not bite. Now if I could form what I come up with in my mind using raw magical or mental abilities, it would be a whole different story.


If the Gramarist manipulated magical energies via innate sorcerous power (I.E. Spontaneous Caster like a Sorcerer or Oracle), that argument might be valid; but the Gramarist manipulates magical energies via knowledge, training & discipline, like a Wizard.

Also, effectively translating one's creative thoughts & imaginings into concrete reality requires repeated practice & experience, all of recorded human history shows us this.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:

If the Gramarist manipulated magical energies via innate sorcerous power (I.E. Spontaneous Caster like a Sorcerer or Oracle), that argument might be valid; but the Gramarist manipulates magical energies via knowledge, training & discipline, like a Wizard.

Also, effectively translating one's creative thoughts & imaginings into concrete reality requires repeated practice & experience, all of recorded human history shows us this.

Technically speaking, it is a combination of both because our only limit is materials unless Ebb Puissance has a limitation. I have not seen the rules regarding ebb.

Not necessarily true, some people are better at art than others or we would have more Van Goughs, Da Vincis, Kinkaids, and etc than we do now.

dot for interest, reading the stuff this afternoon

Dot to keep tabs on a very interesting premise. Mostly just to read everyone elses adventures :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Doldan Rexstar wrote:
Not necessarily true, some people are better at art than others or we would have more Van Goughs, Da Vincis, Kinkaids, and etc than we do now.


Even Van Gough, Da Vinci, Kinkaid, et al... spent a lot of years training to reach the levels they are best known for.
My point remains, it requires both talent & training to achieve an effective transfer from the imagined to the concrete.

Dot for interest, waiting for details of guidelines to see what tags along in a Kaleidomantics or Arcanodynamics gramarist.

Going going, long gone?!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Doldan Rexstar wrote:
Going going, long gone?!

Gluttony did say he would be gone for a while.

I am still here, and have been back for a while now.

At the moment I'm hesitant to push this any further, as I have way too much going on right now to fully commit to DMing another campaign.

I hate to disappoint anyone, and someday I might try to bring this back, but for now I simply don't have the time to carry on with it.

That being said, if anyone out there feels like stealing my idea, please do, because I would love to see a magitek campaign even if I am not the one to orchestrate it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ah. Thanks for the Heads-up.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Ah. Thanks for the Heads-up.

Yes, yes, thanks for the heads up.

I am very interested. I would seem to me that it would make more sense to start with the second book.

Dark Archive

I'm still interested as well. If we were to start in the second book I think that a healthy ammount of narrative from the collective is necessary to show how we got where we are. I'd rather start a few weeks later and have a better idea how we wound up in charge of all of these folks.

It's been long enough that I have to go reread that whole thread again...


Edit: Wait, is anyone actually interested in running this or are we still being hopeful?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Well, Gluttony has flat-out stated that 'he' has too much on 'his' plate to try starting up another Campaign, particularly one as intensive as this would be. I don't recall anyone else piping up with an offer to run it, no.

Lantern Lodge

Doldan Rexstar wrote:
Personally, I don't think crafting skills should come into play and this is why. I can come up with great things in my mind but I am a horrible artist, craftsman, and etc. Basically, I can bark but not bite. Now if I could form what I come up with in my mind using raw magical or mental abilities, it would be a whole different story.

Making a craft check isn't just about the physical act of creating, it's also the knowledge and experience to realize that doing "this" looks good, but will fail if put to the test, while doing "this" will stand strong.

You don't know what knowledge you lack. Someone untrained could certainly make something that looks right but breaks because they didn't know something important yet unseen.

There is also the matter of internal structure. A trained craftsman knows what it should be, while the untrained has no clue.

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